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Train Operator Exam # 8098


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@BDiv238, I do know that the list is set to expire in Sept. 2016, which is roughly 21 months from now.  They've hired through list #3316.  I'm thinking it's possible you're called before the list expires, as long as there are no hiring freezes for train operators in the meantime.  What do others think?


@Breaker, I spoke to Ms. Rivera yesterday as well.  She's very nice and quite helpful.  I'd recommend anyone call her if you want to hear about the status of hiring from the official source, or need to update your info - updated mailing address is critical, and you want to make sure both DCAS and NYC Transit have your current mailing address.  She confirmed that everything is on hold until the next class is scheduled.  Once that occurs, letters will start to go out again for the initial drug test.


@MTAhopefullMatt thank you for your taking the time out to answer my question and giving me a little more insight. I greatly appreciate it and i will be keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that i am called before the list expires or it is frozen

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@BDivision, you're welcome.

Just educated guesses on my part.


The key thing is to hope (since we have no control over it) that there are no extended hiring freezes during the remaining 21 months before the list expires. 


In a sense there's a temporary hiring freeze now because they haven't authorized the next class(es), but hopefully they will get authorization and there will be a new school car in January, or no later than February anyway.  My sense was it's more of an administrative issue than a financial one.  I was told the list can move 100+ per month so long as school car goes forward each month, even though a lot fewer actually enroll in school car, because many prospective hires are disqualified (or placed on temporary hold for health concerns expressed by Transit) or cannot be contacted, and every school car is supposed to be a full class.


I'm still waiting myself (list #37xx), so I'm just wrapping my head around the facts and reasoning mentioned by some of the veterans on this board.  Please don't be shy, and let me know if I got this wrong, or add your own contributions.

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Not much going on in this thread, I realize, but I had a couple of questions for those in the know...


(1) How does Transit prioritize among people with the same score?  My score was 90.0 and there are almost 700 people with the same score.  Some of those people have been processed and some (I think) are in school car now, while others, like me, are still waiting for the initial drug test.


(2) Has there been any word (official or rumors) about when the next school car class will start?  January?  February?


Thanks as always for any info you can provide.



list #37xx

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Hi Matt,

I haven't heard word about the next class. I last spoke with an Human Resources representative last week and she asked that I call back towards the end of December to obtain an update potentially on the next class.


As for how duplicate scores are organized on a civil service list, your guess is as good as mine.


Stay well.

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Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of New York







4.4.11. Candidates With Same Final Examination Rating.


Whenever two or more candidates in an examination receive the same final examination ratings, their respective place on the resulting eligible list shall be determined for administrative reasons only by a sequence of the number derived from the last five and then the first four positions of their social security numbers.

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No problem. Good luck. This is a great job. I love it so far. After 8 months of training Today was my last day of school car. I am assigned as a full fledged train operated starting Monday. I spoke with the director of school car today and said she anticipates a couple of hundred more hires next year.

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Congrats on a successful training. I definitely hope to follow in your footsteps sooner than later. I'm list number 340x and I'm currently awaiting to take my full medical. I'm just keeping in good shape and spirits until I'm called back to complete my full medical and begin my training. Keep in contact and let us know how Monday goes for you!

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No problem. When you get there if you do nothing else study those signals, you need 100% on the test or your fired. It's a one shot deal. No exceptions. Secondly, memorize procedures for preparation for yard moves and cuts and adds (separating the train cars) which is your first practical exam. You have a second shot on the practical with the superintendent if you fail the first, but you don't want that. Again, if you fail that your fired. No to scare you, but the truth is that this is a journey and it's not that easy to make it through school car. You have to put the work in. You might live in Brooklyn and have to report to the tip of the Bronx or vice versa. You are outside at times getting rained on and in the cold. You have a heavy backpack with all your tools and books that you have to carry everyday. At times when you yard or road post you might have 10-12 hour days. Anyway just for your information. Not trying to discourage. Just a heads up what to expect so your not surprised.

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This isn't the first time I've heard about needing to get a 100%. However, I didn't know that you could get fired if not obtained. I will be sure to study the signals and any other information provided. Were you tested weekly on signals and if not how often? How many questions on an average test? Multiple choice or answer a question? Lastly how did you maintain the pressure of knowing you couldn't get less than a 100% and retaining the all the information?

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First of all you have several hurdles that you have to pass all of which if you fail they will fire you. You have two shots on everything but the signal test. On the midterm and final if you fail the first test which is multiple choice, they give you another shot but it is all write ins.

1. Signal test

2. Yard practical (cuts and adds, preparation for yard movement

3. Mid term exam

4 practical exam (preparation for customer service, brake pipe rupture, reading the iron)

5. Final exam

6. Road Practical (station stops at 10 car marker with superintendent)

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On the midterm and final you need an 80% to pass. As far as testing on signals it depends on the Train Service Supervisor aka TSS who are the instructors. They will drill you in class verbally. They will give you everything you need to study. You will get quizzes that you have to pass with an average of 80 also. The qizzes were 10-20 questions.


As for managing the stress of the signal test, there is no managing it. The whole class was stressed out. We all got gray hairs about that test. Just prepare yourself. Don't take it lightly. While studying Don't just look at the signals and read it. Write them out also. You will have to explain the signals in writing on the test. Get used to that. Also, as far as stress just be prepared that it is a possibility so you are mentally prepared if the worst happens. One stupid mistake could cost your career.


The hardest part about operating a train is you have to be focused 100% while operating. 99% is not good enough. You have to make a perfect station stop every time. You have to navigate through the signals perfect. You have to take the right route perfect.

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I greatly appreciate all the information you have shared. I will definitely take this serious when the opportunity presents itself. I'm so happy to speak with someone who just made it through school car. I hope to live through your experiences soon enough. Again, thanks for the prompt responses and good luck on Monday!!!

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Lol. Glad I can help. I've been where you were. Thirsty for any bit of information about the journey. You can do it. They prepare you well. You got to put the work in and study. Helps if you have a good memory because there is a lot of things you have to memorize. If your doing it right, you will have no life until you go to yard post which is about 8 weeks in. Yard posting is three month. You will be on your own while you yard post. This is not the average training that everyone will pass and they are making idle threats about the requirements to pass. Good luck to you.

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Hey Depmaze,

How was Monday and the rest of this week for you so far as a official Train Operator? I hope all is going well for you!

Loydmike, sorry took so,long to reply. Anyway the first week on the "Road" by myself was great. Road is the slang used for when your operating on the main line down here, if you did not know. The scariest part is just making sure you stay on the right route. There are points of no return here and if you go the wrong track route you can not get back on your train line. You have to learn the different routes. There are " houligans"the station that you have to be aware of. A houligans is the slang for an automatic signal in the station that might be on grade time that has to be approached at the right speed to clear. If you are going to fast then "CHOW" brakes in emergency because you hit the stop arm. Then platform duty for you my friend. That's how they punish train operators is making them do platform duty until their write up gets adjudicated.

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That sounds great Depmaze. The liberty of being by yourself. What line were you operating this past week? I'm sure the more repetition you gathered the easier things will be for you. I'm sure you'll stay away from platform duties. Happy holidays man take it easy.

You should definitely be called for the medical exam next month. Please, keep us all informed on here.
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Hey guys, haven't been on in a while. Been busy with YX. I will say this, they keep you in one place for a week, you pretty much get the moves down till it comes second nature. Already moved trains to the yard from terminals. Yes I operated a train by myself on Main tracks. Layed up a few on middle tracks. Now I'm on to another terminal for more station switching. This really does help me get my operating down a little better. Loving it.

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