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Allegations of racial slur at Queens bus depot leads to standoff between drivers, management

Shortline Bus

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Allegations of a racial slur at a Queens bus depot led some drivers to refuse to work Thursday morning, authorities said.


About 20 buses were delayed pulling out of the Queens Village depot during a standoff between drivers and management that lasted about two hours, union and transit officials said.


Local politicians, including City Councilman Leroy Comrie, and top NYC Transit bus executives hurried to the depot along with union leaders as tempers escalated, the union official said.


The brouhaha was rooted in a confrontation Wednesday between a dispatcher and a driver.


After a bus driver allegedly failed to make all of his assigned trips, his dispatcher initiated disciplinary charges against him, NYC Transit said in a statement Thursday night.


Sources said the dispatcher accused the driver of threatening him; then the driver, who is African-American, accused the white dispatcher of calling him the N-word, authorities said.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/11/12/2010-11-12_race_flap_at_depot_holds_up_qns_buses.html#ixzz155JOHbkz

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I guess some people just don't have thick enough skin. If he(B/O) was doing what he was supposed to do this confrontation wouldn't have happened. I am sure this wasn't the first time in his life that he was called that, if a passenger called him the "N" word does he have the right to take the bus out of service? I sure don't think so.

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I guess some people just don't have thick enough skin. If he(B/O) was doing what he was supposed to do this confrontation wouldn't have happened. I am sure this wasn't the first time in his life that he was called that, if a passenger called him the "N" word does he have the right to take the bus out of service? I sure don't think so.


I totally disagree. I have very thick skin, and would have a serious problem if someone called me that. And I don't give a damn if he was in the wrong or not, that didn't give the dispatcher any right to say that if he really did. I have no problem with the word being used as a term of endearment, as it commonly is. And yes, if a B/O is disrespected by a passenger, he has every right to pull that baby over and tell them to get off. My brother, and my God-mother have done it.

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Oh mama. Whatever happens happens in this case. Words like the N word really don't effect me one bit. Last year this white guy called me the N word and I told him, "Is that all you got? Cause if it is your pathetic to resort to something like that." After that he didn't say anything else cause he expected me to make a scene and get in trouble. He was wrong and that significantly took him by surprise. I just don't let words like N word get to me that easy and bad situations can be completely avoided by walking away or ignoring the person/persons. I just wish it were that easy for others.


It shouldn't bother anyone but in a work environment there is no room for that even in the military its not tolerated i seen people get in to some deep trouble for it

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Sounds like a dumb ass bus driver was pissed that he was being repremanded.. And the N word? gimme a break, in this day and age if you are still going to get all upset about that word you need to get some mental help. Blacks call eachother that word so much that it shouldnt matter who uses it anymore, the words effect is way diminished by now...Its not like back in the day when you walked into a diner and a white guy called someone a N word in a segregated diner....


You wanna cry racism go ahead but the worst racism that is still left in this world is apartheid. Any people should be happy they dont have to live under that.. This country has come a very long way since the 50s and 60s and before type racism




People really need to stop using that word as an excuse to start a big commotion and need to get over it, especially if they were never even born during the time when that word hurt the most...Its just a word, Ive been called worse and just brush it off..

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Sounds like a dumb ass bus driver was pissed that he was being repremanded.. And the N word? gimme a break, in this day and age if you are still going to get all upset about that word you need to get some mental help. Blacks call eachother that word so much that it shouldnt matter who uses it anymore, the words effect is way diminished by now...Its not like back in the day when you walked into a diner and a white guy called someone a N word in an all white diner....


People need to get over it, especially if they were never even born during the time when that word hurt the most...Its just a word, Ive been called worse and just brush it off..


Blacks and Hispanics use a variant of the word commonly. But make no mistake about it, they are two totally different words. And we don't know what really happened, so no one should be speculating.


And no offence, but unless you fall under either ethnicity mentioned above, you have no place to say people need to get over it. Coming from a person who has been called that in an all white diner, I have every right to comment. But the person who called me that never knew it bothered be for the simple fact that I didn't act in a way that would have proven I was just what he called me. I'm far from ignorant, which is what that word really means.

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Blacks and Hispanics use a variant of the word commonly. But make no mistake about it, they are two totally different words. And we don't know what really happened, so no one should be speculating.


And no offence, but unless you fall under either ethnicity mentioned above, you have no place to say people need to get over it. Coming from a person who has been called that in an all white diner, I have every right to comment. But the person who called me that never knew it bothered be for the simple fact that I didn't act in a way that would have proven I was just what he called me. I'm far from ignorant, which is what that word really means.


Very well said bro and let see what the real story is. I am sure this is not the last we hear of this story. And I won't be shocked if Rev. Al gets involved in this situation.

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Very well said bro and let see what the real story is. I am sure this is not the last we hear of this story. And I won't be shocked if Rev. Al gets involved in this situation.


Rev Al just makes things much worse and his actions and behaviour hold the black community down. The ONLY reason he is able to get away with what he says is becase he has the Title REVERAND before his name.

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Blacks and Hispanics use a variant of the word commonly. But make no mistake about it, they are two totally different words. And we don't know what really happened, so no one should be speculating.


And no offence, but unless you fall under either ethnicity mentioned above, you have no place to say people need to get over it. Coming from a person who has been called that in an all white diner, I have every right to comment. But the person who called me that never knew it bothered be for the simple fact that I didn't act in a way that would have proven I was just what he called me. I'm far from ignorant, which is what that word really means.


I couldn't agree any more!!!

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Rev Al just makes things much worse and his actions and behaviour hold the black community down. The ONLY reason he is able to get away with what he says is becase he has the Title REVERAND before his name.


I am not a fan of Rev. Al either and this is coming from a Biracial guy in which my late Dad was Black. I am just saying I would not be surprised if he gets involved if this story gets more attention.

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I guess some people just don't have thick enough skin. If he(B/O) was doing what he was supposed to do this confrontation wouldn't have happened. I am sure this wasn't the first time in his life that he was called that, if a passenger called him the "N" word does he have the right to take the bus out of service? I sure don't think so.

Two wrongs don't make a right!


Also, it is in the book or rules that all employees must treat each other withe respect..............it is wrong for a passenger to use a racial slur against an operator.............but employee to employee relationships should be on a higher level than one employee using a racial slur against another.

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I got called a zzzzzz when I was like 14 or 15... I was crossing Avenue U, coming from Kings plaza... two white kids, probably the same age I was @ the time, were hanging on the corner (same side as KP)... one of them said "hey zzzzzz".... I turned around & gave them a stupefied look, and went about my business... they were both small/skinny in stature, but still, the shit didn't phase me...


that was the day when I realized "sticks and stones may break my bones...", eh, you know the rest of it...


I let people say what they want.... Still do to this day.

But let that person cross the lines of grazing, let alone laying a finger on me in the process....


THEN I use what that person said previously about me, as fuel & ammunition, in beating the holy hell out of someone's ever-loving a**....




As for this story, I could play devil's advocate and say that the b/o in this case is lying on the dispatcher.... Quite a bit of us black folk DO have this thing where, we play the victim role in order to bring some situation to the forefront.... I cannot stand when people play the victim role... in ANYthing....


drama is thrived upon in the black community.....

I know I'm going somewhat o/t with this, but I'ma say it.... the white man isn't always the enemy... I'm so sick of that thought-process & way of living blacks continue to harp & dwell on... that's one of the biggest things me & my father didn't see eye-to-eye on....


but annnyyywaayyy...

yeah, this is hearsay... julio was spot on....

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Rev Al just makes things much worse and his actions and behaviour hold the black community down. The ONLY reason he is able to get away with what he says is becase he has the Title REVERAND before his name.


I wouldn't say he holds the community down, but I will say he needs to sit his ass down sometime!!!


Getting over it makes you the better person, they'll have one less thing to use againts you.


You are 100% right. That it does.



I let people say what they want.... Still do to this day.

But let that person cross the lines of grazing, let alone laying a finger on me in the process....


As for this story, I could play devil's advocate and say that the b/o in this case is lying on the dispatcher.... Quite a bit of us black folk DO have this thing where, we play the victim role in order to bring some situation to the forefront.... I cannot stand when people play the victim role... in ANYthing....


drama is thrived upon in the black community.....

I know I'm going somewhat o/t with this, but I'ma say it.... the white man isn't always the enemy... I'm so sick of that thought-process & way of living blacks continue to harp & dwell on... that's one of the biggest things me & my father didn't see eye-to-eye on....


but annnyyywaayyy...

yeah, this is hearsay... julio was spot on....


You are sooooooo right!

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There is no justification for the dispatcher to use that term. I am white and I would never even THINK about using that word, in any situation. It's just hateful and disgusting, just as every other racial, sexist, homophobic term is. BUT, this wasn't a reason to not pull out buses. This is an individual problem and should not affect the public. There are more productive ways to get justice for being called something that shouldn't have been said. On another note; the driver should really finish his assignment as he is on the tax payers dime....

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The passengers are the ones who lost out and they didn't do anything. This was and is something between a B/O and a dispatcher, don't take it out on the public.


I hear the way they(white shirts)talk about B/O's sometimes on my scanner, is it right to talk about a B/O and say "he looks retarded." of course it isn't. But at the end of the day you just got to let it go and not take everything personal. Once you get home you become you again.......

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There is no justification for the dispatcher to use that term. I am white and I would never even THINK about using that word, in any situation. It's just hateful and disgusting, just as every other racial, sexist, homophobic term is. BUT, this wasn't a reason to not pull out buses. This is an individual problem and should not affect the public. There are more productive ways to get justice for being called something that shouldn't have been said. On another note; the driver should really finish his assignment as he is on the tax payers dime....


The passengers are the ones who lost out and they didn't do anything. This was and is something between a B/O and a dispatcher, don't take it out on the public.


I hear the way they(white shirts)talk about B/O's sometimes on my scanner, is it right to talk about a B/O and say "he looks retarded." of course it isn't. But at the end of the day you just got to let it go and not take everything personal. Once you get home you become you again.......


Now that was put very well. It reminds me a little of "The Strike." I had an interview that day!! If I had not know the strike was coming, I would have been up ***** Creek without a paddle.

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I bet this is the reason why I was late lol, then a conga line of like 5 buses came out of nowhere. Explains so much.


I'll wait until more details before commenting. But why would there be a standoff out of nowhere? Who would react in a standoff to a word that's not the n-word? But people always pull the race card so that has to be considered too.


Can't we all just get along.


I've been called racial slurs (even to races that I'm not even part of) more times than I can count, I don't even know how many altercations (verbal & physical) I've gotten into over words. It's dumb, I dont even waste my time anymore, why bring myself to someone else's sad little level (however if I'm touched it's still a wrap B)).

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