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Should all MTA employees and Nonly have unlimited passes only for work related trips?

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Before i begin this question please no bashing from TWU workers who are members on this board. This is just a question being asked by many people in the citywide media and riders alike since the (MTA) is is middle of current fiscal crisis and may before long have steep fare hikes and ending unlimited ride metrocards.


Should all (MTA)employees both in management/union and NYPD officers only be given 'free' metrocards for work related trips only? During non work periods as some have suggested, feel that all (MTA) employees from the CEO/Chair to Bus Operators and NYPD officers would pay full fare. Also family members i.e wives/spouses, etc. would also have to pay full fare.


What you guys think?

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Employees of the MTA should be able to ride the system for free. All relatives other than the employee should have to pay. Cops and firefighters should be able to get into the system while on the job, but otherwise paying.


Politicians should get nothing. No EZ Passes, no unlimited ride cards, no nothing.

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Employees of the MTA should be able to ride the system for free. All relatives other than the employee should have to pay. Cops and firefighters should be able to get into the system while on the job, but otherwise paying.


Politicians should get nothing. No EZ Passes, no unlimited ride cards, no nothing.


That is exactly think is the fairest way for everyone and a way to get more reveune. How many other jobs does employees wives/spouses and their kids also get discounts.


No offense but it does not matter if it's the MTA's CEO or the station agent i don't think employee's families should get free rides any more.

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No offense but it does not matter if it's the MTA's CEO or the station agent i don't think employee's families should get free rides any more.


MTA does not give Spouse passes for free rides. Only MABSTO gave them out, and they were taken away when they got Universal Passes so the worker could ride on The Subways and MTA Buses. My Mother had to give hers up, when my farther got his universal pass.

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Back during the 1970's fiscal crisis, we had to give up a raise in order to keep our passes. As a result we will work for a lower hourly wage for the rest of our careers.


So, theoretically, we pay every day for our passes.

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Back during the 1970's fiscal crisis, we had to give up a raise in order to keep our passes. As a result we will work for a lower hourly wage for the rest of our careers.


So, theoretically, we pay every day for our passes.


I forgot about that, My father did tell me stories about how they wanted to take it away altogether.

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No offense but it does not matter if it's the MTA's CEO or the station agent i don't think employee's families should get free rides any more.


Looks like ZMan and NETO proved you wrong, but im sure there could be "under the table stuff" that the Big Shots got going on.


As for us hourlies as they both said that got taken away a while ago.

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MTA does not give Spouse passes for free rides. Only MABSTO gave them out, and they were taken away when they got Universal Passes so the worker could ride on The Subways and MTA Buses. My Mother had to give hers up, when my farther got his universal pass.


Are you sure NE? I could be wrong but When i ride Metro North i see passes w/ the Metro North ID card. Are Spouse/Family Members for LIRR/MNRR given passes unless they are spouse/family members of MTA execes.

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Are you sure NE? I could be wrong but When i ride Metro North i see passes w/ the Metro North ID card. Are Spouse/Family Members for LIRR/MNRR given passes unless they are spouse/family members of MTA execes.


Are you sure they wasnt Employees??


Get the facts right before you talk now.

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Are you sure they wasnt Employees??


Get the facts right before you talk now.


RTO man i know you don't like me and my comments but you part of the reason many new yorkers like myself don't like some of the TWU workers who think sound arrogrant like you. They might be employees true but was asking a general question on were they possibly spouses/family members? Relax. Everytime someone asks something that is anti-TWU you get so uptight. I ask questions like a news reporter which i was after college for couple of years.


Ditto for greedy MTA execs like Walder. RTO man if you don't like my comments igorne me I have just as right to my views as you. FYI. Not only my brother work for MNRR as an Exec but i got a relative (cousin) who who works for Transit as a Driver and never sounds like you.

Sure you not a TWU exce or something?

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I have no problem with MTA personnel having passes; this is a part of their compensation package. If the MTA wanted to do away with the passes, this would be negotiated at the bargaining table. I do wish that other city workers could benefit from professional perks. As an example, I am a NYC teacher who lives outside of the City. If I wanted to send my son to a NYC school, I would have to pay $5000+. I moved for the better schools originally, but it would be nice to have the option of sending my kid to a school close to where I work.

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RTO man i know you don't like me and my comments but you part of the reason many new yorkers like myself don't like some of the TWU workers who think sound arrogrant like you. They might be employees true but was asking a general question on were they possibly spouses/family members? Relax. Everytime someone asks something that is anti-TWU you get so uptight. I ask questions like a news reporter which i was after college for couple of years.


Ditto for greedy MTA execs like Walder. RTO man if you don't like my comments igorne me I have just as right to my views as you. FYI. Not only my brother work for MNRR as an Exec but i got a relative (cousin) who who works for Transit as a Driver and never sounds like you.

Sure you not a TWU exce or something?


Um no becasue Harry wouldnt have me down as T/O, so let me educate you on something and listen carefully im only going to say this once. Your choice to accept, it reject it or ignore it.


You speak as "You Know" since you say you got family down here if thats the case why the questions? You dont know thats why.


If you did you wouldnt say certain things.


I have no reason not to like you i dont know you. What i Dont like is your statements you say as fact when they arent. Either you know or you dont there is no in between.


You are trying to play both sides of the fence but you stink at it i can see right through you im sure others can as well.


I have every right to "question" anything you say reagrding this matter if it bothers you then im sorry thats how it is.


I love it when people get called out sometimes by RTO people and one of the frist words out of thier mouths is "oh you must be uptight or angry".


Im far from uptight, got a great job, a great life, travel, do lots of things so please you can throw the "uptight" comment away as well since i keep my criticism on a even level.


So i suggest you take a bit of advice if you know fine then its makes for great discussion, if you dont know dont say anything so you wont have to worry about one of us "uptight" RTO people calling you out okay? :)

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Has Jay Walder forfeited his pass, or encouraged the big wigs around him to forfeit their unlimited pass?


Since he wants to put a limit on unlimited cards and such, maybe he should be the first (MTA) employee who has to pay.

if he wants to cap our unlimited cards, then his should get capped too lol


but then again not like he uses the subway anyway..

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Should all (MTA)employees both in management/union and NYPD officers only be given 'free' metrocards for work related trips only? During non work periods as some have suggested, feel that all (MTA) employees from the CEO/Chair to Bus Operators and NYPD officers would pay full fare. Also family members i.e wives/spouses, etc. would also have to pay full fare.


What you guys think?


I could be wrong but When i ride Metro North i see passes w/ the Metro North ID card. Are Spouse/Family Members for LIRR/MNRR given passes unless they are spouse/family members of MTA execes.


RTO man i know you don't like me and my comments but you part of the reason many new yorkers like myself don't like some of the TWU workers who think sound arrogrant like you. They might be employees true but was asking a general question on were they possibly spouses/family members? Relax. Everytime someone asks something that is anti-TWU you get so uptight. I ask questions like a news reporter which i was after college for couple of years.



Your problem comes from the typical non-MTA worker confusion. You have posted your question in a forum dedicated to MTA-NYC Transit and asked about spouse/family passes for Union members, first prefacing your remarks with the "I'm not trying to bash the TWU." From this it would appear you are asking in reference to employees of the subway and surface lines within NYC. However, you then skip onto LIRR and MNCRR employees, who do not work for MTA-NYC Transit or the TWU. As a result, you get answers that seem rude to you, but not to those posting the answers.


So to help cut down on the confusion, lets do this:


  1. MTA

  2. MTA - NYC Transit

  3. MTA - LIRR

  4. MTA - MNCRR

  5. MTA - TBTA

  6. MTA - Capital Construction

  7. MTA - Regional Bus

  8. MTA - LI Bus



People work for one or the other of these agencies, but not both. You cannot switch back and forth between agencies and expect to get coherent answers to simple questions, because the answer is different for each agency.


Now, to answer your question: employees of MTA - NYC Transit and MTA - Regional Bus do not have spouse/family passes, so we cannot give them up. Employees of those two agencies have unlimited passes because, in the event of an emergency, we are expected to respond to the train crew request for help (and be put on the clock and paid for our work). Take away the unlimited and you've lost all those extra people to help out.

Some employees of MTA, MTA-LIRR and MTA-MNCRR do have spouse/family passes. Whether they should or not is for their collective bargaining to work out. As to the remaining agencies, I do not know whether or not they have spouse/family passes.


Having answered politely, now comes the rude part: If you asked questions like these when you were a reporter, what kind of articles did you write? After all, if the questions make no sense, what kind of answers will you get back? Certainly not anything that would help in writing a clear coherent report on your topic, whatever it might have been. Go back, do your research before asking questions and then make sure the questions themselves make sense. And no, I am not a TWU exec; I am not even a member of the TWU.

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Your problem comes from the typical non-MTA worker confusion. You have posted your question in a forum dedicated to MTA-NYC Transit and asked about spouse/family passes for Union members, first prefacing your remarks with the "I'm not trying to bash the TWU." From this it would appear you are asking in reference to employees of the subway and surface lines within NYC. However, you then skip onto LIRR and MNCRR employees, who do not work for MTA-NYC Transit or the TWU. As a result, you get answers that seem rude to you, but not to those posting the answers.


So to help cut down on the confusion, lets do this:


  1. MTA

  2. MTA - NYC Transit

  3. MTA - LIRR

  4. MTA - MNCRR

  5. MTA - TBTA

  6. MTA - Capital Construction

  7. MTA - Regional Bus

  8. MTA - LI Bus



People work for one or the other of these agencies, but not both. You cannot switch back and forth between agencies and expect to get coherent answers to simple questions, because the answer is different for each agency.


Now, to answer your question: employees of MTA - NYC Transit and MTA - Regional Bus do not have spouse/family passes, so we cannot give them up. Employees of those two agencies have unlimited passes because, in the event of an emergency, we are expected to respond to the train crew request for help (and be put on the clock and paid for our work). Take away the unlimited and you've lost all those extra people to help out.

Some employees of MTA, MTA-LIRR and MTA-MNCRR do have spouse/family passes. Whether they should or not is for their collective bargaining to work out. As to the remaining agencies, I do not know whether or not they have spouse/family passes.


Having answered politely, now comes the rude part: If you asked questions like these when you were a reporter, what kind of articles did you write? After all, if the questions make no sense, what kind of answers will you get back? Certainly not anything that would help in writing a clear coherent report on your topic, whatever it might have been. Go back, do your research before asking questions and then make sure the questions themselves make sense. And no, I am not a TWU exec; I am not even a member of the TWU.


Alex you right and should have just asked separtely for each branch of the (MTA) family. I should have just asked for NYC Transit/MTA Bus (MTA)(NYCT) and Subway here only. I am sorry if anyone was offened by my tone but got frustarted when it went off topic.


Still I feel it was worth asking since i seen in the outer boros papers articles and the citywide/regional papers like the Daily News readers bring this issue up as fares and metrocards are soon going to be raised.:)

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Someone said awhile back those passes are not free and part of the Union dues cover the cost I don't know if its true or not


If that was true, dues checkoff would never have been interrupted after the strike.

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Spouses of MTA employees DO NOT get free Metrocards. ALso, how would you prevent employees from using their cards for personal trips? There is no way to activate and deactivate their cards.


If student cards can have a time restriction, so could TA passes.

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But all wortkers work different hours that frequently change. You cannot restrict cards, othrwise they would end up being deactivated when an employee has to go to work and activated when they are off from work.


It would be a really big pain in the ass, but you could restrict employee passes to work only during the worker to whom it's assigned around their tour. If employee A works a 12x8 then his pass only works 12-8 while employee B may works a 8x4 and his/her pass only works at that time.

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(S)ome informative reading if I may say

Our passes are needed to be Active 24/7 365 , All members through out the system use them for what ever reason to get to work and thatcanbe at anytime now if you put A time laps on it then if I get called to do A tour at say 2am and the card is deactivated then why should I fork over more money to this very system who is robbing us blind O hell no this Company already takes us for A Ride so i better have my Full Ride Paid for from them .

When we have To go to anyplace the (MTA) wants us to go like their doctors in manhattan or Physicals out in JFK I know if I have to take the train I ain't paying for Jack .

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