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B35 via Church

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Status Replies posted by B35 via Church

  1. Please stop with the Hale threads!

  2. Bill O'Reilly called Obama a socialist for the umpteenth time. When will he stop?

  3. >My grossed out face when Fox 5's cameras caught a hot dog vendor picking up a pretzal off the filthy NYC sidewalk and putting it back on the cart full of other prepared pretzels for sale. DX

  4. The southbound Brighton lines are so messed up right now..usual 40 minute ride took 2 hours just now. SMH.

  5. YOOOOO....LOL...GUYS IM SORRY FOR BEING SO SLOW ON THIS ONE! WITH MANHATTAN BUS ROUTES...M14A/D is on 14th street! M34 on 34st...M42 on 42st...M23 on 23st...M79 on 79st...M86 on 86st with the crosstown routes!! Yoo where have I been??

  6. Why dont't they run the BxM18 all weekday long instead of just during rush hours?

  7. If time permits, I may accept bus route map requests again soon. :)

  8. Since Kriston Lewis couldn't finish, I'm considering designing the MTA version of the Westchester county map.

  9. 109 yards? 11 seconds?....How unhealthy does everyone feel right now...?

  10. 109 yards? 11 seconds?....How unhealthy does everyone feel right now...?

  11. 109 yards? 11 seconds?....How unhealthy does everyone feel right now...?

  12. 109 yards? 11 seconds?....How unhealthy does everyone feel right now...?

  13. Damn M21... the construction on Houston makes it go at a snails pace..

  14. College is overrated. Yes, I said it. I'm really annoyed with people urging me to go back.

  15. College is overrated. Yes, I said it. I'm really annoyed with people urging me to go back.

  16. Sorry to make a complaining status but I feel it is due. Very recently I've witnessed the level of relevance, intelligence, and professionalism decrease by a large margin. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering a personal hiatus. Am I the only one that holds these sentiments?

  17. It really boggles my mind when some attack the (G) simply because they know it has 4-car trains, but they don't know the patterns of ridership along the route... lol

  18. The "Subway Lettered Names" thread really cracked me up! XD

  19. Just reading this post on sending the (R) to the Rockaways on Cap'n Transit: http://www.capntransit.blogspot.com/2013/01/guest-post-how-sending-r-train-to.html

  20. I feel we should have a Democrat vs Republican thread... the people turn a thread about being republican or democrat can take it up there.

  21. ROUTE 139 New York via Freehold Center. Welcome aboard New Jersey Transit.

  22. If certain topic starters have topics that gets locked up within the day, is there a reason why they are still allowed to post? Why not just ban them before they waste most people's time with a thread that will end up locked anyway?

  23. If certain topic starters have topics that gets locked up within the day, is there a reason why they are still allowed to post? Why not just ban them before they waste most people's time with a thread that will end up locked anyway?

  24. If certain topic starters have topics that gets locked up within the day, is there a reason why they are still allowed to post? Why not just ban them before they waste most people's time with a thread that will end up locked anyway?

  25. If certain topic starters have topics that gets locked up within the day, is there a reason why they are still allowed to post? Why not just ban them before they waste most people's time with a thread that will end up locked anyway?

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