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United States launches missiles as allied forces attack Moammar Khadafy's military

Broadway Local

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they were still there. he the only was the SOB was going to get rid of them was use them. but then again, most people have a hard time grasping the situation when they've though one thing for ages and the oposite is in fact the truth.


They were mostly destroyed/inactive and the articles you posted show that. Don't try and make me look like the one who's believing the lie when the information you posted go against what you're advocating for.

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This attack on Libya is justified. Khadafy is attacking, and killing his own civilians. Have you read on what he is doing to the cities along the coast. He is bombing, and attacking people that had done nothing wrong. This is inhumane, and is naturally a crime against humanity. Would any of you guys support a president that kills his own people?. If anyone of you do then you are literally a sick human.


And what does that have to do with America?


American citizens can't find jobs and we're preoccupied with yet another war in a Muslim country.

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American citizens can't find jobs and we're preoccupied with yet another war in a Muslim country.


Being the largest western superpower, nations look up to us to solve problems. I'm not saying that its justified, but we've led every assault since Korea, covering Vietnam, Africa, and up to the Middle East. Public opinion is they key as to why we're sticking our heads into war because if we didn't, Middle Eastern coalitions would view this as something negative.

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From the news reports, it seems more the UN wanted a military strike. The UN is nothing without the US having to be dragged into it.

The EU with Britain and France, I say let them take care of it. America has enough problems as it is. Last thing we need is a new nutcase in that area to take power and use us as a scapegoat for all the wrongs going on in the MidEast.

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The only thing the US is doing is air striking Libya's air capabilities so they can't hurt their own people. As Obama said we most likely aren't going to put our troops in Libya. However in reality I won't say that the percentage of it is nil. We might end up putting troops in Libya, but that chance is low. The chance of European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern troops, and UN troops going into Libya is high. Even higher then any chance of US troops going there.

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even some of Obamas supporters are opposed to this, like Michael Moore




Being fair as Bart Simpson would state Obama was 'damn if you do' and damn if you don't' situation regarding Khadafy.


Before the strikes, some people were already critical of the President for not getting involved in this situation.


IMO while personally I am not thrilled about us (America)getting involved in another 'war' I do think that Obama should not half a@@ this and go full steam to just go out and get rid of Khadafy once and for all.:P

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