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Train Arrival Sign/Announcement now on the (A)(C) St. Nicholas Ave line


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Also Check out Bronx Buses in Snow (Feb 11, 2010) http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17276




Caught Feb 10, 2010 at 155th/145th Street on the IND Saint Nicholas Avenue (8th Ave) Line.. On the (C):


Note that the Signs DON'T SHOW the count down. At 155th Street there is no Arrival Sign




(Double CLICK to watch via Youtube.com in Wide HD instead of small here on the forum! You may subscribe/rate too as well! Thanks =)!)








I just needed an R32 before it goes from the (C) lol





I dont get why its not like the (6)<6> Pelham Line..





168th Street to 145th Street ONLY!

As well as the (A) Fort Washington Avenue Line section as R33WF has:




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Also Check out Bronx Buses in Snow (Feb 11, 2010) http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17276




Caught Feb 10, 2010 at 155th/145th Street on the IND Saint Nicholas Avenue (8th Ave) Line.. On the (C):


Note that the Signs DON'T SHOW the count down. At 155th Street there is no Arrival Sign




(Double CLICK to watch via Youtube.com in Wide HD instead of small here on the forum! You may subscribe/rate too as well! Thanks =)!)








I just needed an R32 before it goes from the (C) lol





I dont get why its not like the (6)<6> Pelham Line..





168th Street to 145th Street ONLY!

As well as the (A) Fort Washington Avenue Line section as R33WF has:





I though the B division wasn't suposed to start the system indicator till 2014? This is unusual, how come this got like this and not like the 6 ?

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In your video description, you say there are countdowns at stations up to 125 St. If the Concourse line doesn't have ATS yet, how can they include the B and D in the 135/125 signs?


Any timelines for the B Div implementation of ATS (and the signs for all stations)?

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In your video description, you say there are countdowns at stations up to 125 St. If the Concourse line doesn't have ATS yet, how can they include the B and D in the 135/125 signs?


Any timelines for the B Div implementation of ATS (and the signs for all stations)?


Sorry that is a mistake, i forgot those stations didnt have..


Excellent shots!


Very Nice (M)! :tup::tup::tup:


Even tho I find these things a waste of money! :P


like the video and pics! you always make your threads fancy.lol


Thanks and Yes im fancy Lol!

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It wouldn't have been a waste of money if the (MTA) implemented them when they first announced that they were suppose to have them up.


@Mark - Nice pics!


Thanks and yes thats true. But im wondering if the rest on the lines have already been payed for to put the signs up


Btw i wonder why it doesnt show the countdown just like the Pelham line

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Nice pics and vids! I saw this at 168th St. on Thursday. I like the system on the IRT and (L) better, it's more organized and it tells you about the train behind it as well.


BTW, it's not the IND St. Nicholas Ave. line, it's just the IND Eighth Ave. line all the way up to 207th St.

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Nice pics and vids! I saw this at 168th St. on Thursday. I like the system on the IRT and (L) better, it's more organized and it tells you about the train behind it as well.


BTW, it's not the IND St. Nicholas Ave. line, it's just the IND Eighth Ave. line all the way up to 207th St.


I prefer St. Nicholas Ave Line, just like many prefer CPW Line


Besides St. nicholas isnt 8th Ave and i use it cuz of that... Yes i know 8th ave line..


anyways thx all!


and bk on topic.. I wonder how long the entire line gets this..

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