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Let's Get Vintage(SubwayStyle)

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Here's a nice one of the type of trains I enjoyed riding:


R15 #6241 leading a northbound (2) at Prospect Avenue in Morrisania, Summer of '71.




Showing the diversity we had, the second car is an R12 or R14.


P.S. The Yankees were enroute to finishing 82-80 that summer and Mr. Bobby Murcer and Mr. Horace Clarke were two of my favorites.

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Vintage NYCT subway trains are not only at subway.org there maybe other pics other people might have so if ya got none then don't reply julio




With that said, I'll try this for size:




From the collection of David Pirrman.

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Vintage NYCT subway trains are not only at subway.org there maybe other pics other people might have so if ya got none then don't reply julio

Yet those are the only ones I saw in your post and in the two below yours further proving my point. I'm all for a thread with vintage trains but this just seems to be more of a "post photos of vintage trains from nycsubway.org" rather posting vintage train photos. I don't care for it but I'm just stating my observations.

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Yes We Understand but you don't have to be a Smartass about it, If Knightrider wants to post vintage subway stuff, He has that right, This is not your site this is harry site, so Just do your Modding and stay out of peoples busniess.

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Yes We Understand but you don't have to be a Smartass about it, If Knightrider wants to post vintage subway stuff, He has that right, This is not your site this is harry site, so Just do your Modding and stay out of peoples busniess.



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Im not the Moron okay dude, Im just proving a point, And If you have a problem with that then that's on you.

When did I call you a moron? Oxymoron: ox·y·mo·ron (ŏk'sē-môr'ŏn', -mōr'-)

n. pl. ox·y·mo·ra (-môr'ə, -mōr'ə) or ox·y·mo·rons

A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.

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