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Joel Powers

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Everything posted by Joel Powers

  1. Exactly, but since it makes too much sense, no one in going to entertain that...
  2. The question is, will the MTA allow Amtrak to use their tracks for their own service expansions?
  3. As we are all aware, the MTA is hard at work (after over a century it seems) building the second avenue subway and are now also setting their sites on the purposed "Intra-borough RX". However, what are other lines that were proposed but either never completed or never left the drawing board? What ever their service area(s) and how would they have changed NYC history? Any insight?
  4. I say get ride of bike lanes entirely. Have them bike on the sidewalk, it's not hard and people used to do that back in the early 2000s.
  5. Not historically, I just noticed that with the NG hybrids until recently. It's also interesting how none of MTA bus company's original NG hybrids have been retired yet (as in #4020-4039, #4140-4169, #4483-4512, and #46311-4655. Not the ex-NYCTA units).
  6. Then if the NYPD won't do anything, then have armed guards patrol the most troublesome stations where farebeating is running rampant.
  7. I wholly disagree, degenerates like this need to be made an example of. No ifs, ands, or butts.....
  8. The problem with that is that the remaining R32s are getting scrapped in mass. Most will probably be off property by the end of the Summer. I'd imagine the remaining will follow.
  9. I see they are getting busy with the Next Generation Hybrid retirements. I was under the impression they did mass scrap moves on weekends, but I suppose not judging by this update. Strange that there are still #6800s and #6900s still in service at Queens Village Depot meanwhile #4300s-4500s are retiring in mass though.
  10. I thought those RTS's were scrapped years ago. I guess now they will be. On a side note, that fire looked pretty sus. Hope it wasn't now arsonist scumbags!
  11. Ah, very interesting, I guess the 2011 Orion 7.501 NG CNGs may stick around for a while. I assume you work for NICE bus?
  12. That's very insightful, thankyou. Makes you wonder if the MTA will ever consider ferry boat operations...
  13. @Brooklynbus What changes do you propose to the B43? INMO, there's not really much that you can do with that route and it gets the job done. I would just keep it at it's Greenpoint terminus as there's no need for it to travel any farther north (or south for that matter where it would duplicate other lines) when the B62 is also nearby.
  14. I agree with your sentiment, the B62 is a long enough route as it is. All it really needs is more frequency and probably a limited.
  15. They will never use those tracks that lead up to court street st for revenue service (aka the transit museum) ever again. Been closed for decades.
  16. Yeah, I saw a photo of it on FB. Those buses are getting alot of attention seeing that the NY Auto show was closed 2 years in a row. Glad its back!
  17. Former Mayor Debozo obviously didn't help matters by removing the plain clothes officers from the Subways and City streets in general. All that did was add fuel to the BLM fires....
  18. We all have them, what was yours that you needed to stick with to improve your overall quality of life?
  19. Would be interesting to see what eventually will get number #2080 and up for future bus orders. With more new XN40s on the way, this will certainly compilate things.
  20. They would be installed on all cab cars, buses, and subway booths.
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