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Train Operator Exam # 8098


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Hey guys. Question can they put you on medical hold for past Dx of Cancer? And do we have to disclose if we have been diagnossed with cancer even if you are in remission for the past 5+ years? If anyone knows it would greatly be appreciatted. I read all the post about the medical releases and all but with all the back and forth didn't really get an answer from it....

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With all the talk of the pre screening process, no one mentioned of their fingerprints being taken. Which I heard is sent to the FBI; to check on warrants, any prior arrests and convictions, dishonorable discharge from any military service, and any order of protections issued. If any red flags pop up, you can be disqualified. Any felony convictions is an automatic disqualification. Being convicted of 3 misdemeanors is another automatic disqualification as well.



Oh snap yes i forgot about that they took my fingerprints as well!

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Well just finished up at the employment center. Did the full medical and then they sit you down, one on one with someone and go over ALL of the paperwork you EVER handed in, in detail, included the 21 page booklet and original pre employment app, then they let you know about the position. Orientation/class start is 10/22 as posted earlier in this forum. Seems like they are in the 60's, 70's range from the sheet of names I saw. It's crazy how its here. Waited so long and then when it comes, it all goes so fast. Congrats to everyone who received start dates, see you on the 22nd. And good luck to all waiting on the call or letter. It should move fast if they are already in the 70's for a 40 man class.

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"Already"? In the 70's for a 40 man class??? I thought 80% of people fail the medical/drug tests! At least thats what i read in these forums. It looks like not only are more than half passing, but they're taking the job too!


Yes many do fail the medical. In fact only about half of the group that came in today made it all the way through to getting finalized so some additional list numbers should be getting called down for the 22nd class. 80 something people to get 40 sounds about right to me. And it's my personal opinion but if someone turns down this job..........

Edited by Success7
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As soon as you start, you are a union member.


However during probation you are not entitled to a hearing before dismissal - it can occur without union representation


That's as I understnad it.


In other words they want their dues from day 1 but won't do anything for you for the first year.
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"Already"? In the 70's for a 40 man class??? I thought 80% of people fail the medical/drug tests! At least thats what i read in these forums. It looks like not only are more than half passing, but they're taking the job too!



Passing the medical is only the 1st step..


Now it gets harder..


Anybody thinking otherwise is crazy, esp if you never operated a train before throw the " Oh i drove a car" out the window...


So that 40 starting can be 10 finishing i doubt they are going to be holding anybody's hands...


Seen it myself..


In other words they want their dues from day 1 but won't do anything for you for the first year.


Um yeah..



Edited by RTOMan
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School car is not as hard as it sounds. On my first week of school car, they told us 30% of us would not make it. The result? 100% of us passed. With T/O,s however, it's a bit harder because you must pass the signal tests with a perfect 100%. When you start school car, you better be studying signals every single day.

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School car is not as hard as it sounds. On my first week of school car, they told us 30% of us would not make it. The result? 100% of us passed. With T/O,s however, it's a bit harder because you must pass the signal tests with a perfect 100%. When you start school car, you better be studying signals every single day.




Edited by Dan05979
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Let's see how many people pass PROBATION. That's the hard part. 19 out of 20 passed schoolcar from my class, but 3 more lost their jobs in the period between schoolcar and the 2nd year, and one more who got their probation extended and might not make it through either.

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Let's see how many people pass PROBATION. That's the hard part. 19 out of 20 passed schoolcar from my class, but 3 more lost their jobs in the period between schoolcar and the 2nd year, and one more who got their probation extended and might not make it through either.



What happened that they got canned?

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You will be ridin by a supervisor from time to time. They will meet you at different stations and come into your cab, some will just sit on the train and evaluate your operation withought you even knowing there on the train. As far as signals go, don't worry about it everyday you go over signals and have mini quizes on them.

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