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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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Well, come to think about it, he does kind of go overboard with the details, though. We'll be talking about a topic, and he'll be talking about some expensive restaurant or some other affluence-related thing he does that's only remotely related to the topic.


I agree with that. Though, I honestly think that both of you go overboard with arguing the details of the other one's point.
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Random thought: I went to the grocery store and picked up some pepperoni. I open up the bag, and they sliced it in an oval shape instead of a circle shape. How the hell did they get it in that shape anyway??? :wacko:


But for $3.99 a pound (when it's normally like $5.99 or $6.99), I guess I won't complain. Probably the reason it was on sale was because they got really big chunks of it, so when they pressed it against the slicer, it came out oval-shaped.

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I got off my bus yesterday coming home from RF and the most unpopular girl in my school (who I have my own reasons for hating, and she damn well knows them) comes whizzing by on the "Weirdsicle" (a scooter with bike wheels <_< ) and shouts out "hey, [my last name here]!"

Me: :mellow: .

I hate when stuff like this happens. <_< She knows everyone in our grade hates her, and she calls me by my last name... (the first day of 6th grade she went "Hey [my last name], F*ck You!")

Again, :mellow: .

Edited by VWM
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I got off my bus yesterday coming home from RF and the most unpopular girl in my school (who I have my own reasons for hating, and she damn well knows them) comes whizzing by on the "Weirdsicle" (a scooter with bike wheels <_< ) and shouts out "hey, [my last name here]!"

Me: :mellow: .

I hate when stuff like this happens. <_< She knows everyone in our grade hates her, and she calls me by my last name... (the first day of 6th grade she went "Hey [my last name], F*ck You!")

Again, :mellow: .



Me in these situations:


Girl: Hey, {last name}!

Me: <_< dafuq?


Girl: Hey, {last name}, f**k you!

Me: Love you too, b****


I'm not just taking that...

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Call me by my first name, or Mr. _________ (my last name in the blank).....


Don't call me just by my last name, w/o the mister title before it..... I always saw that as a sign of disrespect.... Higher ups in the military & coaches in locker rooms do that demeaning shit.....



Good job on checking that chick, Threxx.

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Call me by my first name, or Mr. _________ (my last name in the blank).....


Don't call me just by my last name, w/o the mister title before it..... I always saw that as a sign of disrespect.... Higher ups in the military & coaches in locker rooms do that demeaning shit.....


Good job on checking that chick, Threxx.


Thankfully, there was only one kid who did that sh*t, and one day, I just lost it with him. There was a meeting, and I said I was going to be late, and it didn't matter because it was just a formality, and he said ______ (my last name), you have to start taking this more seriously. As VG8 would say, "He got an earful from me" and thankfully, he just calls me by my first name.


There was a time when a kid who was new to the group called me that, and because the first kid had said it so much, he actually thought my last name was my first name. It was an honest mistake in his case, so I just explained that to him and we were cool after that.


The worst part was that he didn't even pronounce my last name correctly. :angry: That's even more disrespectful than simply calling me by my last name.

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Thankfully, there was only one kid who did that sh*t, and one day, I just lost it with him. There was a meeting, and I said I was going to be late, and it didn't matter because it was just a formality, and he said ______ (my last name), you have to start taking this more seriously. As VG8 would say, "He got an earful from me" and thankfully, he just calls me by my first name.


There was a time when a kid who was new to the group called me that, and because the first kid had said it so much, he actually thought my last name was my first name. It was an honest mistake in his case, so I just explained that to him and we were cool after that.


The worst part was that he didn't even pronounce my last name correctly. :angry: That's even more disrespectful than simply calling me by my last name.


Yeh, that's part of the reason also... my last name is commonly mispronounced....

Whether correctly said or not, don't do that with me.....


Seriously, I'd rather someone blurt out an "ay yo...." (or something to that effect), than to call me just by my last name.....

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lol... The one thing I do not tolerate is any variation of my name either. I get some clients e-mailing talking about "Hi Victor" and I immediately correct them and let them know that I don't go by anything but Vittorio, though some clients do address me by my last name which is also fine, so long as there is a "Mr." in front of it. It's actually pretty funny to get an e-mail like that. One client address me as "Dear Mr. XXXX:"


I chuckle everytime, but she's old school. And my colleagues... We don't tolerate that here either... There was one chick (who was fired) that used to try to shorten all of our names and I found myself getting quite irritated. I told her straight out that "V." was not acceptable. My boss was also shocked when she tried to shorten her husband's name from Richard talking about "Hi Rich". She (my boss) replied in a funny tone, but I could tell she did not take kindly to it, especially seeing that he is constantly correcting people on how his last name is pronounced, which is French.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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Too many females out here now are claming bi' or lesbian..... For those that truly are, good for them.... But like for like 80% of women, yeh, I call BS...... Lot of these be heterosexual flat out men-hating women that have been emotionally and/or physically hurt in past relationships themselves, have had friends hurt in their relationships, or even more disturbing - simply jumping on the feminazi bandwagon because it's the "in" thing to do for women in the 21st century - To further stick it to the 21st century man...... That's exactly what that laughing you describe, represents....


I personally won't do it, but I do not blame men w/ means (by that, I mean men that are the exact opposite of these males out here roaming about, that really have nothin to lose) that are out here leaving the US, or ordering mail-order brides, or becoming MGTOW's b/c they're fed up w/ the westernized slut bucket jezebel culture that plagues us.... Doesn't make matters any better that our laws favor women, but that's another topic.... funny thing is, women blame men as to why women act the way they do.... hah, yeah right..... Roadcruiser can miss me with that *women are sweet little fragile innocent beings* tip..... lol....


I now see it as a rarity to see or hear a female actually claim hetero....

Remember the term "strictly d*ckly"..... That's all you used to hear out of females in the 80's & 90's...... Forget about that now.... Times have changed, for the worst.....


See, simply claiming lesbianism was an old man-deterrent tactic that worked back in the early part of the 90's - Now that that tactic no longer works b/c the dehydration (thirst) of cats out here is at an all time high.... women have to band together to protect themselves from the big bad sex starved male..... Claiming lesbianism no longer works... now these females gotta go out here & actually engage in lesbian activity - such as kissin their girlfriends on the lips, smackin each other on their behinds with their skirts pulled up, and god knows what else these females are doing in these clubs nowadays...... Jokes on them, because there are still men out here that's turned on by that.....


The part that cracks me up every... single.... time.... is when gravity catches up to these women & wanna opt out of the club scene, THEN these women wanna cry "Where all the good men at".... Then they wanna be dedicated wives..... Then they want some poor bastard to take care of whatever children that resulted from their many sexual escapades....


fam, the online dating sites are FULL of women like this..... You've got to be pretty got damn stupid if you are a man of means that's out here looking for love (not a one-night stand, but love) at a nightclub, or any online dating site....


I agree 100% bro. I've seen a lot of those females you described being full blown feminazi. Like you said, They think it's in to do that to men. I also hate these type of female too. They make me sick...


I've seen women out here who do what you said and actually start doing all of that. Spanking their friend's ass or grabbing their friend's boobs just to "prove" they are lesbian. You right about guys still getting turned on by that....


Women who say "where the good men at" Usually are them type of chicks who had good men but they drove them away because of these chicks be to feminist.... Any guy who goes to a dating website knows they just want to "Hit it and quit it" If they really think they are going to find love, They are sadly mistaken....


I really don't blame guys who look for chicks in other countries... Hell I knew a european chick and she was much different form chicks here....

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When it comes to females, I HATE feminists with a passion. They make it seem like all guys are jerks because one broke their heart, and they reject all the nice ones or put them in the "friend zone" (which I have been put in a lot of times). But there ARE bad guys out there, these type of guys don't have ANY respect for women and are just looking for a hookup instead of love, many girls blindly fall for these type of guys. The term "there are always some for ruin it for the rest" fits perfectly in this case.. Its exactly the same for teenagers, as we are going through puberty and severe mood/hormone changes. Everyone seems to focus on looks and not personalty (many guys/girls that are average or not-so-good looking that have amazing personalities have been rejected while good looking girls/guys have been accepted but have crap personality) then there is rejection, and many aren't even ready to date as they are very immature, which is why I don't agree w/most teen dating scenarios.... The whole topic of dating and relationships is very hard and complicated in general, no matter what age you are....

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The problem is today's popularity circles in the middle/high schools accepts this "date you for hookup" attitiude. And the girls don't see the nice people that don't do that outside the ultra-popular fortress of superiority and sport freaks. <_<

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lol... The one thing I do not tolerate is any variation of my name either.



My little brother gets it even worse. There have been people who called him Little (my name), and that kid even went as far to call him Little (our last name). He's a little quieter than me, so he didn't say anything, and like I said, I tolerated that sh*t for a while before I just had it.


Now that I think about it, it sounds like a name for a rapper ("Lil' ). LOL. But I still doubt he appreciated being known as a little version of me. (The ironic part is that he's my younger brother, but he's taller than me now. :o )


But with being called by nicknames, well, everybody in the family calls him by a nickname, but it's a commonly used one. I don't think there's any nickname out there for me (Well, there's the Spanish version that some people like to call me, but I don't like it unless they pronounce it properly. Hint: The second syllable isn't "ay" :angry: )


It all comes down to respecting what the person wants. If the person likes their nickname, fine, but if not, don't call them by it.

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The problem is today's popularity circles in the middle/high schools accepts this "date you for hookup" attitiude. And the girls don't see the nice people that don't do that outside the ultra-popular fortress of superiority and sport freaks. <_<



Its a peer pressure type of thing, ppl feel pressured into dating, as it is seen as "cool".. or they do because everybody else does it. Ppl also become jealous of others in relationships so they want one themselves, or they get in one just to say that they are in one nd brag about it & post pics of it on facebook :rolleyes:. Some ppl date simply not to be made fun of. Boys in my school get joked around on if they haven't dated anyone, which is sad... Personally, I am well-known in school & friends w/everybody and somewhat as the joker/anyone's best friend (there is NO such thing as popular in my school) and it isn't because of having many relationships (which I tell only my closest friends about, as it is no one else's business) or playing sports (I don't play ANY sports, im like the only guy who doesn't), its because of my personality, ppl who see someone that has dated a lot of ppl as "popular" are very superficial.... But point is, its things like these that cause failed relationships b/c relationships are being formed for the WRONG reasons....

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your school seems amazing.



Lmao, its not amazing. ppl joke w/each other for fun, but they can be hurtful. There is occasionally drama. but its between girls lol. The guys are into sneakers (-___-), sports (typical), hiphop music (like me) and clothes (like me again). They joke around, but on dress down days (I go to catholic school, so there is uniforms) if you are wearing something fake or a brand that they think is cheap (USPA, Aeropostale, New Balance, Old Navy, etc.) they will tease you. If you are seen as unique, then you will stand out & make friends w/everybody... I am one of those ppl as I do share interests w/everyone (clothes, music, etc.), but I have interests that no one else has (my transit obsession) and I'm nice and funny. Funny ppl go far in my school :D Other than that, its a typical catholic high school, I like it lol....

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The social aspect of school is a crock of bullshit. Half of my senior class never saw me in the classroom but knew my name, but would never offer me a ride home or anything while they passed me in their cars. I was in the school lounge every day and got nominated for it yet never won anything. I'm glad there were no real cliques and the suburban "gang" thing never escalated beyond a stupid fistfight. All of the "popular" guys were cool with me but were douchebags otherwise.

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Lmao, its not amazing. ppl joke w/each other for fun, but they can be hurtful. There is occasionally drama. but its between girls lol. The guys are into sneakers (-___-), sports (typical), hiphop music (like me) and clothes (like me again). They joke around, but on dress down days (I go to catholic school, so there is uniforms) if you are wearing something fake or a brand that they think is cheap (USPA, Aeropostale, New Balance, Old Navy, etc.) they will tease you. If you are seen as unique, then you will stand out & make friends w/everybody... I am one of those ppl as I do share interests w/everyone (clothes, music, etc.), but I have interests that no one else has (my transit obsession) and I'm nice and funny. Funny ppl go far in my school :D Other than that, its a typical catholic high school, I like it lol....



What brands do you guys wear?


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What brands do you guys wear?



American Eagle (mostly shorts, jeans and polos; my third fav store), Hollister (I only own a few shirts from there), H&M, Stussy (my 2nd fav store) , Billionaire Boys Club, Urban Outfitters (my favorite store) , Nike, Jordan, Burberry & Gucci (certain ppl wear that), Bape, Nautica, Obey, Armani Exchange, Express, Zumiez and Polo.


For glasses, Ray-bans (I have a pair), Pradas and Armani Exchange

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American Eagle (mostly shorts, jeans and polos; my third fav store), Hollister (I only own a few shirts from there), H&M, Stussy (my 2nd fav store) , Billionaire Boys Club, Urban Outfitters (my favorite store) , Nike, Jordan, Burberry (certain ppl wear that), Bape, Nautica, Zumiez and Polo.



Oh ok pretty much the same at my campus (Franklin K Lane)...



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I think that is just what most of us teens wear today in general lol whether we go to public school (like you) or catholic school (like me ; i go to St. John's Prep)



You're correct...


Thou venture to South Brooklyn and all the teens know over there is Hollister...


One thing I can't stand are peeps who think they have "swag" by wearing a plain shirt that says "Hollister" or "American Eagle". Looking like a walking billboard...


lol just really irks the sh*t out of me...

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You're correct...


Thou venture to South Brooklyn and all the teens know over there is Hollister...


One thing I can't stand are peeps who think they have "swag" by wearing a plain shirt that says "Hollister" or "American Eagle". Looking like a walking billboard...


lol just really irks the sh*t out of me...



The kids here in Springfield Gardens are the same, all I see is "Hollister", its irritating, like they don't shop anywhere else? Lmao

I wear Hollister on bummy days but the shirts don't say "Hollister" all over it, it just has the seagull lol, but american eagle is better, not all of its shirts have the name all over it.. And those ppl who wear Hollister odee thinking that they have "swag" are just trying to fit in and look cool, which I don't like, but we can't blame them, everybody wants to fit in *shrug*... Let them look stupid, I guess lol....

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