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47% of Americans are just leeches. Screw them.


I think he may have stuck his penis in a hornet's nest…




Yup. CNN ("Anderson Cooper 360" show) MSNBC(Ed Schulz) are tonight(9/17/12) running all over this story. Meanwhile on Fox News "BIll O' Riley" show no mention of it and instead almost all of the focus on the violence in the middle east.

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47% of Americans are just leeches. Screw them.


I think he may have stuck his penis in a hornet's nest…



and what did he say that was incorrect? 47% of americans dont pay income tax.




food stamp recipients are at an all time high




job participation rate is at its lowest point in 31 years




unemployment at 8.1% but the U6 rate is 14.7%




African-American Unemployment rate is 14.1%




Hispanic-american unemployment is 10.2%




These horrible numbers are because of Obama`s policies. What Romney wants to do is get them jobs, cause Obama won`t. Obama counts on them being dependent so they vote for him.



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47% of Americans are just leeches. Screw them.


I think he may have stuck his penis in a hornet's nest…



lets bring up the quote in question here


There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.



there are a lot of people who will vote for Obama no matter what, quite a few of them are right here on this forum. A lot of Obama supporters are on some form of public assistance, be it in the projects, on food stamps, etc. They believe that they deserve these freebies, of course theyre going to vote for Obama because Obama is going to make sure they keep getting their handouts. They don't pay income tax, this is true. They may pay payroll taxes if they actually have a job. Nobody, not me, not Romney, not any republican figure is going to convince them to strive for better, to earn their own way and work hard.


I personally don't see anything wrong with what Romney said. I agree with him. Obviously Mr Vanderbuilt and Sgt Shultz are going to spin it like Romney doesn't care about the poor. What Romney is saying is that he doesnt care about people that sit around and do nothing and collect govt freebies, Romney cares about poor people who work hard to better themselves, who arent leeches that sit around, watch daytime TV instead of working, and collect govt freebies.

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While there are those who may try to defend his statement it appears Mr. Romney is backtracking on the statement as fast as he can. If a candidate can't stand by statements from his own mouth he's not much of a man IMO. This tempest in a teapot will probably blow over in a few days but it doesn't reflect well on him in my eyes. I believe that when a man opens his mouth he should stand by his words and not backtrack. That only makes him look worse in my eyes (I'm old school). That's my opinion. Carry on.

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and what did he say that was incorrect? 47% of americans dont pay income tax.




food stamp recipients are at an all time high




job participation rate is at its lowest point in 31 years




unemployment at 8.1% but the U6 rate is 14.7%




African-American Unemployment rate is 14.1%




Hispanic-american unemployment is 10.2%




These horrible numbers are because of Obama`s policies. What Romney wants to do is get them jobs, cause Obama won`t. Obama counts on them being dependent so they vote for him.




It's true. I never disagreed with what he said. But like Trainmaster5 says, the truth isn't helping Romney, and Romney isn't making it help him by backtracking. That's the situation here.


EDIT: Well, what do you know? He DOES stick by his comments. He should have definitely proofread them though. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/romney-stands-comments-video-says-were-not-elegantly-032830339--election.html

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The problem with what Romney said isn't the "facts" he displayed. It's the way he displayed them. He basically bashed everyone who voted for Obama, and as a candidate, you don't pull this BS stunt, period.


But it's really this quote from him:

Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

…that gets me. You don't disrespect what could be your fellow citizens in this country. If you're going to say something like this, then make it more tasteful and not prejudicial. A President should be concerned about them because we're in a pretty fragile economy, and they're trying to survive; you don't dismiss them like they're worn-out shoes. The manner he said it — especially the fact that he said he "[shouldn't] worry about 'those people'" — completely crosses the line.

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The problem with what Romney said isn't the "facts" he displayed. It's the way he displayed them. He basically bashed everyone who voted for Obama, and as a candidate, you don't pull this BS stunt, period.


But it's really this quote from him:


…that gets me. You don't disrespect what could be your fellow citizens in this country. If you're going to say something like this, then make it more tasteful and not prejudicial. A President should be concerned about them because we're in a pretty fragile economy, and they're trying to survive; you don't dismiss them like they're worn-out shoes. The manner he said it — especially the fact that he said he "[shouldn't] worry about 'those people'" — completely crosses the line.



Why should he be concerned with people that will stay on welfare no matter how good or bad the economy is, that find ways to perpetually stay on govt assistance. Theres a difference between handicapped people or people with bad illnesses that cant work and able bodied people that are perfectly capable of working but choose to stay on welfare instead.

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Why should he be concerned with people that will stay on welfare no matter how good or bad the economy is, that find ways to perpetually stay on govt assistance. Theres a difference between handicapped people or people with bad illnesses that cant work and able bodied people that are perfectly capable of working but choose to stay on welfare instead.


The question is whether he included those handicapped people in the remark about the 47%.

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Mitt Romney is currently in a no-win situation. No matter what he does, people will always go out of their way to paint him as a bad guy.



They demonized Bush in 04 and yet he won, they did the same exact thing to Ronald Reagan and he was elected twice with huge margins. After a while people start to ignore the spin and learn the truth.

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Just getting home from work(when i wrote this)i am sure CNN, Fox news and MSNBC are thrilled about this story. The campaign has been dull since the GOP primaries. Not to mention compared to the McCain-Hillary-Obama campaign last time, ratings for the cable news channels are down. Now for 1st time, there might be sizzle to the Obama-Romney campaign.

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Why should he be concerned with people that will stay on welfare no matter how good or bad the economy is, that find ways to perpetually stay on govt assistance. Theres a difference between handicapped people or people with bad illnesses that cant work and able bodied people that are perfectly capable of working but choose to stay on welfare instead.



Do you even know who makes up that 47%? It's the entire US military (who I don't think are "irresponsible" or "entitled), a large number of the elderly (who don't consider themselves "victims"), a large number of broke students (also not a bad group, just people who want an education), and then a mix of the poor and some rich tax avoiders (who Romney doesn't want to annoy). Here's another trivia fact: most of those 47% live in Republican states.


It's not media "spin" like you call it when every side of the spectrum is furious -- that's not Liberal bias, that's Republican, Independent, and Liberal anger (and they have a reason for it). If you think that comment was smart or true in any way, shape, or form, you need to have your head examined.

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Do you even know who makes up that 47%? It's the entire US military (who I don't think are "irresponsible" or "entitled), a large number of the elderly (who don't consider themselves "victims"), a large number of broke students (also not a bad group, just people who want an education), and then a mix of the poor and some rich tax avoiders (who Romney doesn't want to annoy). Here's another trivia fact: most of those 47% live in Republican states.


It's not media "spin" like you call it when every side of the spectrum is furious -- that's not Liberal bias, that's Republican, Independent, and Liberal anger (and they have a reason for it). If you think that comment was smart or true in any way, shape, or form, you need to have your head examined.



Hes not referring to the military, they served their country and earned their benefits, and theyre technically employed if they are in active duty as the military pays them in addition to giving them a place to live and feeds them while in service; regardless, many of them wont vote for Obama because of all the defense cuts he supports. He's older people, they worked and now they are retired. Hes referring to the people in the ghetto that sit all day, dont work, and collect govt assistance. I still agree with his statement, like I said earlier:


Theres a difference between handicapped people or people with bad illnesses that cant work and able bodied people that are perfectly capable of working but choose to stay on welfare instead.



The reason even Paul Ryan and other Republicans are getting on his case about the statement is becasue he needs to try to win support from those people. It probably will damage his campaign but its still early enough for it to be swept away with the rest of the old news.


Obama has had a history of gaffs as well, I remember him being caught on tape calling people in conservative areas "Bitter clingers to guns and religion" and apparently someone discovered a tape of him embracing redistribution of wealth



the clip


On the flipside you may find yourself in agreement with what Obama said in the same way I agree with Romney's statements about people who abuse the welfare system.

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Hes not referring to the military, they served their country and earned their benefits, and theyre technically employed if they are in active duty as the military pays them in addition to giving them a place to live and feeds them while in service; regardless, many of them wont vote for Obama because of all the defense cuts he supports. He's older people, they worked and now they are retired. Hes referring to the people in the ghetto that sit all day, dont work, and collect govt assistance. I still agree with his statement, like I said earlier:



I guess you know more about the inside of Mitt's head than he does, cause that's not what he said. He said the 47% of Americans who don't pay income taxes. And the fact is, the United States military is part of that 47% -- if he doesn't mean to talk about them, then he shouldn't include them when he says the 47%. I'm not even sure he meant to talk about the military, I think he's just so incredibly ignorant that he didn't even understand his own figure he was throwing around.


Also, Obama's base are not "people in the ghetto that sit all day, dont work [sic], and collect gov't assistance." Those people are not 47% of this country, and those are not Obama's base.

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I guess you know more about the inside of Mitt's head than he does, cause that's not what he said. He said the 47% of Americans who don't pay income taxes. And the fact is, the United States military is part of that 47% -- if he doesn't mean to talk about them, then he shouldn't include them when he says the 47%. I'm not even sure he meant to talk about the military, I think he's just so incredibly ignorant that he didn't even understand his own figure he was throwing around.


Also, Obama's base are not "people in the ghetto that sit all day, dont work [sic], and collect gov't assistance." Those people are not 47% of this country, and those are not Obama's base.



I dont know of any ghetto urban area that would vote for anyone but Obama, Detroit, Philly, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Camden, Southern Atlanta, all will be deep blue come election time.


He said the 47% of people who will vote for Obama no matter what, that already excludes the military, the military is not going to vote for Obama, as military personal active and retired tend to vote Republican because Republicans are more supportive of the military.

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I dont know of any ghetto urban area that would vote for anyone but Obama, Detroit, Philly, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Camden, Southern Atlanta, all will be deep blue come election time.


He said the 47% of people who will vote for Obama no matter what, that already excludes the military, the military is not going to vote for Obama, as military personal active and retired tend to vote Republican because Republicans are more supportive of the military.



Foxie you forget Colin Powell voted and endorsed Obama. Plus in '08 Obama actually did with military winning as much as 40% of their vote.

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I laughed at some of the statements made by some of the candidates during silly season of the primaries. Newt and Herman Cain were good for a few laughs at times but that season is over and done with. For a candidate of either major party to make a statement like Romney made is insulting to the entire American electorate the way he worded it. This country has been split at about 50-50 since at least 1996 and surely since the 2000 election. In that year G.W Bush won and we went his way for eight years. His economic policies, and those of the US Congress, led us to the recession we're still trying to climb out of and the election of Obama. These past four years I've never heard the President say "screw the other guys 'cause they'll never vote for me" because they're not like me for whatever reason. I've seen him make concessions to the GOP and the other 50% of the electorate that some of us thought were foolish or naive but I never heard him denigrate the people who might vote the other way come November. A few months ago Romney supporters were saying the President was engaging in "class warfare" this election cycle. It appears to me that Mr. Romney's inelegant remarks about the 47% show whom is engaging in that tactic. The way I see it there are more than 50% of the electorate receiving some sort of Federal help directly or indirectly, food stamps, extended unemployment benefits, tuition assistance, Social Security Retirement, military pensions, among other things yet he's not worried about those people. Perhaps he meant those who live in the projects or poor rural areas, you know the poor blacks, whites, latinos, native Americans. Maybe he meant the poor farmers whose crops have been devastated by the drought conditions across the US recently. Maybe he means those people who take the MNRR, LIRR,city subways and buses, or drive on the federally subsidized LIE to work or to the federally subsidized airports. Say what you want about McCain, the Bushes, Reagan, Gingrich, Cain, Huntsman, et al, I have never heard a major party candidate insult an American voter of any political persuasion. IMO any one of us could fall into his 47% through no fault of our own. I view his statement, as uttered, vile and tasteless. You may have a different opinion and I will listen to it and respect it. Mr Romney may win the election but he will never gain my respect. That's my opinion. Carry on fellow Americans from either side of the aisle.

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I laughed at some of the statements made by some of the candidates during silly season of the primaries. Newt and Herman Cain were good for a few laughs at times but that season is over and done with. For a candidate of either major party to make a statement like Romney made is insulting to the entire American electorate the way he worded it. This country has been split at about 50-50 since at least 1996 and surely since the 2000 election. In that year G.W Bush won and we went his way for eight years. His economic policies, and those of the US Congress, led us to the recession we're still trying to climb out of and the election of Obama. These past four years I've never heard the President say "screw the other guys 'cause they'll never vote for me" because they're not like me for whatever reason. I've seen him make concessions to the GOP and the other 50% of the electorate that some of us thought were foolish or naive but I never heard him denigrate the people who might vote the other way come November. A few months ago Romney supporters were saying the President was engaging in "class warfare" this election cycle. It appears to me that Mr. Romney's inelegant remarks about the 47% show whom is engaging in that tactic. The way I see it there are more than 50% of the electorate receiving some sort of Federal help directly or indirectly, food stamps, extended unemployment benefits, tuition assistance, Social Security Retirement, military pensions, among other things yet he's not worried about those people. Perhaps he meant those who live in the projects or poor rural areas, you know the poor blacks, whites, latinos, native Americans. Maybe he meant the poor farmers whose crops have been devastated by the drought conditions across the US recently. Maybe he means those people who take the MNRR, LIRR,city subways and buses, or drive on the federally subsidized LIE to work or to the federally subsidized airports. Say what you want about McCain, the Bushes, Reagan, Gingrich, Cain, Huntsman, et al, I have never heard a major party candidate insult an American voter of any political persuasion. IMO any one of us could fall into his 47% through no fault of our own. I view his statement, as uttered, vile and tasteless. You may have a different opinion and I will listen to it and respect it. Mr Romney may win the election but he will never gain my respect. That's my opinion. Carry on fellow Americans from either side of the aisle.



Well spoken sir. You know Romney is wrong (Rush Limburgh aside) when almost all of the mainstream GOP leaders and those running for office, was trying to run as fast away from his comments as possible. Even his running mate Paul Ryan indirectly scolded him.

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