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Everything posted by MysteriousBtrain

  1. Speaking of the 99s had the time to do all 3 routes this morning. Was actually pretty nice to ride them as I caught mostly empty buses. Funny thing about the Bx99. IDK if WF was really terrible with bunching on the Bx99 but I was able to catch the last two Bx99s of the day after 6AM. Matter fact, the buses were so late the last Bx99 to West village got to it's last stop just before 7AM this morning.
  2. I noticed you like to start flame wars. Can you cut this sh!t out and get back on topic please?
  3. Cam you guys not worry about how depots take care of their buses? All buses can break down, get into an accident, catch on fire, etc. Always has to be the "newer members" that bring up how certain buses or depots are better than others and it's really annoying. Yes 808 got into an accident a month ago and if you bothered to look around the thread you would see the proof you need.
  4. From what I can tell the crew switches on the Manhattan bound platform at Parkchester.
  5. Funny thing is the fact it went from artics to standards back to artics within a month. "RANDOM THOUGHT"
  6. Speaking of numbers again, current order numbers and the option diesel order is looking like this: *9510-9619 *9620-9784 *7851-7989 *8755-8963 The 210 option order of hybrids have 9785-9994 available. Most likely the options will be 9785-9910 (LFS HEV) and 9911-9994 (XDE40) but this part is unconfirmed.
  7. I already made something that could resemble an OWL and shared it but I'll post it again since I made some updates: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Ack68Fhk0kuq5Tg_wJ_tnDuMQmWO4O94&usp=sharing
  8. Funny thing is on a draft I made on a possible Brooklyn bus redesign is I have the B49 absorbing the B44 lcl north of Flatbush (no service on Bedford and NY avs). I also have a proposal for the B36 absorbing the B44 lcl south of Flatbush but that's a different discussion for the proposal thread. To stay on topic with the thread, what ever happened to the B1 "via 86 St" signage?
  9. Pretty sure that in itself is something the MTA will not do if it means more money saved.
  10. Thing is even when the fare was free on the SIM1C most people still payed the $6.75 fare. So it doesn't really matter to them.
  11. If anyone is curious, proposed numbers for the LFS-HEV is 9620-9784.
  12. My guy. It's just buses. It's not that serious. The original plan was for LFS to be in the Bronx Staten Island and QV/JA, with Xcelsiors to be in Manhattan Brooklyn and the remainder of Queens for maintenance purposes. Right now JA MQ and TU/100 (WF too if you want to count the XD40/XN60/LFSA) has a mixed fleet and it's staying like that. FB is going to stay mixed until further notice (partially) because of all the swap nonsense during the shutdown. Not to even mention our 10 standard electric buses are supposed to be leaving in 2021 but it's possible they can stay longer especially with possible testing time lost due to covid. Again, it's not that serious. Plans are always changing. You don't need to rant.
  13. You never seen the more duplicating Bx1/2 then. Nearly packed for most of the corridor.
  14. Very briefly in 2011: Orion V Orion NG Orion 3G Nova LFS New Flyer XD40 6 if you count the D4500's
  15. This post you just made is exactly why I feel you lie or just look for something to post. If you even touched Canarsie on the . Even if you never used a bus in your life. If you at least studied only the subway history and rode bus routes that replaced the subway. You would not be saying this.
  16. They play the English and Spanish versions back to back repeatedly. At least 2 times each version within 10 minutes.
  17. Seeing that the MTA still plans to keep the first 3 rows closed off after August 31st I see no need to even have curtains on express buses. If the rows were gonna open it would make sense but like I said if you can social distance you done need to have lipstick on a pig especially when you been without curtains all these months.
  18. I hope the TWU has something to say about this because I'm 99% sure the NovaBus solution could be implemented on the local fleet at the very least. As far as the express I personally feel things are fine the way they are. Just adjust the schedule accordingly to maintain social distancing protocols or find a better way to close off the driver other than (clear) shower curtains. I say clear as in I'm pretty sure something like a black curtain would not cause as much of a glare
  19. Most if not all SBS buses in Manhattan are able to use OMNY onboard now
  20. Speaking of, since it's obvious the implementation of the Bronx bus changes are delayed what would be a good estimate for the redesign changes to be in effect?
  21. Idk if anyone noticed the newly updated Brooklyn overnight map but it lists the Bx99 on the map even though it stops nowhere in Brooklyn. They must really want to push the new 99 overnight routes on us.
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