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Lawrence St

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Everything posted by Lawrence St

  1. @SevenEleven Do you know what depot tends to have routes that deal less with delivery bikes? They're a pain to deal with.
  2. Is anyone else having a problem with the tracking log from philadelphiatransitvehicles.info?
  3. Who? Goes to who??? I need to know *popcorn*
  4. Just suspend the at this point. Have the replace it south of Chambers St.
  5. The 78 acts as a supplemental route to the 8 which is why it has horrible headways. The BL-4 on Sunday is horrible, mainly because the last bus from Bedford Park leaves at 8 PM. It used to be 7 PM. On Sunday, there is a 1T variant that operates but ends at Dobbs Ferry, but uses the 1T designation. Not sure why it doesn't use the regular 1 designation, but there's been confusion brought up to the county that there's no difference between the City Line & Dobbs Ferry signage.
  6. Now hold on, don't be blaming the driver. The 103 has a lot of runtime built in and because traffic isn't back yet it's easy to be running 15 minutes early. And if you do that, that's a writeup.
  7. Good luck, the xM3 has been running like garbage. Yonkers is trying to prioritize the BxM1/2 over the 3 since they're more used.
  8. When did they do route training? Was it recent or has it always been part of the training program for the X23/24?
  9. We need to shut down again. It’s clear what we’re doing isn’t working and at this rate we’ll be right back to where we started in March 2020.
  10. Is the station booth clerk exam no longer being offered because of the restructuring in the ?
  11. The test results should be published next week right?
  12. Suspend the since it's barely running, have the run local in Manhattan and you have crews to run the .
  13. That's not what I was asking though. I'll reiterate the question again; why is delaying the all-door pilot rollout until 2023.
  14. I dont even know why I bother. If anyone wants to explain the thing im missing, by all means please do so.
  15. Did anyone tell you that maybe the person already has? If the buses already have the readers, activate them. Simple.
  16. @553 Bridgeton I don't know if you drive some of the older MCI's but have you noticed some of them are dog tracking extremely bad?
  17. Ok smarty, where in that paragraph did he already answer that since you wanna get an attitude. 😒
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