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Status Updates posted by 4P3607

  1. I thought you werent allowed to hotlink images from ttmg... :confused:

  2. I use MS (Microsoft) GIF animator.

  3. I'm actually working on them now, I'm more than halfway done. I'll post them today / tomorrow. Thanks for trying to help anyway ;).

  4. I'm really about to ditch YouTube. They need to stop forcing people to use Google+ and dragging everyone into the social media world.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BreeddekalbL


      and now your comment notifications get sent your gmail account not directly to your youtube

    3. 4P3607


      I haven't seen my channel since before the change... I wonder how much damage it sustained.

    4. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      I'm not sure why everybody & their moms is bitching, it's not like you HAVE to use it.


      I'm actually a fan of this because it provides better moderation tools. I've gotten around to checking out the settings and I kinda like it.


      As for the hashtags, get over it. It's pretty much everywhere. Hashtags are essentially the same as regular tags.

  5. I've found a way to make $50-$55 a day. This schedule is awesome...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Orion VII 4 Life
    3. peacemak3r


      All jokes aside, hope it's legit and legal. ;]

    4. Via Garibaldi 8

      Via Garibaldi 8

      Sounds like a lot of work to me...

  6. idk. I just know that all my vids from that account are gone including my R68A (Q) train vids

  7. If anybody is a BVE route developer and would like to use the announcements I am about to come out with ((F) to Av X, (F) to Jay St, (J) to Marcy) They can. Simply message me I will send them to you via Email

    1. Threxx


      Mr. Railfan might want those.

  8. If I post any photo threads in the near future, you will notice the quality of my photos isn't as good. This is because the screen my Nikon S6200 broke, so i'm forced to use the Fujifilm S4200 that I have which I stopped using since it takes poor quality pics. At this point I can no longer use my S6200 since I tried to swap screens with a previous S6200 that I had (lens is messed up), and it failed.

    1. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      Take pictures without the screen. FILMSTYLE

  9. Im making an R160 sign I just wanted to use that colour for the LEDs

  10. Im very confused :confused:

  11. Is it me or the siemens propulsion on 8843-8852 is really intense...

    1. Broadway Local

      Broadway Local

      What's wrong with the Siemens propulsion of 8843-8852? Do they sound loud, sound wrong?

    2. 4P3607


      nah its just more intense (loud) than the others. Its also the first 10 siemens cars, and they have the old # boards. Also when it changes frequency (I dont know what else to call it), it kind of howls.

  12. Is this now a version of facebook? sure seems like it.

    1. Harry


      If it makes you happier than yes!

  13. Isn't it amazing that your body can screw up your plans for the day to the point where your whole day is ruined? Oversleeping seems to be the problem on my part.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      Oversleeping man... hate that shit. I'm just glad I never oversleep when I need to go to the city, once my parents leave the house at 8 I have no way of getting to the 139.

    3. Turbo19


      Walking never hurt.


      (And yes, I know the distance between the bus stop and residences).

    4. peacemak3r


      I wish I can oversleep..I unfortunately undersleep, weekends, I tend to wake up the same time my alarm goes off; but my alarm isn't on on weekends.

  14. It seems Corona is getting back some R62A's, This will be interesting as CBTC is scheduled to start next month. (Correct me if there's any new info on this).

  15. It seems the two R62A sets left on the (7) still run at any time during the day. Yesterday I passed 33 Street around 12 AM and one was heading to Manhattan.

  16. It's 6:15 PM and I decide to close my eyes for a few minutes. Next thing I know it's 8:30 PM.

    1. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      welcome to my world...except "close my eyes" means something mad different lol

    2. ttcsubwayfan


      I can relate to stories of the destructive side effects of closing your eyes. Yesterday, I closed my eyes for three minutes and when I woke up, I completely lost my sense of time - I found it incredibly difficult to believe I had been on the computer earlier that day.

    3. 4P3607


      @Orion: Stop getting high lol

  17. It's amazing what caffeine does to me. I completed those signs faster than I ever did before.

    1. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      lol what u got the caffeine from soda or coffee?


    2. 4P3607
  18. It's hard to believe that I've been on these forums for over four years now. Where did time go? Man, life is so much different now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daniel The Cool

      Daniel The Cool

      I remember joining when NYCTF was Brand New. Damn I was 12 years old


    3. PATCOman


      I've been here for around 8 years. You have really matured 3607 over the years.

    4. 4P3607


      Yes I have. Glad to see people are beginning to realize that.

  19. It's my browser. I'll have to save it on my other computer later :P.

  20. Its a complicated but very easy process. ;)

  21. JFK RTS and the Bees... 2 things to focus on right now.

  22. Just found $20 worth of beer cans in my basement. HELL YEAH!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 4P3607


      It does, and now you will find people with suits on doing it these days. Too bad its only for soda, water and beer.

    3. mark1447


      I think its 10 cents per can if you were in Michigan, that would earn you more.

    4. 4P3607


      yes, but no water bottles.

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