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Can The MTA Bring The R110A and R110B Back Into Revenue

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Just a curious question based off the fact if the R110 units can get a second chance of serving NYC. Nothing more. :mellow:


They were never meant for real revenue service, they were just meant for testing out new technology. And right now, they are being converted into pump cars.

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Just a curious question based off the fact if the R110 units can get a second chance of serving NYC. Nothing more. :mellow:

Short answer: no.


Long answer: It's not possible to use the remaining cars of either train as anything more than a static display. All of the B-cars (non-cab cars) of the 110As were converted or are in the process of being converted into pump cars. The fate of the A-cars has not been determined yet, but it's not looking good for their preservation. As for the 110Bs, one of the three-car sets cannot be run at all because parts of them were cannibalized in order to make the other six cars operational. Of the other two three-car sets, one was broken up and used as training facilities while the other sits idle at 207th Street Yard (last I heard). The inoperable set should be there as well if I'm not mistaken. Their unreliability and various mechanical problems took them out of service and they probably haven't run under their own power since then. Fixing them to make the remaining cars run would probably require an effort not unlike the ones given towards the other museum cars sitting around  It's not as though they could take some spare parts from the 142s or 143s and call it a day. Despite their similarities to the NTTs currently in service, neither of the 110 cars are compatible with the newer cars.


Quite frankly, I don't think it's worth the effort. They were the first NTT cars, there's no doubt about that, but their existence is only due to the MTA having a bit of foresight to test new things before ordering them in bulk like they did in the '70s with the R44s and R46s. The R110 cars' significance ends there and besides, most of the amenities found in them are currently in place on many of the current cars in service. If the TM wants to do an exhibit on the NTTs, they can always pull on one of those cars out of service for it.

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Adding onto Lance's post; they were designed as prototypes, and were never meant to be supported for long term revenue service. It would not be worth the money or the effort to restore these cars (the ones that haven't been converted to pump cars) to a decent running state and maintain them in that state. Also, where do you propose the TM keep them if they were to acquire them. Last I heard, they're pretty short on track storage space themselves.

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They are best described as the subway's version of automotive "Concept Cars".


The R130s' trucks (I prefer to call their by the production contract names) were supposed to be repaired by Kawasaki, but they kept putting it off, For a while the cars were on blocks because their brakes were that bad


The R131s are just oddballs. They're too long to be compatible with the production NTTs and their tech was lagging behind.

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