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Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and six others shot in Arizona

R68 Subway Car

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there is a double standard. how about we put it this way, the guy is a nut job. plain and simple. stop trying to point fingers. if it was a "terrorist" and someone pointed the finger at muslims, everyone would be up an arms......... but it's ok to automatically assume it was a conservative/teabagger because they are all racist nut jobs who want the right to own guns simply to go on murderous rampages and bash people's head in? give me a break. listen to yourselves people!!!!!! hatred has no limitations.


and you can't tell me the media does not fuel this bias. smear campaigns don't work if the the media does not work for you.

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Neither do Democrats.


This guy was out there, and completely insane. That BS about him being a Liberal is clearly just the ramblings of his clueless class mate.


What do we know about him?


- anti-immgration

- thought government was too powerful

- owned a gun

- didn't think he could trust the government


Which party does that sound like?


What you have people like Rush Limbaugh rambling on about those very same things, it allows loonies like him to step forward and do terrible things. The insanity of the Tea Party has, if anything, give the racists and the crazies of our country something to pretend they stand for.


For a liberal like MHV a news flash. There are racists in the Democratic Party. Remember the late Sen Robert Byrd or even the Rev Al Shaprton. Plus I saw a CNN special on the Tea Party last Oct. right before the midterm elections. There was a few Black Tea Party members.


So yes both parties have extremists that are scary. I am tired of both sides trying to expolit this tragic event and chill out for a few days while we bury the dead? That why the average person hates politics.


Back to point. This gunmen ( i hate the media using suspected)was a nut along lines of Mark David Champman and John Hickley. Plain and simple. The media is at fault and trying to get ratings on a terrible and horrible mass murder.

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So yes both parties have extremists that are scary. I am tired of both sides trying to expolit this tragic event and chill out for a few days while we bury the dead? That why the average person hates politics.
I totally agree with you on this. If there is anything I have learned from this debate, it is that I finally realize why people my age would rather watch Jersey Shore or other reality shows and TV programs. Before the dead can be buried, the usual political hacks are exploiting this tragedy for political points. This chases people away from News & Politics and to reality TV and other things. You think the average American can tolerate the hate and vitriol these political hacks throw at each other? I don't blame them for preferring to know about the latest exploits of Pauly D, Snooki, J-Woww and The Situation than knowing what is going on in Washington.
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Let's face the truth. We're being "played" by both sides. There isn't a real definition of Democrat or Republican these days. That tradition probably went out the window with President Harry Truman vs the " Dixiecrats" and Republicans 60 years ago. If not then, certainly LBJ vs Goldwater in '64. So called Republican icon Ronald Reagan ran up bigger deficits than FDR or LBJ percentage wise. Democrat Slick Willie had a surplus when he left office. President G.W. Bush cut taxes AND ran up record deficits with a war going on, which neither party would support in the past. The unfortunate Congresswoman was a Democrat in Arizona but probably could have run as a Conservative in New York or Massachusetts. The party labels are meaningless nowadays but the talkmeisters on the air have you lashing out at boogiemen, Muslims, ALL immigrants, gays, Tea Party members, et al, while the powers that be are screwing you and me with no grease. Wake up and take a good look people. Real wages haven't gone up in a generation. Your children won't have as good a life as your PARENTS did yet there are people in this world who proudly identify themselves with parties that hold you in utter contempt. Meanwhile one party continues unionbusting while the other does not have the cojones to go all out for health care for all AMERICANS who qualify, for fear of offending big Pharma and the other health conglomerates. Democrats and Republicans waver in supporting American people but send big $$$ to foreign " allies". What's wrong with this picture ? The only real American politicians seem to be the two Senators from Maine, Snowe and Collins, and Sanders of Vermont. Forget party labels. These 3 are among the few that I respect.

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Bolded for emphasis.


Let's face the truth. We're being "played" by both sides. There isn't a real definition of Democrat or Republican these days. That tradition probably went out the window with President Harry Truman vs the " Dixiecrats" and Republicans 60 years ago. If not then, certainly LBJ vs Goldwater in '64. So called Republican icon Ronald Reagan ran up bigger deficits than FDR or LBJ percentage wise. Democrat Slick Willie had a surplus when he left office. President G.W. Bush cut taxes AND ran up record deficits with a war going on, which neither party would support in the past. The unfortunate Congresswoman was a Democrat in Arizona but probably could have run as a Conservative in New York or Massachusetts. The party labels are meaningless nowadays but the talkmeisters on the air have you lashing out at boogiemen, Muslims, ALL immigrants, gays, Tea Party members, et al, while the powers that be are screwing you and me with no grease. Wake up and take a good look people. Real wages haven't gone up in a generation. Your children won't have as good a life as your PARENTS did yet there are people in this world who proudly identify themselves with parties that hold you in utter contempt. Meanwhile one party continues unionbusting while the other does not have the cojones to go all out for health care for all AMERICANS who qualify, for fear of offending big Pharma and the other health conglomerates. Democrats and Republicans waver in supporting American people but send big $$$ to foreign " allies". What's wrong with this picture ? The only real American politicians seem to be the two Senators from Maine, Snowe and Collins, and Sanders of Vermont. Forget party labels. These 3 are among the few that I respect.
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yeah no doubt.. when will people learn.. Republicans.. Democrats..They are all out for the same ultimate greedy goal, they just take different roads to get there.


But back to the topic at hand..This lady who got shot, they are making a big deal about her status.. Fact of the matter is , shes just going to be a vegetable from where the bullet entered and exited her brain..It's a shame but for people to watch the news with what they are saying and how they are sugar coating her health and prognosis is really messed up. The media are scum. They are giving all of this false hope to her survival...

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1) Both parties have extremists. But the Republican party is one whose symbols such as Rush Limbaugh, etc., promote hatred and anger. And the actual politicians in the party do nothing about it. The people who so many look up to in the party preach fear and anger as opposed to peace and open arms. When you have a party that tries to get votes by making people angry, you get problems. When you have a party that tries to get votes by making people fearful, you get problems. Now I'm not going to say anything about this gunman, alright, he's out of this. But when you promote and make fear (and arguably anger) a talking point of a party, things like this shooting happen.


2) Yes, the political world is not nearly as radical as it used to be. Yes, the parties are closer now than ever. Yes, corporate America dominates much of the political system.


But do you people stand for anything? There are so many massive, massive differences between the two parties, differences that could change the whole country. You've got, to name a few,


- abortion

- immigration

- market regulation

- taxation


You're going to just say that both parties are the same, and let these four important points end up in the jeopardy of those who vote because they are a fearful and angry?


Forgive me if I seem to be hyperbolizing, and granted, I'm very much dissatisfied with both parties myself -- but stand for something. It does truly astound me that anybody could ignore the issues central to our country and simply label the two parties one and alike. They are imperfect, yes, but look, we are a democracy. Voting matters. Parties matter. Choose one.


Voting matters, parties do not. These two parties are corrupt and need to go. A serious third party is what is needed to advance beyond the corporatist agenda. The Tea Party threatened to be a serious third party in its infancy, and that's why it was quickly bought up and absorbed into the mainstream Republican position.


Abortion and all that other shit is divisive and less important. Ask one of the millions of unemployed Americans, or Americans living in poverty what they'd rather have: a good 9 to 5 job that pays them $40,000 a year, or the right to either abolish or have an abortion, and I guarantee you everyone will pick the former.


Debates about abortion, religion, and gays are a luxury that people have when the economy is doing well and the MEDIAN (not mean) standard of living is a good one. AKA a luxury America does not have right now.


Both parties do not believe in proper market regulation. Look at how quickly the Democrats backed off some of the more reasonable proposals in regulation while clinging to the less important ones. The one reform almost every real economist agrees with, reinstating the Glass-Steagel provision which prohibits banks from investing commercially deposited funds in speculative investments, was the one thing that neither party talked about.


Taxation is a moot point because the Republicans believe in lowering taxes disproportionately for the wealthy while the Democrats believe in raising them disproportionately for the working and middle class. Either party will screw you with that thinking. No party stands for something else. No party stands for a tax on WEALTH rather than on INCOME.


All of you should watch this. It's funny, and a bit of a dramatization, but everything in it is derived from actual facts in American history:




It says more about the state of finance and politics in this country than I ever could in a post.

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I have to thank Rush Limbaugh for providing a fantastic verification to my post above. He always times his comments excellently. Rush noticed that people were fearful and angry at the gunman. Clearly, this is an opportunity for Rush. And what does good old Rush say?


Rush Limbaugh is an un American piece of shit. He would root for al Qaeda against our troops if it assured him that the Republicans would win every single election in 2012.

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This tragedy was politicized by our country's irresponsible media outlets. Whether you agree with conservative commentators or not, the fact of the matter is that this piece of shit planned this act years before health care reform became a popular debate issue, years before the tea party even existed, and way before Sarah Palin entered the national scene. Lets stop with the politics and remember the victims of this attack.

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Both parties have extremists. But the Republican party is one whose symbols such as Rush Limbaugh, etc., promote hatred and anger.
What about the hate mongers on the left like Olbermann, Matthews, and company who say way worse things than Rush or any conservative host does? BTW, conservative talk radio did not politicize this tragedy. It was this country's irresponsible media who decided to throw politics into this instead of focusing on the tragedy.
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What about the hate mongers on the left like Olbermann, Matthews, and company who say way worse things than Rush or any conservative host does?


Nah, Rush Limbaugh is a huge hate monger. Hell, he is a bonafide bigot/racist. It's one thing to call someone a hate monger because you disagree with them (in that respect, Bill O'Reilly isn't a hate monger. The staff of Fox News and the New York Post arent hate mongers). But Limbaugh has said some very disgusting and disturbing things that are just blatantly racist, and blatantly hurtful.


“The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”

[To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”


“We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”


"Black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible, they're depressed, they're down — Obama's not doing anything for 'em. How is that hoax and change workin' for ya? They're all livid. I mean, they thought there were gonna be an exact 180-degree economic reversal and it's done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they're especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned. And I'm sure Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping 'em out with their attitudes there either. "


“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”


"The difference between Los Angeles and yogurt is that yogurt comes with less fruit."


“When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation”


“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”


“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”


“You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.”


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Nah, Rush Limbaugh is a huge hate monger. Hell, he is a bonafide bigot/racist. It's one thing to call someone a hate monger because you disagree with them (in that respect, Bill O'Reilly isn't a hate monger. The staff of Fox News and the New York Post arent hate mongers). But Limbaugh has said some very disgusting and disturbing things that are just blatantly racist, and blatantly hurtful.
Rush Limbaugh never said that James Earl Ray should get a Medal of Honor. That is a flat out lie. If Rush were ever to say that, he would immediately be fired knowing how the media in this country reacts to radio or TV personalities making remarks like that.
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Rush Limbaugh never said that James Earl Ray should get a Medal of Honor. That is a flat out lie. If Rush were ever to say that, he would immediately be fired knowing how the media in this country reacts to radio or TV personalities making remarks like that.


Being fair R68, Rush IMO seems very similar to Howard Stern in which he and his staff will use jokes/skits or comments that seem to have controversial racial overtones and yet not cross the line.


I admit I don't listen to Rush that often as I am usually tuned to WFAN's Mike Francesa program at that time.


As i stated before after news reports it seems that the "Giffords shooter' was just a pyscho path along the lines of Mark David Chapman and John Hicknley.

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Being fair R68, Rush IMO seems very similar to Howard Stern in which he and his staff will use jokes/skits or comments that seem to have controversial racial overtones and yet not cross the line.
I am not saying he has not said controversial things. He can be very sensationalist. However, knowing how the media acted when Imus said "Nappy Headed Hoes", they would unleash holy hell if Rush had ever said that James Earl Ray should be honored.
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I may not be a fan of Obama's policies, but he gave an unbelievable and uniting speech this evening. Lets pray for the victims, survivors, and for this piece of shit who did this to fry on the electric chair and in hell.



Being that America honors him this weekend I am sure it's a kind of speech Martin Luther King would have gave if he were around in 2011. I am not a fan of Obama's policies either but he is probably the best 'communcatior' as President since Ronald Regan.

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God only knows how many more people like him are out there just waiting to snap. You can only do so much to prevent something like this.


It wouldn't surprise me one bit if this loser gets a lot of mail from women in offering sympathy as well as money, gifts,etc. Ironic how before he was rejected by women and now it's just the opposite. Life is so damn strange.

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