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Questions about NYCT Bus/MTA Bus Training


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Hey all, I start training for bus op on July 15th...i find this post very helpful..thanks for the info.  any other threads I should read before training?  I have CDL Permit with some training on a school bus (was ready to take the road test at the end of the month but TA called me first )

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Hey all, I start training for bus op on July 15th...i find this post very helpful..thanks for the info.  any other threads I should read before training?  I have CDL Permit with some training on a school bus (was ready to take the road test at the end of the month but TA called me first )

What exam number did you get hired from

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I have a question:  How do they handle the DMV aspect of getting your license?  I have my CDL permit - do they do all the training with you and when you qualify for training they give you a license?  is part of qualifying passing a road test ?  Do they have dmv inspectors at the training site to pass you??  


I know day one is paper work etc....Day 2 - 6 training.  Day 7& 8 opportunity to advance to line training?  Does that mean passing your road test?  (also day 9 & 10)

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I have a question:  How do they handle the DMV aspect of getting your license?  I have my CDL permit - do they do all the training with you and when you qualify for training they give you a license?  is part of qualifying passing a road test ?  Do they have dmv inspectors at the training site to pass you??  


I know day one is paper work etc....Day 2 - 6 training.  Day 7& 8 opportunity to advance to line training?  Does that mean passing your road test?  (also day 9 & 10)

they will aske you to pay DMV for the roadtest, i believe $40. if you qualify, they will make the date appointment with DMV and you will use the same bus you've been training on. It's up to you to pass the roadtest. if you qualified in 7 days you get 2 chances. if not and you fail the roadtest, you're back on the streets. good luck.

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Tommorw is day 3 for me. Today I got mostly unsatisfactories today. I have never hit a curb but I dont check my right mirror when making left turns and I accelorate through turns. (the bus feels to me like it is gonna stop mid turn if i dont) Becouse I failed to protect my right before a right turn (was tryint to get my 4 feet but i guess i was to wide) a string of 6 cars came in on my right and i couldent make the right turn. becouse of that I got unsats on steering, speed, right side spacing , foward planning and mirrors.  Today My nerves are compleatly shot! I have Sup. Knight.  Any one know what he is looking for? I want to make him proud becouse right now I bet he thinks I am functionaly retarted.

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Hey all...I am on day 3 of  b/o training.  It's a lot of info.  I had a crappy day yesterday to the point that I really thought this opportunity was slipping right thru my fingers, but a much better day today.  The key to this thing (I think) is LISTENING...listen to everything the instructors say and execute the way they say it - no ands ifs or buts about it.  And if you make a mistake, correct it the next time around the block.  They want to see you improve.  Not keep doing the same shit over and over.  


Kingdoc - I felt exactly like you did today, yesterday.  I have Sup. Int Castaldo. He was barking at me "come on" "what are ya doing" "did you not see that" "get wide get wide" "too fast" blah blah blah - i wanted to cry last night.  Today I was the only one to get a satisfactory.  I just took a deep breath and got my head in the game...Hopefully I can keep that up.  


Where are you training out of ?  I am at Kingsbridge, Bronx

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How many people are on the bus training when you are driving ?

Tommorw is day 3 for me. Today I got mostly unsatisfactories today. I have never hit a curb but I dont check my right mirror when making left turns and I accelorate through turns. (the bus feels to me like it is gonna stop mid turn if i dont) Becouse I failed to protect my right before a right turn (was tryint to get my 4 feet but i guess i was to wide) a string of 6 cars came in on my right and i couldent make the right turn. becouse of that I got unsats on steering, speed, right side spacing , foward planning and mirrors.  Today My nerves are compleatly shot! I have Sup. Knight.  Any one know what he is looking for? I want to make him proud becouse right now I bet he thinks I am functionaly retarted.

when making a left turn are you checking your right mirror for what - cars and or tail swing of the bus or something else ???

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How many people are on the bus training when you are driving ?



when making a left turn are you checking your right mirror for what - cars and or tail swing of the bus or something else ???


there are 4 trainees in total (including me)  When making a left turn I am checking my right mirror for tail swing and for pedestrians/bikers and also for sweepers trying to cut me off.

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 @ Kingdoc & Flowerpower.......You both just brang back vivid memories of days 7-10 for me of how many tears I shed, how much my hands and legs trembled and that feeling of defeat basically how shot to hell my nerves we're when I trained. I'm glad I didn't experience any of the daily issuse I've read some have experienced however, I did mess up on qualification day and had to go to day 10.   As you can guess after that my nerves we're shot to shingles X infinity and the sight of the 2 most notorious instructors on my bus had me mentally out of the game before It even began on day 10. I say this to encourage you to trust yourselves & what the instructor is showing you. Please don't psych yourselves out!  I know it's a lot of info to absorb in a short amount of time while simultaneously battling your nerves but, you can do this!! 



I know it's cliche to say and from your point of view it sounds easier said than done (I felt the same when other's said it to me) but, try your best to calm down and focus on execution and correcting the mistakes they are pointing out and you'll  be fine. You already know how to drive you just need to learn the MTA way.  My prayers are with you both as well as the other's in class now.  I'm trying to remain calm for my turn.... It'll  be here before I know it. And prayerfully I won't allow my nerves to get the best of me like I did the first time.  Best wishes to you both on a day 7 qualification..... Hell a qualification on any day will do!

Edited by Syrenity
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They don't care what was taught or known previously the only thing that matters is what is being taught at the moment and if your learning how to operate that vehicle the MTA way. Training begins day 1 at Zerega and with hands on instruction starting Day 2 {once you arrive at your randomly selected depot} They absolutely test and evaluate your knowledge and progress DAILY on ALSAPS/ pre- trip, bus stops, turns, backing up, parking basically.... EVERYTHING!!!! Everyone in your group will get the same level of training "The MTA way" it doesn't matter if you've been driving trucks or buses for years or if it's your very 1st time behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle.

Thank you for this bit of info i have been driving buses for 13 yrs. I guess the best thing as an experienced driver is to be humble and act like you know nothing else other than what is being told to you. 

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My last experience processing for the B/O position was 5 yrs ago and it taught me a whole lot. For one it was a good example of teaching me how to become way more proactive in preparing myself with information and skills. I also had to deal with coming face to face with a fear I didn't know existed which in turn forced me to learn how to control my emotions. I was extremely nervous {to the point of physically trembling while waiting as my fellow co workers were having their turn behind the wheel, had stomach upset for a few days and most definitely tears days 8-10}


Unfortunately for me, I couldn't get over that hurdle fast enough. I allowed my fears to get the best of me instead of using them to challenge myself to get past it all and execute what was taught to me at my absolute best. Those are the greatest benefits I walked away with even though it honestly felt like someone had reached inside my chest and ripped my heart clean out when I had to turn in my pass and officially resign. I am greatful for the experience I now know what's expected of me and what challenges are ahead of me.


Skill wise I have learned how to be an even better listener and on my own have taken initiative to practice the things I've been taught. All the fear I had regarding opearating that RTS {I know they are way outdated but, that's what I was trained on} is long gone. I can and will walk into this

opportunity with no doubt or fears. I can begin training as a sponge ready to absorb all the instructors teach and prayerfully I will execute my way

well through training, graduation and that 365 big boy....probation!



If that was for me I went through B/O training but didn't get past that.

wish you the best im sure you will prevail

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Well the el pillars tommorow, mounted a curb on day 3 today , still got satisfactory, so I'm hoping I have a shot on day 7. It's not as easy as I thought. Just when I think I'm getting comfortable BAM error.

Your right it isn't as easy as it seems reality kicks in quick when your behind the wheel. Don't get discouraged keep your head up and best wishes on that day 7 qualification  keep us posted.



Thank to Manwell I wish you the best also.

wish you the best im sure you will prevail

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Well the el pillars tommorow, mounted a curb on day 3 today , still got satisfactory, so I'm hoping I have a shot on day 7. It's not as easy as I thought. Just when I think I'm getting comfortable BAM error.


I hit a curb today and did everything else perfectly...I got an unsatisfactory  ;)   Oh well...but hey that was the only thing i did wrong and I know what I did to make that mistake.  I nailed every other turn, rights, lefts, hook turns, acutes.  So i know it was just a stupid error on my part.   :angry:    Will do better tomorrow for sure.  Not much more room for errors  :wacko:

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When you making a turn right or left, you must look at the mirror to make sure that rear tires not hitting the curb. Don't forget you are driving a 40 ft bus. Good Luck & you will pass.



Hey i also work for HART im a driver there im looking to get out im taking exam 4600 homeward bound baby NYC GOD willing.

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Here's a few key points to remember: Mirrors: Here's how to set your mirrors..... LEFT: you need to see just the surface of the bus and behind/to the left of you. RIGHT: Center Marker Light should be in the LOWER LEFT-HAND CORNER. They want you to have your head "on a swivel" (continuously scanning your mirrors) when they tell you to "service the bus stop" pull as close as you can to the curb and keep your bus straight (unobstructed bus stops) or pull parallel to the stop if it's a "blocked bus stop" but ALWAYS- I repeat ALWAYS COVER YOUR RIGHT. ALWAYS LOOK BEFORE you move that bus. Remember- 4 feet of clearance on your right so in case some dumb schmuck opens up their car door, you don't take it off. Remember- when setting up turns: **RIGHT** pole right behind front door to the curb (or to the outer mark of a parked car). **LEFT** shoulder to the Double Yellow Line. also. if space is limited on a right turn you can use the "S-Hook" method.. steer your front left away from the curb and when your left bumper touches the Double Yellow Line, you work into your right turn. Another point: You MUST CALL OUT EVERYTHING you see (ie: School Crossing, Biker (left or right), car approaching / stopped (L or R), Pedestrian (where ever they are), Underpass (You would say " ** if not marked** is 14' or greater, THIS BUS is 10'6. We have clearance" or call out what it's clearance is)

Hey Mabstoas how are things going i notice the date on this post so im curious to know have you achieved probation?

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Another heads up: for the 2 times they put you in "the simulator"- You will be warned by your instructor that the simulator can make you nauseous or bring on an episode of "Vertigo". A very important lesson I learned from a mistake I made the first time: If you start feeling like the room is spinning or you're off balance STOP THE SIMULATOR and TELL YOUR INSTRUCTOR. They cannot penalize you for this as they know this is a common occurrence with students

thank you for the info very useful

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