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Incident at 46th Street Station (IRT Flushing Line)


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I went and took 7 train today and there was an incident between a person and the station agent. This white man started a fight with the station agent and fought because the station agent did not let the white man in but he let in his kid and black wife in. Then the white man starts threatening him and calling him a ******* b---h and that he was a ***** working for white people and the black lady says the something and that he was a ******* slave and to act like a proper *****. The white guy banged on the glass of the booth and he said that he would do the mother ******* station agent since he lives a couple blocks and sees him every day and that he should be allowed to enter through the gate rather than the turnstile because it was his wife and kids and that the station is a ***** working for white people and he calls the cops, he then goes through the gate and flees the scene and the cops come and ask is everything alright. His wife is black and his kid is half black, so what you think he would he say to his wife and kid.

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Just another day dealing with the animals of the city.

;), I agree.

I have a message to those passengers who decide to vent their frustrations at station booth clerks and other transit personnel:


Treat them with respect! They work hard everyday!


Thank you.

Some people only give a **** about themselves, because they are the kings of the world.

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