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Yesterday's Trip

Daniel The Cool

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Nice, but almost all of them are tilted. You aren't holding the camera straight. Just make sure that in your picture, a vertical column or something else vertical/horizontal shows up that way in the camera's LCD screen. That way you know the picture is straight.

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- A


Nice, but almost all of them are tilted. You aren't holding the camera straight. Just make sure that in your picture, a vertical column or something else vertical/horizontal shows up that way in the camera's LCD screen. That way you know the picture is straight.


ok. I'm still trying and thanks

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not bad but really think about limiting the CPW line as everyone has seen it a lot.. And these shots look the same as before..


Brigiton Line looks gd of course.. Keep it up!

thanks but the shots are different

Excellent pics! At least you went on the Sea Beach Line.

lol thanks

sweet pics


Some pics are blurry and it looks like there might be smudges on the lens, you should get those cleaned.

And if you are still tilting, maybe try tilting the camera to compensate that or use photoshop to rotate the pics a few angles till it is strait and crop off the edges.



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