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Track Worker 3600 Hiring Process

Message added by +Young+

Last know called # (322x)

The list for the next open-competitive track worker examination, Exam #8600, has been published.

Please see the Track Worker Exam #8600 topic for more information.


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It's not so bad. There's different temp ranges in which they won't go out in because of hypothermia and stuff. Plus you get a feel for how it's going to be out in the field during the cold. From what I hear everyone does more or less the same as rookies. Better to get it tough in the beginning, everything else is a walk in the park.

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CWR not a bad gig at all compared to chip outs and dig outs.

Some guys will help teach you and some guys will let you know your the new guy and tease you.

Have a thick skin, don't take it personal and just try to roll with it.


Also, don't be embarrassed to wear your respirator when there's a work train around and had powered tools. I spent 20 years nights. At times that clouds was heavy with dust.

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Yeah I don't get bothered by teasing. I actually got called over by a senior guy at the yard the other day. He told me he was watching me work for about two hours while he was working and he gave me a pretty cool compliment. Told me it was refreshing to see a rookie work the way I did and I would fit in in no time with the senior guys.

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I believe it's going to be a general pick.

I hope that's true but I doubt it. We just had a changeover a few months ago. May of 2016 is more likely, lol. Who did you hear that from?


Yeah I don't get bothered by teasing. I actually got called over by a senior guy at the yard the other day. He told me he was watching me work for about two hours while he was working and he gave me a pretty cool compliment. Told me it was refreshing to see a rookie work the way I did and I would fit in in no time with the senior guys.

If you work hard and do your fair share you'll gain respect from the senior guys. Too many new guys are coming out of school with attitude. Not sure where their getting it from, maybe the union? You'll hear some noise from some of the guys about being a "new jack". The loudest ones are usually the laziest. Don't do anything your not comfortable doing and always ask questions if your not sure about something. Most of the guys here are willing to help. Good luck in CN.

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I hope that's true but I doubt it. We just had a changeover a few months ago. May of 2016 is more likely, lol. Who did you hear that from?


If you work hard and do your fair share you'll gain respect from the senior guys. Too many new guys are coming out of school with attitude. Not sure where their getting it from, maybe the union? You'll hear some noise from some of the guys about being a "new jack". The loudest ones are usually the laziest. Don't do anything your not comfortable doing and always ask questions if your not sure about something. Most of the guys here are willing to help. Good luck in CN.

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Most of the senior guys I've met and had the pleasure of working with have been very welcoming. All of them have more or less told us the same things and given us very good direction. No complaints here. Then again I'm sort of a know my place and earn my keep kinda guy, so I make sure I don't step on anyone's toes and learn as much as I can as I go along. A lot of guys in my class are young with no hard work experience and act like know it alls. I try to stay away from those pockets and do my own thing. Try to keep a humble attitude you know.

Thanks by the way SpikeMauler. All advice is welcomed by me.

CWR not a bad gig at all compared to chip outs and dig outs.

Some guys will help teach you and some guys will let you know your the new guy and tease you.

Have a thick skin, don't take it personal and just try to roll with it.

Also, don't be embarrassed to wear your respirator when there's a work train around and had powered tools. I spent 20 years nights. At times that clouds was heavy with dust.




Just went in for respirator training and fitment on Thursday.

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I just got a letter for Bus Operator 3101 (OA) interview on tuesday but i really want to get on them tracks..

In my own opinion being a bus driver is much more cleaner and less physically demanding then being being a Track worker.


With that said, I'd take Track Worker any day over being a bus driver or Train operator.


It's a great job once you get in and get some time under your belt.

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This is the last week of training for the first class am i right? Hopefully they start calling for the next soon !



I'm with ya man, ya get get use to waiting but it still sucks wish they would give more info when you call in. Sometimes I get nice folk on the phone telling me hang in there it will come soon keep calling to find out. Sometimes I get the lazy rude I have a job already stop waisting my time already attitude and they just say they aren't starting a new class yet and hang up on me. You just gotta keep your cool and be patient it's all a big waiting game, we all know we could've ha out answers the minute we handed in the test and a list number the following week but unfortunately it's not like that so we wait good luck hope we all get called soon think we are all anxious to start it's an awesome job to have

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This is the last week of training for the first class am i right? Hopefully they start calling for the next soon !

I called in yesterday and spoke to a really cool guy and asked him just that when is the class over. He told me it doesn't matter when the class is over they won't start calling us until they need more workers either people retire, get fired, promoted etc...so let's hope this last class does so good they all get promoted and a bunch a guys retire.

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For those of you that got your letters were they regular mail or certified and need a signature ?


My educated guess is regular mail...I remember a while ago getting my letter for the B/O position and it was not certified.

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Aight thanks, now, they are saying 157 people hired and I remember a post saying that he/she had a list slightly higher than 270's and get his/her letter for medical are any of you that took medical still waiting to go into a class or did they get trough that many people already?

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Honestly, none of us really know anything. We have no idea when the next class is going to be, how big its going to be, or what list # they're going to get up to. Any estimate is probably going to be inaccurate. MTA human resources told me that they dont even know when the next class will go in. When the MTA needs more track workers, they get a call from some "upstairs" and they are told to start processing more candidates, and no one knows when that will be. All i can say is that as of monday, the first training class is officially over, and that the rep from human resources said historically they have indeed put more than one class in per year.

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Just an FYI- there is a promotional from Track worker called "Power Distribution Maintainer." Basically You are a Track worker but on the 3rd Rail and it's attached cables. It's considered a specialist position.


That's the position I hold.


It's just become an open competitive exam with the filling starting April 1, 2015.


As of yet I do not know what qualifications they are looking for. As a promotional you either had to be a Track worker or a helper. Helpers are required to have electrical experience because of the specific job they perform in our department. Maintainers are just glorified Track workers really.

Where there is a little over 2000 (two thousand) track workers you only have just over 400 maintainers.


Something to think about if anyone meets the qualifications whatever they may be.

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