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The Schoolcar Experience


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On 4/21/2019 at 11:59 PM, Imhim said:

Lmao what the hell? You can’t be serious, are you? You do that and best believe you will have a nice conversation with a superintendent! How about you just come in the station under control and stop your train accordingly, it’s not that serious, are you on the job? 

Wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't.  And yes, it is that serious.  Leaves, slick rails, and horrible brakes can happen anywhere any time.  Don't worry, just one stop is all that is needed to understand.  One bad stop in two weeks of posting won't disqualify you.

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14 hours ago, Dave2836 said:

Wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't.  And yes, it is that serious.  Leaves, slick rails, and horrible brakes can happen anywhere any time.  Don't worry, just one stop is all that is needed to understand.  One bad stop in two weeks of posting won't disqualify you.

It’s not that serious to me to do all of that, not sure how that helps you understand anything in terms of stopping a train during wet rails, leaves, etc. if that’s what you did cool. I feel like once anyone is on the job and the importance of controlling your train is embedded into their brain, purposely over running a station isn’t necessary. But hey that’s just my opinion. 

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17 minutes ago, Jchambers2120 said:

I'm hearing that some T/O's are being called back into schoolcar due to too many incidents going on. People don't realize how serious that title is.

Heard the same thing they’re thinking about bringing back the entire induction class because of this, allegedly. 

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8 hours ago, staffspm1 said:

Out of interest, do you guys have simulators you train on. A lot of our low adhesion training is done using one..

We have 2 simulators and they do not accurately simulate anything. I felt motion sickness and wanted to throw up. For some reason the simulator rocks sideways as if you were on a ship.

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53 minutes ago, nipaaaa said:

which one? August's?

Well the people who I talked to who had them were in the August group, but like Imhim said they can call a probie back anytime since we still belong to school car. 

I’m a C/R and got called back last year (didn’t have any incident) for reinstruction on announcements and some other stuff. Was a nice 3 days off the road lol.

Tbh after hearing what some of them did they’re lucky to have a job. 

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1 hour ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

Super doubt it !!! Lol 

well which induction class?! I know bunch of induction class came out so far.

Smh no need to get into specifics, you can’t say you super doubt something if you aren’t in the know, so I ask are you down here already? You work for TA? It’s a known fact that TA has brought back entire induction classes! In the case of incidents costing them money you think they won’t do as they please, being called back for more training is actually the best thing, especially if you’re open competitive! At least with the promotional people they have a title to go back to, open competitive they can fire you, again since you’re not in the union and still on probation! Hope none of that happens, everyone stays safe and makes it through probation and their time with TA. 

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1 hour ago, Imhim said:

Smh no need to get into specifics, you can’t say you super doubt something if you aren’t in the know, so I ask are you down here already? You work for TA? It’s a known fact that TA has brought back entire induction classes! In the case of incidents costing them money you think they won’t do as they please, being called back for more training is actually the best thing, especially if you’re open competitive! At least with the promotional people they have a title to go back to, open competitive they can fire you, again since you’re not in the union and still on probation! Hope none of that happens, everyone stays safe and makes it through probation and their time with TA. 

It depends how long they going back to school car. When I say I doubt it, My initial thinking is going back for more then a month. If it’s for a few days then I guessssss it’s possible. I got less then a month to get off probation. Counting down the days. 

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6 hours ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

It depends how long they going back to school car. When I say I doubt it, My initial thinking is going back for more then a month. If it’s for a few days then I guessssss it’s possible. I got less then a month to get off probation. Counting down the days. 

Ok so you were in the May class, that’s wassup. Yeah the retraining from what I was told isn’t like oh here’s another 9 months, it’s a few days, however they can just fire you if it’s incident related. Also there’s the option of extending your probation, the whole thing is don’t give them a reason to do either! Good luck to you and be safe out there! 

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6 hours ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

It depends how long they going back to school car. When I say I doubt it, My initial thinking is going back for more then a month. If it’s for a few days then I guessssss it’s possible. I got less then a month to get off probation. Counting down the days. 

They don't call back entire induction classes to reinstruct them. They call back classes to test them. At this point Gibbs is pissed about the incidents. They give both yard practicals, and the road practical depending on the errors accumulated by the class including ones without incidents. This HAS happened twice as far as I know last year and the one prior. 

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17 hours ago, Imhim said:

It’s not that serious to me to do all of that, not sure how that helps you understand anything in terms of stopping a train during wet rails, leaves, etc. if that’s what you did cool. I feel like once anyone is on the job and the importance of controlling your train is embedded into their brain, purposely over running a station isn’t necessary. But hey that’s just my opinion. 

They've done something TA workers do too much under explained and over simpiflied. I assume they meant that with a light train. Even with my next statement I agree purposeful over runs in service is a bad idea.

While on probation we still fall under schoolcar so honest mistakes made now don't have the same weight and level of punishment as when probation finishes. Not saying do things on purpose tho. 

Schoolcar teaches us how to stop bit we don't see how that compromised based on factors you haven't experienced. Everyone warns about NTT in the rain but too many mention it's just as dangerous underground if cleaners are power washing the station. 

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You’re not going to get in trouble for sliding out of a station during road ops, the whole point is to get a feel for making stops (and to a lesser extent learning routes). Try not to do it at a station with a red homeball at the end though.

On the flip side I don’t see how doing it on purpose is any preparation for if/when it happens to you on accident. The feeling of not being able to stop the train when you want to is not the same as the feeling of choosing to slide out. 

As for “enhancement training” it does happen to whole classes/inductions and is happening right now. It’s really nbd, whether you had a small incident or not chances are good you may get called for a few more schoolcar days, after time on the road you’ll be happy about it. 

As for incidents, it happens. Especially when you’re new! Obviously you don’t WANT to have them, but out of the most recent induction people have had hand slips, station overruns, hit automatics and even home signals and still have their jobs.  Probation might be extended for some, but they’re still here. Its serious stuff, but not as serious as some on here make it out to be. 

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5 hours ago, Imhim said:

Ok so you were in the May class, that’s wassup. Yeah the retraining from what I was told isn’t like oh here’s another 9 months, it’s a few days, however they can just fire you if it’s incident related. Also there’s the option of extending your probation, the whole thing is don’t give them a reason to do either! Good luck to you and be safe out there! 

Yup, I was in the May class. Yeah they definitely would extend your probation which would suck.  Good luck to you also, and be safe 

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On 4/27/2019 at 6:37 PM, Elfamoso2020 said:

I doubt that’s gon happen lol 

Uuumm it has happened quite a few times actually.....

I was in one of the first three classes hired from the OC list in 2000 trust me i seen it...

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On 4/27/2019 at 5:14 PM, Jchambers2120 said:

I'm hearing that some T/O's are being called back into schoolcar due to too many incidents going on. People don't realize how serious that title is.

Man over here in the B Div im hearing chit usually once a week about Incidents..

There was one yesterday...

Some of these folks are listening to these crew room lawyers with their nonsense telling them "oh you'll just get sent back to Schoolcar dont sweat it"... So they think its all good they gonna find out...

Gibbs is losing her patience...

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1 hour ago, RTOMan said:

Man over here in the B Div im hearing chit usually once a week about Incidents..

There was one yesterday...

Some of these folks are listening to these crew room lawyers with their nonsense telling them "oh you'll just get sent back to Schoolcar dont sweat it"... So they think its all good they gonna find out...

Gibbs is losing her patience...

She better have lots of patience then. If the mta wanna keep pushing out T/O on to the road that’s not ready yet then mistake will happen. It is what it is. 

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10 hours ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

She better have lots of patience then. If the mta wanna keep pushing out T/O on to the road that’s not ready yet then mistake will happen. It is what it is. 

i agree schoolcar pace of training is way too fast. Especially the first 2 months where they cram you for 2 practicals and a signal exam

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12 hours ago, Elfamoso2020 said:

She better have lots of patience then. If the mta wanna keep pushing out T/O on to the road that’s not ready yet then mistake will happen. It is what it is. 

Take it from me, lol, she don’t have to do anything! She let us have it on Friday because of the July and Aug classes with so many incidents, it’s like know your stuff or it’s over for you! We went back today for Straight Talk and 2 other Superintendents pretty much said the same thing, it’s too many incidents and the attitudes and no accountability is getting frustrating! Guess the operators are trying to place blame on everything in the world but themselves! 

1 hour ago, nipaaaa said:

i agree schoolcar pace of training is way too fast. Especially the first 2 months where they cram you for 2 practicals and a signal exam

Take it from me, they don’t want to hear none of that! The way the spoke to us today, be prepared for these evaluations, stay in your books because if you get a marginal, they will be on you after that! There’s a system, according to them, “green, yellow, red” to let them know which operators they need to be on top of. Like I said if you know your stuff you’re good, but you get better daily so brush up on the rule book when you can, chapters 1-3 are for us apparently, try and learn the routes lol that’s the hardest for me, but other than that I think everything else is smooth. 

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On 5/1/2019 at 3:13 AM, RTOMan said:

Man over here in the B Div im hearing chit usually once a week about Incidents..

There was one yesterday...

Some of these folks are listening to these crew room lawyers with their nonsense telling them "oh you'll just get sent back to Schoolcar dont sweat it"... So they think its all good they gonna find out...

Gibbs is losing her patience...

Some people have to learn the hard way, unfortunately the hard way might be too late. Then the tears fall...


On 5/1/2019 at 4:26 AM, Elfamoso2020 said:

She better have lots of patience then. If the mta wanna keep pushing out T/O on to the road that’s not ready yet then mistake will happen. It is what it is. 

What imhim is saying is 100% truth. Shoot I agree with you and i'm a C/R. There's alot that I had to learn on my own that they didn't teach in schoolcar, but the bottom line is they're not going for that and at the end of the day we're just a number. Don't give them a reason to can you.

I heard a *rumor* (i don't believe it at all) that they were planning on bringing a promo to T/O exam out this summer, plus the rumor that the test out now was going to be the last O/C. Though I don't believe it remember this agency is a reactive agency hence all the bulletins that come out.

I hope they do though I remember when my TSS took us in the cab to show how to read the air guage and I got hooked on that beautiful sound SMEE equipment makes when you charge up a train, plus I'm tired of these damn passemgers haha. 

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9 hours ago, nipaaaa said:

i agree schoolcar pace of training is way too fast. Especially the first 2 months where they cram you for 2 practicals and a signal exam

Yeah. The pace is blazing fast, especially when you gotta learn a new language and all the equipments and signals and practical. 


8 hours ago, Imhim said:

Take it from me, lol, she don’t have to do anything! She let us have it on Friday because of the July and Aug classes with so many incidents, it’s like know your stuff or it’s over for you! We went back today for Straight Talk and 2 other Superintendents pretty much said the same thing, it’s too many incidents and the attitudes and no accountability is getting frustrating! Guess the operators are trying to place blame on everything in the world but themselves! 

Take it from me, they don’t want to hear none of that! The way the spoke to us today, be prepared for these evaluations, stay in your books because if you get a marginal, they will be on you after that! There’s a system, according to them, “green, yellow, red” to let them know which operators they need to be on top of. Like I said if you know your stuff you’re good, but you get better daily so brush up on the rule book when you can, chapters 1-3 are for us apparently, try and learn the routes lol that’s the hardest for me, but other than that I think everything else is smooth. 

Did they mention anything about the May class ?! 


6 hours ago, Jchambers2120 said:

Some people have to learn the hard way, unfortunately the hard way might be too late. Then the tears fall...


What imhim is saying is 100% truth. Shoot I agree with you and i'm a C/R. There's alot that I had to learn on my own that they didn't teach in schoolcar, but the bottom line is they're not going for that and at the end of the day we're just a number. Don't give them a reason to can you.

I heard a *rumor* (i don't believe it at all) that they were planning on bringing a promo to T/O exam out this summer, plus the rumor that the test out now was going to be the last O/C. Though I don't believe it remember this agency is a reactive agency hence all the bulletins that come out.

I hope they do though I remember when my TSS took us in the cab to show how to read the air guage and I got hooked on that beautiful sound SMEE equipment makes when you charge up a train, plus I'm tired of these damn passemgers haha. 

Yeah I heard that rumor also that this test was the last open competitive exam they giving. Moving forward the T/O will be promotional only. *So they say* lol 

the majority of the stuff you learn on your own. Schoolcar will never prepare you fully for what to expect. 

I guarantee when a T/O comes out, they will only remember just a few lineups, and that’s a stretch also. 

Lineup cards are my best friend right now. They never leave my book bag lol

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