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Chinese build a 15 story building in less than a week


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Exactly. China sucks and we should not be modeling any aspect of our economy on them.


Bet the people who built the building either drop dead at a young age, the building is a POS and crumbles or contains hazardous chemicals that harm those who use it, or both.

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"slave labor" is NOT ok. Remember who holds the money in this country and where we'd all wind up if we allowed worker's rights to erode to the point that we all became drones to be "competitive with China." We don't want that at all. Kiss your family goodbye, your friends goodbye, your free time goodbye, and your freedom goodbye. We don't want that.

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They point is they get it done. It takes us 5yrs to build a 5 story building.




Yeah this bulding is going to last... They built an apartment building in the 80s with recycled steel rebars. Then one day a tenant decided to take a geiger counter home and test it out.. Turns out the recycled steel was radioactive but since their is no real human rights, people are still living in that apartment building and the Chinese govt actully said that the radiation has beneficial effects and doesnt harm the tenants...



Yeah.. They get it done alright.. Done wrong...Thats why everything made in China is an inferior product...We can do the same thing if we wanted to build a building in less than a week.. But in this country we have building codes and safety regulations... But it just slows us down right?

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Yeah this bulding is going to last... They built an apartment building in the 80s with recycled steel rebars. Then one day a tenant decided to take a geiger counter home and test it out.. Turns out the recycled steel was radioactive but since their is no real human rights, people are still living in that apartment building and the Chinese govt actully said that the radiation has beneficial effects and doesnt harm the tenants...



Yeah.. They get it done alright.. Done wrong...Thats why everything made in China is an inferior product...We can do the same thing if we wanted to build a building in less than a week.. But in this country we have building codes and safety regulations... But it just slows us down right?


They do have that 200+ mph maglev system dude. My bro rode it, described it as "you know how when you're going fast, the stuff up close zips by & the far off stuff moves just a lil, well the far off stuff was zipping by".


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Also it should be noted that ESB averaged a floor and a quarter a day, and that was in the heart of midtown no extra space in 1930-1931. Only took a year and a bit to complete.


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That's because they needed a really big project to employ all the unemployed from the depression.


That and the construction system was extremely efficient.

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ESB isn't 15 floors, and the building was only erected in less than a week, it has not been fitted out or finished, just the structure itself was constructed.


As for depression, no, they hired a large number of workers to compete with the other projects going on at the time. Also remember that no one outside the city government knew how tall the final heights were going to be during construction, it was a real competition. Now days they build to make money, not so much to make a statement. I think 1wtc is the only building that is making a statement today.


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NY Times article.


53 people got killed and 90 people got hurt when the 28 floor building caught fire. The welders were unlicensed, and the building might not even have sprinklers or an escape system. People actually gathered on the roof and some even jumped. Kind of reminds me of September 11th 2001. Not just that no helicopters could land on the building because of the heat. The only thing that is missing is the aircraft and the collaspe. Anyway most of the residents were retired school teachers and their families. It burned for four hours and 60 fire engines reported to the blaze. The fire started due to the renovators. The construction equipment caught fire.

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The New Manaco towers in Jersey City only took 15 months if you count the outer shell be completed. Topping off took 13months......Only in NYC and other large cities does it take a long time to build something....it only took 2 years for those buildings to be built in New Rochelle and White Plains.....

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