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Can anyone remember any train crews that wanted to poke around with the signs and what sign they put up?


Also, how DO the train crews change the sign?

The conductor either use special keys to switch the rollsign or put down a code for the train to display the location and route.

I'm not sure about train crews messing with the rollsigns, but I saw an R62A displaying (4) on the front and side of the 1st car at Penn Station. I also saw a green 10 train at 3 Avenue-138th Street in the same format.

May I mention there are hundreds of ways to mess with a rollsign? 

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That's correct. This applies to all words on their end rollsigns.


That condensed font is actually the condensed font for Standard Medium. Also, the font on the 62As is the same font you mentioned in an older post. Don't let the slants deceive you - that is Helvetica through and through; it's just an older (and apparently altered) version of it.

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That's correct. This applies to all words on their end rollsigns.


That condensed font is actually the condensed font for Standard Medium. Also, the font on the 62As is the same font you mentioned in an older post. Don't let the slants deceive you - that is Helvetica through and through; it's just an older (and apparently altered) version of it.


I just did some digging--you're quite right: the condensed font on 62 rollsigns, pillars at SF/Utica/Hoyt, and a variety of Redbird front rollsigns are indeed Akzidenz-Grotesk Extra Bold Condensed.


As for the the 62A "NIS" font, interesting--especially given that the bullets on 62A rollsigns are in Akzidenz, not Helvetica. [Though a handful of 62As have been retrofitted with Helvetica bullets, most notably some of the 42nd St. Shuttle cars.] I still haven't been able to find a version of Helvetica with those slants--perhaps it's an MTA-specific font, as they use it for all current signs. Some signs from the 1990s-early 2000s used a normal version of Helvetica (Chamber St is a good example), but the newer ones all have that slanted version I was trying to figure out. You think that's definitely not AKZ-Book? 

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Who can customers complain to about sketchy (6)<6> service. Theres wayyy too much bunching in the Bronx and inconsistent headways


You can write a letter or send an email to the MTA, the contact information is on the website. They do log the complaints but will it get anything done? "Meh."


You could try writing a letter to the Governor or other elected officials, which will certainly get you a letter back talking about how important your issue is to them, but again, will it get anything done? "Meh."


Still, I always suggest sending the complaint even if it nets zero tangible benefit because if service is bad, and enough people complain, things will sometimes get done. 


Not sure what can be done about the pehlam line. You can almost assuredly chalk up it's problems in the bronx to overcrowding in manhattan. 

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You know, while this potential transfer is always thrown about, how many people will actually benefit from said transfer's existence?

People actually do transfer from the (3) to the (L) and vise versa. It's to the point that on the whiteboard in the booth at Junuis, they tell you how to get to the (L). There's been many a times where people getting off the train asked how to get the other one.

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