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IAWTP x100%!!!

I never knew an LFS would cause so much controversy.


It doesn't, it's just one sad loser picking on someone that pissed him off. The guy is a sick f**k to get a 'kick' out of picking on people by using parrotted statements. 'check your e-mail', etc. Why people still put up with his stupidity shows they are as bad as he is.


It's a lost cause to argue back. He's nothing more than a man child. [4yr old mind in an adult body]. Your [in general] best bet is to just ignore him. It's not worth getting riled up anymore.

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I don't know what's worse, trying to sift past his sh!t to get to deicent information that I might want or have some use for, or having to sift around it AND the idiots (cough*Oren*cough) defending him!


Brian is a Sue Slyvester, and we're the glee kids. He does whatever his stickfilled @ss wants and gets away with it. It's high time he get him off his high horse


We don't just ignore him, we pretend he doesn't exist at all. we don't aknowlege anything he does. Threads he starts get zero responces. If he finds something important, copy it and post it yourself.


even when we come across him in person, we act like we can't see him, like he's not there, even if he is activly trying to talk to us. I am sick and tired of that short, unibrowed, egomanical @sshole attacking the people that I call my friends! SICK OF IT!


Amen! Just shows how miserable a person or life he has if the kick he enjoys is making others as miserable as he is. Very, very sad....

He's a jerk like his lackeys, but ignoring him has worked for the most part. Any shit he starts, I stay away from them. It's like arguing with at best a 4yr old, you can't reason with it.

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I just seen the funniest thing ever...


As I post this, I'm sitting inside fare control at Myrtle Wyckoff (the new entrance) waiting for my bus and there's 5 cops all standing by the elevator with a clear view of the turnstiles. So this guy comes into the station, looks around and hops the turnstile. And at that moment, all 5 cops started walking towards the turnstiles and see him doing it (they were actually leaving the station). In the back of my mind, I'm just laughing cuz I know where its gonna lead to, and even 1 of the cops was laughing.

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If "The Wiz" doesn't scream "I grew up in the 1990s," I don't know what will.


The one I did have near me is a Petco now.


To me the 90s were the good ol' days. I remember the one on 86th and 3rd Av. I have no idea what it is now. I only know that it was near a movie theater [dunno if that's still there either].


Speaking of Petco, the Petco at Utica and Flatbush used to be part of a larger Burger King site. It had an arcade building and a mini/kidie amusement park with a mini coaster and mini 'tea cup' ride. Damn, if only I had pics of it. It was quite a sight.

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