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Funny how chicks like older men but then again that falls in the "goldigger" Catagory...


....which is why I say most relationships nowadays are "trick/ho" relationships.... albeit indirectly (sometimes directly, depending on the caliber of man we're talkin about) men shell out money to, or spending money on women for the ultimate prize of "gettin some"......



This is the battle i'm fighting as a young adult male. The majority of females out here aren't worth my time yet there are hormones raging that have to be dealt with in some kind of way. One of those cases where a dude is stuck between a rock and a hardplace.


which is the EXACT reason why there are so many kids being born OOW (out of wedlock)..... we gotta get that nut out of us, women understand that shit & try to use that as a psychological advantage against men..... weak men are easily controlled with sex.... women act like they enjoy sex on a lesser scale than we do, and I am here to tell you that is complete & utter BS !


....how many single mothers you see pushing strollers again?

....how many fathers are by their sides again?


see, women, more than in any time period than ever, have been relegated to nothin more than jumpoff/side-piece/f**k buddy material - and it's their own faults..... and IMO, things are only gonna get worse..... I do not want to be alive when a] public nakedness becomes the norm & b] people start openly "puttin in work" on each other butt ass nekkid in the public streets like animals......



Lol! I see what you mean! I stopped dating for the rest of my time in h.s. until I meet someone who I am really into... I feel that relationships are an unnecessary stress that I don't need... These H.S. girls really aren't very mature, don't know what they want and are really annoying and confusing.. Its just very annoying to deal with tbh... I hate cheaters and I know girls who date multiple guys at once and use them (I tend to avoid those type of girls)


Women, period don't know what they want...... The older they get, the more they start to realize what they want....

By time it hits them, it is already too late....


But yeah, you don't need to be worrying about no relationship during your HS years anyway....

Focus on YOU, first..... too many young men simply see women as the ultimate prize & stop right there - Instead of gettin their finances up & increasing their chances at having peace of mind w/ the woman they end up being with when they get up there in age.....


In other words, you shouldn't want to get your finances up just for the sake of gettin a woman.......



That's true. I know a few guys/girls that do that. I tell them not to but no they don't want to listen... Then said person comes crying to me (which I hate by the way) that their relation went bad. I give them that " Take that s--- somewhere else" look, Then they know to back off.


Experience is often the best teacher - especially when someone is stubborn & unobservant.....

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While we are still on the topic of girls and relationships, I hate girls who dependent on men and I hate girls who only focus on looks. This one girl that goes to my school (she is a Sophomore now) is in a relationship w/a new guy every 3 days and they treat her bad and she always complains about it and she's a good girl, its really sad to see her turn out like this. But again, as I said, many feel the need to HAVE to be in a relationship for some reason... With girls who only focus on looks anger me because they are immature and turn down average looking guys that have awesome personalities and date jerks who they think are good looking, then they are the first to complain about not being able to find a good guy, like you not gonna get a good guy if you act the way you do smh...


- females focus on looks because they are heavily judged by looks, that's why (contrarily, guys are judged by their financial standing)..... A female that spends WAY too much of her time & resources on looks, is a female to me that has no inner substance, no self-esteem, and nothin to offer a guy like myself outside of the facade she presents on the surface.... You'll never grow as a person if you are that reliant on one aspect of your make-up (not referring to cosmetic "makeup" either... lol).....


- females are inherently dependent on guys, just like we are dependent on them.... difference is, we don't ACT like we don't need females....... We need that physical connection to them a little more than they do with us, and they need that emotional connection with us a little more than we do with them.....


guys understand the concept of Yin & Yang.... females want it to be YinYang (the extremist ones want it to be XinXang)....

(hope you get the dual analogy there)



Anyone (male or female) that can't be single for any amount of time suffers from detachment issues......

People like that you BETTER be wary of in a relationship.....



Very true. Thing is, When girls say that all guys are the same, They have no one else to blame but themselves. Look past the idiots to go for the good guys. These days, broads don't want certain types of guys anymore. You'll be lucky if you find a chick that will accept flowers. Most chicks want diamonds or even money.


fixed your post..... Reason in bold ;)


Today's women value material things more than they do their human counterparts......



So true, its actually kind of sad.. Girls are like walking contradictions because if they say that all guys are the same, then why are they so picky and judgemental, they think they know what the guy is already, if what they were saying was the truth then they would be dating ANY guy -.- Exactly why I have stopped dating, its so unnecessary.. Makes more sense for one to work hard in school, do their best and have fun w/their friends and make memories instead of dating someone who you aren't gonna be dating or may not even know in 5 or 10 years, worrying about if someone is cheating, or someones heart is gonna be broken, or spending time/money on that person....


Glad you have sense enough to realize that !


for further commentary in regards to this post of yours, see the 3rd reply in the above post of mine....



I have told like 2 girls that before and they were like "I don't do that" (even tho they clearly do)......


That type of a response is a typical cover-up to something they're quite notorious for..... it's just like females out here that act like givin head is the most disgusting thing in the world, when behind the scenes, they're god damn PROS at the shit......


A chick that seriously doesn't do what she is accused of would express herself very differently (for starters, explaining why she doesn't do xyz)..... females are masters when it comes to the defiant expressing of themselves...... when they're all calm & less wordy like that (you may even see a nervous laugh or smile within it all), even at a young age, you know they are LYING.......



Yep... Mostly likely ignorance... I don't care either. Thing is, I've noticed the younger chicks tend to be more stupid than older chicks....


There are a lot of stupid young men out here..... It is said that females, over time, gradually take on the persona of the man they're with..... Too many guys have taken on & subscribed to this simp culture, and females (as is human nature to take what is being handed out, especially when said object is needed) are more than willing to take what they got...... This is why I say it's not all on the female.... one reason why I don't necessarily side w/ & are all gung-ho about MRA's......


Lonely females resort to desperate shit & throw character completely out the window !

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The older chicks know a bit more than the younger ones, thats what I suppose....

and there was a thread about the amt. of likes, I think a lot of ppl here think that it should be increased, i think that it should be increased too. There are a lot of good things being said in these forums and it really sucks when you get the message and can't like a good post :/


EDIT: I realized that I just gave you your 100th like! :D



Yeah the limit really needs to be increased at least by ten.... Right when I was about to like this post, I ran out again... <_<


By the way thanks for the 100th like! :)




....which is why I say most relationships nowadays are "trick/ho" relationships.... albeit indirectly (sometimes directly, depending on the caliber of man we're talkin about) men shell out money to, or spending money on women for the ultimate prize of "gettin some"......




Experience is often the best teacher - especially when someone is stubborn & unobservant.....



Yeah you're sure right about that. Even then some chicks will front if you spend money on them....


There's also something I haven't mentioned yet but I learn not to give a damn anymore... I used to try for certain chicks when I was a bit younger. Thing is, Chicks knew I liked them and for some stupid reason not give me a chance... Then when they get some dude that treats them like S---, They come crying to me... This happened more than once... Not going to lie, I become the coldest MF when that happens...



fixed your post..... Reason in bold ;)


Today's women value material things more than they do their human counterparts......


There are a lot of stupid young men out here..... It is said that females, over time, gradually take on the persona of the man they're with..... Too many guys have taken on & subscribed to this simp culture, and females (as is human nature to take what is being handed out, especially when said object is needed) are more than willing to take what they got...... This is why I say it's not all on the female.... one reason why I don't necessarily side w/ & are all gung-ho about MRA's......


Lonely females resort to desperate shit & throw character completely out the window !



Ah I see what you did there ;)


True like my ex I've mention earlier... I look back and wonder, Was I drunk when I was with this broad? ( This is coming from a guy who doesn't drink alcohol or smoke anything )


Yeah and the stupid men out here make the good men look bad.... Also when broads were with dudes that treated them bad, They used that BS excuse about how all guys are the same...


Oh adding to the females who say giving head is nasty. I know a lot of chicks who say that yet they be do ones to do it on a regular basis ... That's because they think is "inappropriate" but they like it... In my opinion, There's nothing wrong with chicks giving head... That's apart of sex...


Oh by the way, I.O.U a like or two due to this damn limit...

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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Yeah you're sure right about that. Even then some chicks will front if you spend money on them....


There's also something I haven't mentioned yet but I learn not to give a damn anymore... I used to try for certain chicks when I was a bit younger. Thing is, Chicks knew I liked them and for some stupid reason not give me a chance... Then when they get some dude that treats them like S---, They come crying to me... This happened more than once... Not going to lie, I become the coldest MF when that happens...


The one thing I don't do & never did was chase after females..... They can smell desperation/thirst a mile away - which is a deterrent to them b/c more often than not, those are dudes that are only tryna f***.... Can't really blame females for having their guard up as high as they do, w/ so many cats out here on that tip.....


Yeh, I'd get dudes & broads I know that'd be like, oh you just scared to spit, this & that..... never argued b/c I knew better.... There more females than there are males... they are the ones at a numerical disadvantage when it comes to finding (and keeping) a good mate in their life (talkin about heterosexual females here)......


The trick is to get a chick into you.....

The problem is, too many guys make decisions w/ the "head" below instead of the "head" above...... Of course, when you're thinkin w/ the head below, patience goes right out the dam window ... lol.... they feel that the easiest way to find "that chick" is to shower her w/ money & gifts & what not (big mistake... b/c first impressions are always lasting impressions - in other words, she's going to always view you as a sugar daddy)...... The ones that are flat broke, resort to "game" (which isn't all that successful because you are really playing a part; you're not being yourself)....


e/g, It's why men on that PUA (pick up artist) tip have given up on finding love & rely heavily on "game" just to get a chick(s) into the sack with them...... These are men that are on a 1-way path to being old & lonely (notice I didn't say alone), much like them TFL (true forced loneliness) fools..... only difference b/w those two is that one can get laid & one can't.....


To a lot of females, a man is most dangerous when he cannot be controlled by sex...... many females would give up on that dude (makes my job that much easier, b/c I don't want a chick who feels sex is her only trump card into keeping me).... Whereas a real chick that's about something would respect that......


A fact I've came to the realization of (through other people's f***-ups) is, no matter what you do or say, you cannot get a female to truly be down with you (not your money & material possessions) if her heart strings (lol)/emotion/feeling about you is stuck on zilch.....


....which is why a guy's aim should be to get that success rate at 100%, and nothin less

(I'm not talkin about hittin & quittin - any broke, desperate ho w/ a vagina will tickle an impatient guy's fancy)..... Gettin a female into you does just that - If her interest level is at 100% & you're feelin her too, you shouldn't have near as much to worry about (on the surface anyway).... Dudes chasing after women, their rates are nowhere near as high, which increases the worry factor.....


Again, all most guys want at the end of the day is Peace of mind..... and this brotha right here certainly falls into that category !




- (I'll get to the other half of your post later) -



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The one thing I don't do & never did was chase after females..... They can smell desperation/thirst a mile away - which is a deterrent to them b/c more often than not, those are dudes that are only tryna f***.... Can't really blame females for having their guard up as high as they do, w/ so many cats out here on that tip.....


Yeh, I'd get dudes & broads I know that'd be like, oh you just scared to spit, this & that..... never argued b/c I knew better.... There more females than there are males... they are the ones at a numerical disadvantage when it comes to finding (and keeping) a good mate in their life (talkin about heterosexual females here)......


The trick is to get a chick into you.....

The problem is, too many guys make decisions w/ the "head" below instead of the "head" above...... Of course, when you're thinkin w/ the head below, patience goes right out the dam window ... lol.... they feel that the easiest way to find "that chick" is to shower her w/ money & gifts & what not (big mistake... b/c first impressions are always lasting impressions - in other words, she's going to always view you as a sugar daddy)...... The ones that are flat broke, resort to "game" (which isn't all that successful because you are really playing a part; you're not being yourself)....


e/g, It's why men on that PUA (pick up artist) tip have given up on finding love & rely heavily on "game" just to get a chick(s) into the sack with them...... These are men that are on a 1-way path to being old & lonely (notice I didn't say alone), much like them TFL (true forced loneliness) fools..... only difference b/w those two is that one can get laid & one can't.....


To a lot of females, a man is most dangerous when he cannot be controlled by sex...... many females would give up on that dude (makes my job that much easier, b/c I don't want a chick who feels sex is her only trump card into keeping me).... Whereas a real chick that's about something would respect that......


A fact I've came to the realization of (through other people's f***-ups) is, no matter what you do or say, you cannot get a female to truly be down with you (not your money & material possessions) if her heart strings (lol)/emotion/feeling about you is stuck on zilch.....


....which is why a guy's aim should be to get that success rate at 100%, and nothin less

(I'm not talkin about hittin & quittin - any broke, desperate ho w/ a vagina will tickle an impatient guy's fancy)..... Gettin a female into you does just that - If her interest level is at 100% & you're feelin her too, you shouldn't have near as much to worry about (on the surface anyway).... Dudes chasing after women, their rates are nowhere near as high, which increases the worry factor.....


Again, all most guys want at the end of the day is Peace of mind..... and this brotha right here certainly falls into that category !




- (I'll get to the other half of your post later) -





Yeah, I always think with the head on the top lol... Your right about chicks wanting to control men through sex... That's also apart of what I call the "female advantage" Knew this one chick ( never dated her nor do I want too.) Who would control her B/Fs with sex... Thing is, Loads of guys think with the head down there and that's a big no-no... I'm always myself. I don't do that "Swag" BS that some of these desperate dudes do...


I've learned a lot from my past mistakes and I'm a better person for it... I've had females try to use the "female advantage" on me and I LOL when they get mad at me because I don't do what they've asked me too do... I never spoil girls... That's the wrong thing to do even if she is not your G/F...


Funny thing is that most of the chicks that were into me were already in a relationship lol.... Sure shows the fidelity of certain girls...


At the end of the day, That's what I want too... A peace at mind...

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Ah I see what you did there ;)


True like my ex I've mention earlier... I look back and wonder, Was I drunk when I was with this broad? ( This is coming from a guy who doesn't drink alcohol or smoke anything )


Yeah and the stupid men out here make the good men look bad.... Also when broads were with dudes that treated them bad, They used that BS excuse about how all guys are the same...


Oh adding to the females who say giving head is nasty. I know a lot of chicks who say that yet they be do ones to do it on a regular basis ... That's because they think is "inappropriate" but they like it... In my opinion, There's nothing wrong with chicks giving head... That's apart of sex...


Oh by the way, I.O.U a like or two due to this damn limit...


You don't smoke... You don't drink... What's good / what's wrong with you???

(I've gotten variations of that BS quite a bit... didn't think it was a crime to care about yourself - Who knew? )


The broads on that "all guys are the same" tip to me are damaged goods regardless.... they've either:

- been ran through so many damn times that they're insensitive to d*ck men...

- been fed & became indoctrinated with the BS that other single/lonely broads are spewing to them in their man-hating sessions (a.k.a girl's night out) - Notice how you NEVER hear about a woman being afraid of commitment...

- and/or, are simply broads coming in w/ too much emotional baggage I don't care to be bothered in putting up with.....

(this is where your example regarding their bad treatment from dudes in the past, falls in)



Oh there's nothin wrong with the physical act of givin head at all.....

Their feelings of inappropriateness stems from societal standards (which are viewed as pressures) that are placed on females.... I mean, It's just not "lady-like" to talk about, think about, or resort to pleasuring a man orally.... This day & age, things that happen behind closed doors, somehow find their way out into the open - which scares the dog dang blasted shit out of em (yeah, I'm watchin king of the hill on DVD right now.... lol)....


Let's be real, if a random chick you thought was good lookin walked up to you & was like "I suck d*** ".... would you consider that relationship material? I know I sure as hell wouldn't....... lmfao !




Yeah, I always think with the head on the top lol... Your right about chicks wanting to control men through sex... That's also apart of what I call the "female advantage" Knew this one chick ( never dated her nor do I want too.) Who would control her B/Fs with sex... Thing is, Loads of guys think with the head down there and that's a big no-no... I'm always myself. I don't do that "Swag" BS that some of these desperate dudes do...


I've learned a lot from my past mistakes and I'm a better person for it... I've had females try to use the "female advantage" on me and I LOL when they get mad at me because I don't do what they've asked me too do... I never spoil girls... That's the wrong thing to do even if she is not your G/F...


Funny thing is that most of the chicks that were into me were already in a relationship lol.... Sure shows the fidelity of certain girls...


At the end of the day, That's what I want too... A peace at mind...


Swag is nothin more than a new age definition of game.... I've never subscribed to game, and I'm too old for swag....


Broads that are into you for the wrong reasons, you can easily distinguish.... Scandalous broads practically give themselves away with how they express themselves to you... When it comes to character, they cannot keep up the charade for too long.... Guys are not are stupid - they know when they're messin w/ a chick that's in a relationship - Most don't really care about that b/c they don't want that emotional attachment anyway..... They just want to "lay the pipe down"......


More power to those guys.... Me, I wan't nothin to do w/ a broad who already has a man......

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@B35: No one is too young or old for swag, unless it means you are drinking...


that was in reference to the terminology.....


....much like I would find it odd as hell if my grandfather, or even my father (RIP to both) were to mention the term jumpoff, bust-down, etc. to describe a chick.....

Edited by B35 via Church
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You don't smoke... You don't drink... What's good / what's wrong with you???

(I've gotten variations of that BS quite a bit... didn't think it was a crime to care about yourself - Who knew? )


The broads on that "all guys are the same" tip to me are damaged goods regardless.... they've either:

- been ran through so many damn times that they're insensitive to d*ck men...

- been fed & became indoctrinated with the BS that other single/lonely broads are spewing to them in their man-hating sessions (a.k.a girl's night out) - Notice how you NEVER hear about a woman being afraid of commitment...

- and/or, are simply broads coming in w/ too much emotional baggage I don't care to be bothered in putting up with.....

(this is where your example regarding their bad treatment from dudes in the past, falls in)



Oh there's nothin wrong with the physical act of givin head at all.....

Their feelings of inappropriateness stems from societal standards (which are viewed as pressures) that are placed on females.... I mean, It's just not "lady-like" to talk about, think about, or resort to pleasuring a man orally.... This day & age, things that happen behind closed doors, somehow find their way out into the open - which scares the dog dang blasted shit out of em (yeah, I'm watchin king of the hill on DVD right now.... lol)....


Let's be real, if a random chick you thought was good lookin walked up to you & was like "I suck d*** ".... would you consider that relationship material? I know I sure as hell wouldn't....... lmfao !






Swag is nothin more than a new age definition of game.... I've never subscribed to game, and I'm too old for swag....


Broads that are into you for the wrong reasons, you can easily distinguish.... Scandalous broads practically give themselves away with how they express themselves to you... When it comes to character, they cannot keep up the charade for too long.... Guys are not are stupid - they know when they're messin w/ a chick that's in a relationship - Most don't really care about that b/c they don't want that emotional attachment anyway..... They just want to "lay the pipe down"......


More power to those guys.... Me, I wan't nothin to do w/ a broad who already has a man......


LOL. It's just not my style.... I've got no reason to give you BS bro...


Yup those are the primary reasons for the BS girls say... However, I've encountered your third example more out of the three. Yep... I've noticed that all right... Chicks say that males are afriad of commitment and that they just want sex ( Which is partially true Lmao.)


I know a chick who's not afraid to talk about head yet ironically she claims that she's never given head... Go figure... LOL at the King of the hill reference.


Nah bro, I would never consider a random chick who says something like that out of the blue relationship material....


To be honest, I've never used the term "swag" when it comes to myself. In fact, I've never really had a term to describe "game". I just be myself... I never get myself involved with any chick in a relationship... Not worth it at all. Those types of broads can have a thing for me all they want. I want nothing to do with them...

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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Yeah, I always think with the head on the top lol... Your right about chicks wanting to control men through sex... That's also apart of what I call the "female advantage" Knew this one chick ( never dated her nor do I want too.) Who would control her B/Fs with sex... Thing is, Loads of guys think with the head down there and that's a big no-no... I'm always myself. I don't do that "Swag" BS that some of these desperate dudes do...


I've learned a lot from my past mistakes and I'm a better person for it... I've had females try to use the "female advantage" on me and I LOL when they get mad at me because I don't do what they've asked me too do... I never spoil girls... That's the wrong thing to do even if she is not your G/F...


Funny thing is that most of the chicks that were into me were already in a relationship lol.... Sure shows the fidelity of certain girls...


At the end of the day, That's what I want too... A peace at mind...



I think w/the head on top too.. unlike other guys in my school who think w/ the other head :rolleyes: One thing that I have noticed is (at least in my school) , guys who think all the time about getting "some" mostly never do .. I find it amusing :lol: With "swag" I always thought it was like how you dress, not necessarily game or any of that .... Girls tell me that I have swag (Idk if it how I dress, which I have been told is really well, or if its the piercings lol or if its the way I talk to them :wacko: )but they aren't worth my time at all... A lot of girls have this "I do what I want attitude" and that bothers me.. Like if you're gonna go out w/me, we are doing what I want to do not you lol.. And at the end of the day, I think we all want peace at mind....

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I think w/the head on top too.. unlike other guys in my school who think w/ the other head :rolleyes: One thing that I have noticed is (at least in my school) , guys who think all the time about getting "some" mostly never do .. I find it amusing :lol: With "swag" I always thought it was like how you dress, not necessarily game or any of that .... Girls tell me that I have swag (Idk if it how I dress, which I have been told is really well, or if its the piercings lol or if its the way I talk to them :wacko: )but they aren't worth my time at all... A lot of girls have this "I do what I want attitude" and that bothers me.. Like if you're gonna go out w/me, we are doing what I want to do not you lol.. And at the end of the day, I think we all want peace at mind....



That's good that you do. It shows that you are mature... Yeah dudes would lie about that so they won't feel stupid... "swag" can work both as "game" and the way your appearance is...


Funny that you've mention piercings. I used to have my left ear pierced when I was a bit younger... I let it close a long time ago...


Usually chicks with that attitude have a bad "boss bitch" attitude... Unless you like that, Stay away from those type of broads...

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That's good that you do. It shows that you are mature... Yeah dudes would lie about that so they won't feel stupid... "swag" can work both as "game" and the way your appearance is...


Funny that you've mention piercings. I used to have my left ear pierced when I was a bit younger... I let it close a long time ago...


Usually chicks with that attitude have a bad "boss bitch" attitude... Unless you like that, Stay away from those type of broads...



I can't stand girl like that :angry: so I prefer to stay away and its ironic because everyone calls me immature when I'm the one that gives them advice :rolleyes: lol


Another thing I don't understand, when girls change their sexuality every week or very frequently. For example there is this girl in my school that I dated in like 7th grade, and she was straight, then she became lesbian, then she became bi, then she became straight again, Idk if she's doing it for attention or not but its kinda weird lol. Many girls in my school have become bi to fit in... Its kind of a shame smh...

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I can't stand girl like that :angry: so I prefer to stay away and its ironic because everyone calls me immature when I'm the one that gives them advice :rolleyes: lol


Another thing I don't understand, when girls change their sexuality every week or very frequently. For example there is this girl in my school that I dated in like 7th grade, and she was straight, then she became lesbian, then she became bi, then she became straight again, Idk if she's doing it for attention or not but its kinda weird lol. Many girls in my school have become bi to fit in... Its kind of a shame smh...



If they don't take your advice, Let them ignore you... Do what I do and not offer them advice when they need you. Hell, You've warned them ahead of time...


Look at the part I bolded in your post... The reason chicks are like that is because they are young and immature... They don't know what they want at that age. Older chicks do it just to fend off fools who try for them...


When I was in 7th grade, I've tried for upper-class females... Most of the time, I got no where LOL. By the way, I've got to give you another I.O.U.

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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LOL. It's just not my style.... I've got no reason to give you BS bro...


......To be honest, I've never used the term "swag" when it comes to myself. In fact, I've never really had a term to describe "game". I just be myself... I never get myself involved with any chick in a relationship... Not worth it at all. Those types of broads can have a thing for me all they want. I want nothing to do with them...

I didn't think you were BS-ing me..... that comment was said in jest (hell, I don't smoke or drink alcohol either... never did)...


I hate the term swag & what it represents (the bastardization of young men).....

You most likely never really had a term to describe "game" because "game" doesn't really exist.... A chick is either interested in you (or something you have) or not interested....



I think w/the head on top too.. unlike other guys in my school who think w/ the other head :rolleyes: One thing that I have noticed is (at least in my school) , guys who think all the time about getting "some" mostly never do .. I find it amusing :lol: With "swag" I always thought it was like how you dress, not necessarily game or any of that .... Girls tell me that I have swag (Idk if it how I dress, which I have been told is really well, or if its the piercings lol or if its the way I talk to them :wacko: )but they aren't worth my time at all... A lot of girls have this "I do what I want attitude" and that bothers me.. Like if you're gonna go out w/me, we are doing what I want to do not you lol..


And at the end of the day, I think we all want peace at mind....


Faking the funk has been done by dudes for decades.... When I hear young dudes constantly talking about (them) baggin/nailin broads, I immediately call BS..... The older ones around my age on that tip, I just smh and/or laugh at...... In either case, these are the guys that are giving the vagina too much damn power.... These are the guys that are keeping these females heads gassed up like helium balloons.....


I guess you pointed out the main difference b/w "swag" & "game".... "game" has nothin to do with how you present yourself on the exterior (outside of body language, that is)....... basically, "swag" is "game" + sense of fashion......


Nah, guys are the ones who want peace of mind.... females want & yearn for drama, esp. young females.....

Think I said this in an older post.... to a female, a drama free relationship is a boring one.....



I can't stand girl like that :angry: so I prefer to stay away and its ironic because everyone calls me immature when I'm the one that gives them advice :rolleyes: lol


Another thing I don't understand, when girls change their sexuality every week or very frequently. For example there is this girl in my school that I dated in like 7th grade, and she was straight, then she became lesbian, then she became bi, then she became straight again, Idk if she's doing it for attention or not but its kinda weird lol. Many girls in my school have become bi to fit in... Its kind of a shame smh...


They're calling you immature because you're outside of the box (so to speak).... it's a shaming tactic...


Lol @ the sexuality thing.... I also spoke on that somewhere within this thread.....

This man-hating culture has a lot of these young girls out here confused.....

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Faking the funk has been done by dudes for decades.... When I hear young dudes constantly talking about (them) baggin/nailin broads, I immediately call BS..... The older ones around my age on that tip, I just smh and/or laugh at...... In either case, these are the guys that are giving the vagina too much damn power.... These are the guys that are keeping these females heads gassed up like helium balloons.....


I guess you pointed out the main difference b/w "swag" & "game".... "game" has nothin to do with how you present yourself on the exterior (outside of body language, that is)....... basically, "swag" is "game" + sense of fashion......


Nah, guys are the ones who want peace of mind.... females want & yearn for drama, esp. young females.....

Think I said this in an older post.... to a female, a drama free relationship is a boring one.....





They're calling you immature because you're outside of the box (so to speak).... it's a shaming tactic...


Lol @ the sexuality thing.... I also spoke on that somewhere within this thread.....

This man-hating culture has a lot of these young girls out here confused.....



With the peace of mind, I mean't us guys, but I should've clarified, my fault... I don't understand why guys lie about having sex, it's unnecessary and they think it makes them look "cool" but it makes them look bad smh.... Its a shame that guys your age do that, you would think that some (not all) would be settled down... Smh, girls think that now they are equal to men in a way, that they can act the way that they do IMO.... Some of these girls are confused b/c they don't wanna face the truth that what they do/feel isn't the right way...

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I didn't think you were BS-ing me..... that comment was said in jest (hell, I don't smoke or drink alcohol either... never did)...


I hate the term swag & what it represents (the bastardization of young men).....

You most likely never really had a term to describe "game" because "game" doesn't really exist.... A chick is either interested in you (or something you have) or not interested....



Lol @ the sexuality thing.... I also spoke on that somewhere within this thread.....

This man-hating culture has a lot of these young girls out here confused.....


Oh... The way you wrote it. I thought you calling BS...


Yeah I hate the term too... If anything, "Class" is the better term. Very true. If a chick isn't interested, I just move on...


Yeah you were talking to me about that... How these chicks cock block each other because of their "femi-nazi" ways lol...

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Hate to split up this conversation, but I saw an episode (or whatever you want to call it) on 60 Minutes about parents leaving their kids back because "they want them to get ahead and have an advantage in life". I just don't see how that works. I mean if you were born in December, were you that much less developmentally advanced than somebody who was born in January? There was even a woman who paid for an expensive private school so her kid could go into kindergarden at age 6 instead of 1st grade.


My parents would be willing to pay money to skip me a year ahead (and the school should've done that anyway, especially in this budget crisis), and here these parents are doing the opposite. I mean, I don't know what's the point in that. :wacko:

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Hate to split up this conversation, but I saw an episode (or whatever you want to call it) on 60 Minutes about parents leaving their kids back because "they want them to get ahead and have an advantage in life". I just don't see how that works. I mean if you were born in December, were you that much less developmentally advanced than somebody who was born in January? There was even a woman who paid for an expensive private school so her kid could go into kindergarden at age 6 instead of 1st grade.


My parents would be willing to pay money to skip me a year ahead (and the school should've done that anyway, especially in this budget crisis), and here these parents are doing the opposite. I mean, I don't know what's the point in that. :wacko:


I don't understand that either, the children will just be starting their lives a year later, it doesn't make much sense... I was held back myself (not b/c of something like this tho) and although I am really smart and rank high in my class, I'm not necessarily "ahead"... Idk the parents logic, like if your child was really "ahead and had an advantage at life" they would be a grade AHEAD not a grade BEHIND....

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With the peace of mind, I mean't us guys, but I should've clarified, my fault... I don't understand why guys lie about having sex, it's unnecessary and they think it makes them look "cool" but it makes them look bad smh.... Its a shame that guys your age do that, you would think that some (not all) would be settled down...


Smh, girls think that now they are equal to men in a way, that they can act the way that they do IMO.... Some of these girls are confused b/c they don't wanna face the truth that what they do/feel isn't the right way...


Guys lie about having sex simply due to the alpha male factor, so to speak.... People in general want to be perceived as being the best at something.... i.e, the more girls you get, the more of a man you are... that whole thing.....

The way rappers are portrayed in the media is the perfect example - they have a f*ckload of money, the expensive house, cars, jewelry, etc., and of course - 1/2 naked women dancing & gyrating for/on them....


The girls that think that they're equal to men, they're gonna be in for a rude awakening....

I like how a certain YT-er (longloxx82) puts it - "Time teaches the best lesson in humility"


A man's stock/worth increases with age (this is what a lotta guys gotta start realizing btw), a woman's stock does NOT - and there aint a damn movement (feminism) that's gonna change that !!



Yeah you were talking to me about that... How these chicks cock block each other because of their "femi-nazi" ways lol...


Yep, let them keep on w/ that "girl power", "crabs in the barrel" nonsense if it makes them feel better for the here & now......



Hate to split up this conversation, but I saw an episode (or whatever you want to call it) on 60 Minutes about parents leaving their kids back because "they want them to get ahead and have an advantage in life". I just don't see how that works. I mean if you were born in December, were you that much less developmentally advanced than somebody who was born in January? There was even a woman who paid for an expensive private school so her kid could go into kindergarden at age 6 instead of 1st grade.


My parents would be willing to pay money to skip me a year ahead (and the school should've done that anyway, especially in this budget crisis), and here these parents are doing the opposite. I mean, I don't know what's the point in that. :wacko:


Not the first time I heard about parents opting to do that.....

It's all Wishful thinking & questionable logic.....


They're banking on the notion that the longer you leave your kid in school, the better the economy will get when it's time for their child(ren) to get out into the workforce......

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****ing Baruch claimed 8-10 weeks to evaluate my ****. That was March. Even if I send my final transcript from Nassau now, I don't know if they'll get back to me before the start of the semester, and I don't even have any idea as to any sort of admission events or anything.... 23% acceptance rate just tells me the idiots who had some sort of grand scheme in the back of Bio in HS (which they barely passed) thought they could get into a top school and then run away and be rich only to get shut down because they didn't do jack in HS.


Speaking of which, if you think you're hot shit because you take AP courses all the way through senior year, one bad professor can and will undo your **** not stinking.

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****ing Baruch claimed 8-10 weeks to evaluate my ****. That was March. Even if I send my final transcript from Nassau now, I don't know if they'll get back to me before the start of the semester, and I don't even have any idea as to any sort of admission events or anything.... 23% acceptance rate just tells me the idiots who had some sort of grand scheme in the back of Bio in HS (which they barely passed) thought they could get into a top school and then run away and be rich only to get shut down because they didn't do jack in HS.


Speaking of which, if you think you're hot shit because you take AP courses all the way through senior year, one bad professor can and will undo your **** not stinking.


Odd that you mention Baruch. I go there.
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They're banking on the notion that the longer you leave your kid in school, the better the economy will get when it's time for their child(ren) to get out into the workforce......



LOL. Imagine the reactions of the parents whose kids ended up getting out of school in 2008 instead of 2007 back when the economy went south (then again, this sounds like a fairly recent trend).


I guess on an education-related note, I'm tutoring summer-school kids (kindergarden & first graders) and it's amazing how some of them got into summer school in the first place. They said that they have to be up to a certain level by the end of the summer, and the kids I had were flooring it through the different levels. I mean, maybe I just happened to get some of the better kids, but still, at the very least those particular kids shouldn't have been sent to summer school. I did that program during the regular school year, and I was thinking "OK, well, these kids weren't necessarily sent here because they're below grade level", but I'm like damn.


I mean, it's good for me because it makes my job that much easier, but it sucks for the kids. But then again, the parents probably figured it was a free babysitting service so they might as well send them there. I guess there's not much a 5- or 6-year old is going to be doing during the summer anyway (And aside from that, it's only a half-day, so they have the rest of the day free).

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Man, it's great that the library has laptops: It means fewer people are using the computers. I've been on the same computer since about 12:15, so it's been a continuous 3 hour session.


On a side note, a girl came in saying she dropped a brown wallet. (I helped her out with her library card, so she asked me if I had seen it). I said no, but after she left, another girl came and said she found a brown wallet. Somebody's in for a pleasant surprise. :)

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Man, it's great that the library has laptops: It means fewer people are using the computers. I've been on the same computer since about 12:15, so it's been a continuous 3 hour session.


On a side note, a girl came in saying she dropped a brown wallet. (I helped her out with her library card, so she asked me if I had seen it). I said no, but after she left, another girl came and said she found a brown wallet. Somebody's in for a pleasant surprise. :)


But laptops have shorter lifespans and are easier to steal. I don't see the point in having laptops replace desktops unless they had to be moved often.
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