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F Shuttle and B11 NG?!


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well I don't know why NG hybrids are on the B1 and the B11 but it looks AWESOME!

I would KILL to see these on the B67!


Thanks, It's called Code Breaking.


Great shots, I wouldn't mind an nG on the B11.


Thanks, me too


Great Pics;):tup::tup:


Thank you Sir!


Well done, dman :tup:




Nice shots man!


Thank you very much :cool:

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Nice shots and very cool codebreaking.


Thanks Leroy


Nice Shots , You got a pic of jeffs bus lol .


Thanks, and Yep Jeffs bus


Lol that day on the NG was fun...nice shots

(BTW your welcome B))


Thanks and yea we had a great day


Nice shots.




Whats up with that (F)? Wrong-railing into Kings Highway from the Manhattan-Bound Local Track?


No, the F line was still shutdown at the time Coney Island Tower was sending trains out so instead of waiting they turned them at kings highway and sent them back to CI

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