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Queens councilman Dan Halloran irate over light-running, yakking traffic cop


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A city councilman who spotted a traffic cop blow through stop signs while yakking on the phone confronted the officer – and got slapped with a $165 ticket, the irate lawmaker said.


Dan Halloran (R-Queens) wants his summons dismissed and is demanding a review of every ticket the Queens traffic agent has ever written.


"The traffic agents spend a lot of time ticketing in my community and yet they feel they're above the law," Halloran griped.


The councilman was on his way to hid district office in Whitestone Monday when he says he saw Officer Daniel Chu zoom by, talking on a cell phone with his lights blazing.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/queens/2010/06/16/2010-06-16_queens_councilman_dan_halloran_irate_over_lightrunning_yakking_traffic_cop_danie.html#ixzz0r2kkh74l



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Welcome to our world, Mr. Halloran. Traffic agents have a habit of giving out nonsense tickets (maybe they're at fault, maybe it's their brass, or maybe both) and relatively little is or can be done about it because the city likes the income. It usually takes a high-profile incident where the officer has no real leg to stand on (such as this) for there to be any attempt at reform. I hope that Mr. Halloran puts enough egg on the face of the NYPD traffic department over this that ticket agents begin to be held to the law.

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No respect for traffic agents. I poop on them.


They are garbage. No life,no real education or skills, nothing to contribute to society. complete ZEROS, and there are better jobs out there for people with no educationa nd skills besides traffic slave...They are so useless that they have to get a thankless job where everyone hates them and doesnt respect them...

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I love when I spot a police officer on the cell phone driving. I caught one once driving next to me texting and driving and blew my horn at him pointing. I wish I had a camera cause I'll take it right to the NY POST.


Traffic agents are not officers. You don't come to them when your in trouble. They come to you the minute you park your car checking the entire car up and down then the meter ect ect.. Why the other day did I get a ticket for parking 12 feet from the hydrant but across the street a car way closer to the pump got no ticket because they had a handicap placard on the dashboard? Do you think they really took the measuring tape out and measured 12 feet from the hydrant? Their a bunch of bully punk asses and I hope this guy gets what he deserves.

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Jimmy Justice has a whole series of videos on Youtube where he confronts traffic cops doing illegal things, like making illegal u-turns and blocking the pump. The funniest ones are where he confronts NYPD tow truck drivers who could not care less.

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One time, there was a jam on my street. Some guys were shouting at each other. The traffic cops were there, but they just stood watching, and then they left.


If you were dressed like a cop, but had no gun, would you try to break up a fight?

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This is a tough one, do I side with the perp TEA or the D-bag councilman? Hell with it, f**k'em both.


Personally, I do not think much of most City Council members but it's about time our traffic agents got a reality check and the only place it's going to come from is a bigwig of some sort. Considering that most of the really important people tend to have limos, escorts, or some other identifying marker that a traffic agent will be able to see and avoid making trouble in front of, this was pretty much the only kind of bigwig an agent would have a run-in with. I personally hope Hollaran has to eat the ticket but after that traffic agents would have black boxes in their cars and any tickets issued while the officer was in violation of the law would face automatic dismissal.

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We all have stories of encounters with TEA's. One that stands out for me was that I was idling at a bus stop on York Ave waiting for somebody,instead of this idiot who was on foot telling me to move he tries to scan my registration on my windshield,nothing happens,tries again,nothing,either he doesn't know how to use it or the machine is broken. Long story short after calling his supervisor and making me wait for about 20 minutes he comes up to me and tells me that I will get the ticket in the mail.....I never got one.:P

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Well get this! When 3800 was in SI, I parked on the Lower East Side so I could catch an M15 to the Ferry. When I finally found a park, it was at the corner, and there was a traffic cop right there. I told her that my bumper was right at the crosswalk, so would I be ok parking there. She said yes because my bumper was not in the way. So I went to SI with Trev, Pablo, and Ray. When I got back to Manhattan, I had a $180 ticket! Que carajo!!

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We all have stories of encounters with TEA's. One that stands out for me was that I was idling at a bus stop on York Ave waiting for somebody,instead of this idiot who was on foot telling me to move he tries to scan my registration on my windshield,nothing happens,tries again,nothing,either he doesn't know how to use it or the machine is broken. Long story short after calling his supervisor and making me wait for about 20 minutes he comes up to me and tells me that I will get the ticket in the mail.....I never got one.:)


A few years ago, I saw someone slowing down at a bus stop but still moving. An agent somes along and yells at the person to stop so she could get a scan of ther registration because she was having difficulty doing it while the car was still moving. She must have been psychic knowing the driver's intentions, because it would of been legal to stop to let someone out of the car.

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No respect for traffic agents. I poop on them.


They are garbage. No life,no real education or skills, nothing to contribute to society. complete ZEROS, and there are better jobs out there for people with no educationa nd skills besides traffic slave...They are so useless that they have to get a thankless job where everyone hates them and doesnt respect them...


Not really fair to generalize. They are not all bad. The other day I parked my car at 10:28 AM. Parking was allowed at 10:30. I started to walk away from the car when I noticed a TEA car across the street so I walked back to wait the two minutes. About ten minutes later, she started to talk to me asking me if I walked back to the car becaue I thought she would give me a ticket. I told her yes. She then said she would never give someone a ticket for two minutes. So I told her of some stories I've read about or personally witnessed. She had trouble believing them, saying that is not how they are instructed. She then told me that she's been doing this for ten years and has never had an incident with anyone. I told her she is one of the good ones. Then I realized that it probably the a**holes that get into confrontations with motorists because they are doing things they are not supposed to be doing giving tickets unfairly.

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