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Off-topic Random Thoughts Thread

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Wow, that's a surprise, then again when they had a special museum train trip in 2003 a group of us went over there and made an off hand remark about how we were the most customers that place saw (when one of the floor sweepers made a stink over the noise some of us were making). I dunno what business was like, but I'd bet its location wasn't all too good.

Oh my god at that Mcds part.

I'm surprised at the floor sweeper part myself.... You wouldn't have thought one existed passing by & looking inside the place.

Who knows, it was probably a combination of its cleanliness (or lack thereof) & it's locale as to why they decided to close that particular wendy's down.....


If I have time to kill, I sometimes go in that chinese food place along B. 116th..... But now w/ the popeyes over by utica/fillmore/flatbush, I can perhaps grab some chicken & fries or whatever before making it over to the Q35 (eliminating any worries of what I'ma eat after getting off the Q35)......


I mean, I could always walk over to nostrand & ride the B44 to the junction to catch the Q35 (that's one thing I like about the junction, lots of places to choose from if you're hungry), but it's easier for me to catch the 46..... The only problem is the wait for the 35's over there at that rite aid....

Edited by B35 via Church
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I hear ya. I dunno what the schedules are now because sandy pretty much f'ed things up. Before you had a general idea a bus would show up within 15min of each other. Now it's more like a crap shoot. Sure would be nice to have bus time, right? Lol. And yeah, that location would've been a better use of the shelter. I still rarely see anyone wait ther on the sb b46 stop. A major wtf were they thinking...

As for places to eat, for the area around the junction, I'd avoid that alley way (behind the mcd's) headed towards bk college, too many kids there. If I really need something to eat, I'd only order out than to stay and eat. Don't want to get mixed up in someone's disputes...

Edited by Grand Concourse
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Disagree if you'd like, but in my opinion they had every right to consent to such procedure.


Well, I don't really care much either way, but I guess if you've lost your sight and hearing, those are your two major senses (at least, IMO), so you won't have much of a life to experience.


Anyway, I just read this article. At first I thought "Great, another doomsday theory". Well, it's stupid, but not quite as stupid as I thought it would be.



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Well, I don't really care much either way, but I guess if you've lost your sight and hearing, those are your two major senses (at least, IMO), so you won't have much of a life to experience.


Anyway, I just read this article. At first I thought "Great, another doomsday theory". Well, it's stupid, but not quite as stupid as I thought it would be.



Best advice I have for you is to take most news with a grain of salt, especially if from a source like Yahoo.
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Gotta do a morning shift at work. Im usually on some bus heading home at this time lol


I hate the morning shift...and mornings...




Same here, hate weekday mornings I have to wake my ass up to go to work (like now, did'nt feel like I even slept that well, and kinda out of it at the office as I write this). ESPECIALLY MONDAY MORNINGS. MONDAYS SUCK!




On a different note: On the weekends though I like waking up early and watch the sunrise musing over green tea. (Cant drink coffee since I quit smoking but that's another story) I used to be a late sleeper partying hard drinking and smoking weed like a chimney but now you can say I calmed down for the better of my life and my mind and soul ready for new challenges in life. I guess that's called growing up and becoming mature. Know what I mean?


Yeah I'm rambling a bit now but that got me thinking....


"It's real" as Fat Joe said in his lyrics one time concerning the hartdships of life and lessons learned. It is, so true.

Edited by realizm
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Same here, hate weekday mornings I have to wake my ass up to go to work (like now, did'nt feel like I even slept that well, and kinda out of it at the office as I write this). ESPECIALLY MONDAY MORNINGS. MONDAYS SUCK!




I remember some movie involving Garfield, where he says "I hate Mondays. From now on, the first day of the week is Tuesday. Happy Tuesday everybody!"


Anyway, a couple of more random articles:




(In case nobody noticed, those articles are always from those "Top 10 that's being searched on Yahoo! now" or whatever they call it.

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I hate dealing with insomnia. Throughout last night I didn't even feel like I was living and I couldn't sleep. For the last 90 minutes (since 5:20am) I've been at a 24hour McDonalds doing Homework and filling out job apps. f**k my pathetic life. End random thought/rant.

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I suffer from chronic insomnia. My doctor has to prescribe me Ambien to help me fall asleep. I think this is an inherited problem as it runs in my family on my dad's side. Sleep is important. Try Chamolile tea it calms you down natuarly, also melatolin supplements from GNC. If all else fails then yeah see a doctor. But you'll be alright.

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I suffer from chronic insomnia. My doctor has to prescribe me Ambien to help me fall asleep. I think this is an inherited problem as it runs in my family on my dad's side. Sleep is important. Try Chamolile tea it calms you down natuarly, also melatolin supplements from GNC. If all else fails then yeah see a doctor. But you'll be alright.

I just barely read this and will consider these options. Thank you.

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When the fans are bored the world's largest beer snake forms!

It's a fair effort that. At least 4 bays of the SCG!

Edited by Pakenhamtrain
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Y'now, CDTA PONY there are some in my school... thankfully Imma in Honors, less kids like that.



I'm in all honors, and so is he. 

Following up on this situation, the substitute said it would be fine, and that she would explain it to the regular teacher. Well, I talked to the regular teacher. She said, that I should've picked different groups, yadayada, even tough I wasn't there to pick a group. *sigh*.......


On another just as bad note, I completely f*ed up my toe. It's a good thing I don't have gym tomorrow. (I have gym on Tuesday, but it should be better by then.) Oh, and I was also sick this afternoon, but at least that's passed.

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If any of you eat Breyer's ice cream (and I like it as well), here's something you should read.




It's technically not "ice cream" anymore.


Also: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/04/the-red-juice-in-raw-red-meat-is-not-blood/

Edited by checkmatechamp13
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Gotta stay up literally all night to finish this project. Microsoft Office was being a total bitch over the weekend, so I couldn't get anything done. Ehh, i'll probably just play some of those hour+ Deadmau5 continuous mix thingies. I like them for nights like these, because it's good work music, and it's still got enough to make me shake my head.


On another note...


Dear YouTube....

If some of the video is already loaded in 360p, do not try to load the rest in 240p. It benefits nobody. 

Edited by CDTA
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If any of you eat Breyer's ice cream (and I like it as well), here's something you should read.




It's technically not "ice cream" anymore.

Glad I stopped eating the majority of junk like that a long time ago.


It should've been obvious meat isn't naturally red. Leave any type of cut at room temperature for 60 minutes and the difference is very noticeable.

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