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College Point Bus Operator Returned a Lost Wallet to a Customer


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When Elisabeth Ponsot left her wallet aboard a QM6 earlier this week, she thought she would never see it again. Luckily, she regularly rides a bus operated by Paul Liguori.

Elisabeth, a regular rider on the QM6, left her wallet on Liguori's bus on Monday. She realized her wallet had gone missing upon arriving to work. During a layover and inspection of his bus at 6th Avenue and 36th Street, Liguori discovered the lost wallet. He checked to see who it belonged to and immediately recognized that the wallet was the property of a regular rider on his bus. Since he anticipated seeing Elisabeth again the next morning, Liguori and a supervisor decided that he should try to reunite Elisabeth with her wallet the next day.



And sure enough....

Elisabeth boarded the same bus the next morning at Union Turnpike & 230th Street and was greeted by Bus Operator Liguori.

"Before she uttered a word, I said, 'Yup, I got it,'" recounted Liguori.

To her amazement, Elisabeth was reunited with her wallet and all of its contents. "Who says New Yorkers aren't nice," she said also proclaiming to fellow riders on the bus "that our driver is the "salt of the earth."

To Paul Liguori, who's been operating a bus for 34 years, it's just another day on the job, glad that he was able to reunite a happy customer with her belongings.


Good deed on that bus op's part.


I should add that a few years ago a couple of kids were acting weird, listening to rap music on an iPod and rapping to it out loud while on the Bx10. I did not really care for them and to put icing on the cake they continued to carry on as they were getting off the bus, shouted something out (I think they said "PEACE OUT!") as they were getting ready to enter the rear door stairwell to exit, pushed the doors after the bus operator had already closed them (this or they might have never even rung the bell), which resulted in the interlock buzzer going off and the bus stopping just as he had started moving, and I looked where they were sitting and noticed they had left their iPod there.


Even though I was not really fond of the kids or their performance, I gave the iPod to the bus op and told him they had left it.

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One night as I was riding the N22 home from the mall some guy left his key ring (with TONS of keys on it) behind on the seat, maybe it fell off his key ring/carabiner or he simply wasn't mindful about it, but once we reached Jamaica I handed the keys to the driver as I left

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This is another example of story that should be on the front pages of the newspapers and on the internet and television and radio instead of the usual "blame the employees for everything" stories which masquerade as front page news. This is the type of employee that management should recognize (for the record, deeds such as this are done on a daily basis without fanfare or recognition) and be trumpeting out loud so that all can see.


I applaud the driver and his supervisor for doing this honorable deed and it proves that (despite what we read or hear) there are great and wonderful people in this world who think nothing of doing an act of kindness every day.

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I always return items i find on the bus to the crew. i used to collect recipts that crew gives out, but now i dont even care, the item is in lost and found, i dont need a paper saying i brought it in.

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The B/O in tis story is a really nice guy in general-he's always very pleasant and smiling when I get on his bus.


This is one of the advantages of taking the same express bus daily. I know a number of passengers on the QM1/5/6 that have left things on the bus and always got them back. I think the B/O's on those lines are really some of the best in the whole system.

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There's a line supervisor at Ulmer Park that does this all the time. When cleaners find wallets or ID cards in buses while sweeping, they give them to him. He, in turn, either mails ID's to whatever address is on them, or if the address is close enough he'll go to the house and hand it over. Bit he never gets any credit for it.

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This morning I went to Mtainfo and the powers that be on the website was trumpeting what this fine individual did for the passenger.


Could it be that someone read the comments on this thread and decided to follow our members advice and publicly thank the bus driver for what he did in this situation? I wish they would do it more often and at the same time make sure that radio, television and the printed media would report this on a regular basis.


Again, my thanks to the driver and to all of the unsung employees who never get the credit for doing a great job, day in and day out. Thanks from one who appreciates the work you do every dayand every time I board a bus or subway or enter a subway station.

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Trumpeting? The site looked no different to me when I looked at it just now. Yesterday I had just visited the MTA home page when I saw the story on the news ticker and then posted it here.


I guess you meant that they were trumpeting him by having posted the news article on the site and perhaps you meant to say that "someone read past comments on the forums and decided to follow our members' advice..."

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Last Friday, when I was with Cyndia driving n16, on return trip, after I bought cupcake at station deli in Rockville Cetre Station and when I got to Roosevelt Field, I realize I left my clipboard, so I took n16 back instead of taking chance on next day and nice station deli owner was very nice and he gave me the clipboard back with my notebook with internary and wheelchair survey on it.


I think it could be possible Elizabeth might want to give the

Liguori the Apple Awards.

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This happens all the time....I do vacation relief and do not drive the same bus more than a week at a time....I was driving the QM10 and a man handed me a sweater when he was getting off the bus...I held onto it till the next day and a lady did come and ask me if I found a sweater....I was like is this it?? She was very happy to see it.......so it does not take a 34 year veteran to do a kind act......I do it for complete strangers all the time!! and I don't need a pat on the back....It's just me......

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I must apologize to Brooklyn IRT as I totally misread the post and should have given full credit to Brooklyn IRT for posting the item and placing it on this thread.


By posting this item for the members, you must have done something that totally shook up the powers that be in the agency that they finally said something nice about one of their workers.

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Just to clarify all I did was see the article on MTA's website and then copy the link and the article and paste it here. Thank you for accrediting me for posting it though. I really did it to attract more attention to the piece of news that had already been on their site, because several forum users in general see transit news on MTA's site and on other news sites and re-post them on the forums.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok pat me on the back....while driving the q64 the other day a guy came on my bus with a quide dog.....as everybody got off the bus at QB I had a 8 min break...so I got out of the bus and was checking some e-mails on my phone when I noticed the guy walking around in a circle....then he was at the corner and stepping off the cub and stepping back on the curb....he was saying something to the dog....but the dog was just wandering around....then he walked back to the bus and was feeling it.....I said to myself....this guy needs help and if that was me I would want someone to give me a hand.....so I walked up and said excuse me but you just got off my bus and you are at the back of it again...Ive been watching you...do you need a hand.....he said yes I need to get to the subway.....I said follow my voice and turn around and I will tell you to move right or left as we go to the subway.....So I helped the guy to the subway and he thanked me endlessly.....I'm just glad I was there to help him...he could've walked out into the street and got killed.....what is amazing to me as I watched him for a couple of minutes people just walked by this guy and gave him a dirty look and kept walking by without even saying do you need help of anything......this is just another day for me thou....I do these good deeds and just keep it moving!!!........

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