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Cops busting fewer people for fare-beating, NYPD statistics show


What can be done to cut down on turnstyle-jumpers?  

  1. 1. What can be done to cut down on turnstyle-jumpers?

    • More personnel in stations.
    • Harsher penalties.
    • Nothing. It's a problem that just won't go away.

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Fare-beating is rampant in the subways, but police enforcement has been declining, NYPD statistics reveal.


Police ticketed or arrested about 87,000 riders who jumped turnstiles or entered through emergency exits last year, the lowest number cited in five years, the data show.


The Daily News on Tuesday reported that a new NYC Transit analysis estimates 19 million riders are beating the fare annually - much higher than previous estimates of about 5 million.


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said that transit officials "continue to work with the NYPD on cost-effective strategies such as targeting high-incidence locations and placing cameras in key areas."


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/03/17/2010-03-17_enforcements_down_as_farebeating_grows.html#ixzz0iXG2FQlu



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Make those mopes pay more if they choose to jump the turnstile. Double the fine to $225, that's 100 times the fare. And currently, kids who aren't 16 get away with it, lower the age to 13.

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Make those mopes pay more if they choose to jump the turnstile. Double the fine to $225, that's 100 times the fare.


A lot of these degenerates are on food stamps (save your gasps of surprise for later); all they have to do is show their EBT card at the hearing and it gets dismissed.

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$225 fine for fare beating if you're over 18. Mandatory 2 year "probation" period afterwards where if you do it again, you are arrested and fined $500.


$125 fine for fare beating if you're under 18. Mandatory 2 year "probation" period afterwards where if you do it again, it goes on your permanent record and the fine is doubled to $250. A third offense results in a $500 fine, and each time the fine just doubles. Let's see how bad mommy and daddy whoop that ass at home if they keep paying fines for junior, hell no arrests necessary...


Give the law some balls again.

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Having one officer at every station will do nothing to stop this if they keep those damn emergency exit gates. Unless we have had some scientific breakthroughs recently, people can on be in one place at a time. My station, 15th Street Prospect Park, has 4 of these gates. Only 1 is positioned so that an officer can watch the turnstiles and the gate. I see it every day, the kids from Bishop Ford will walk an extra block just to use the gates that are never covered.

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Put cameras at the Emergency Exits or install HEETs that people can only exit from.


Cameras aint gonna do anything unless its monitored by a cop. If its just recording a fare beater ill cover up his or her face and just ride free. Ive seen it before..

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Cameras aint gonna do anything unless its monitored by a cop.


Not even! A camera period won't stop a lot of these people; hell i've seen them walk in the EE even though there was a cop nearby.


I've also heard many stories about undercovers busting turnstile jumpers, but those are stories for another day. :(

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Wait, then what about the ones who swipe their card? Are they gonna suffer an electric shock?


Maybe it ill cut off when u swipe, then after 3 sec it ill set back on :(!


But i dont like the idea cuz then people ill sue the t/a for causing health issues..

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A lot of these degenerates are on food stamps (save your gasps of surprise for later); all they have to do is show their EBT card at the hearing and it gets dismissed.


Wow...that's a shocker.

Still, they need to pay the price someway, somehow. If they don't have the money to ride the system, then how in the hell do they think that they'll have the money to pay a fine?


Having one officer at every station will do nothing to stop this if they keep those damn emergency exit gates. Unless we have had some scientific breakthroughs recently, people can on be in one place at a time. My station, 15th Street Prospect Park, has 4 of these gates. Only 1 is positioned so that an officer can watch the turnstiles and the gate. I see it every day, the kids from Bishop Ford will walk an extra block just to use the gates that are never covered.


I was at 15th Street the other day myself...kinda difficult to man with so many gates as you said.

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If they don't have the money to ride the system, then how in the hell do they think that they'll have the money to pay a fine?


I don't have any answers to that, but I do have similar question: how do people in the projects afford "Beamer, Benz, Bentley?"

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Maybe it ill cut off when u swipe, then after 3 sec it ill set back on :(!


But i dont like the idea cuz then people ill sue the t/a for causing health issues..


The station agent is the one who turns the deadly electricity on.


All victims will be put on a CNG bus for 24 hours before being cremated:p

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