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Crew Office and Mercy should not be in the same sentence if you ask some... ;)

Lmao, true that.



No, The Infamous TA-22



Passed my Final people.



Was At the school today for my final and met some of you good people that just started, one of the Tss conducting the session was my Tss from school car.  Good luck to all you.

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Lmao, true that.



No, The Infamous TA-22



Passed my Final people.



Was At the school today for my final and met some of you good people that just started, one of the Tss conducting the session was my Tss from school car. Good luck to all you.

Congrats E!!!

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Ask about the Rule book and other publications in PDF format.


My department ( 3rd Rail / Power Distribution) has just begun doing it.


I now have the Rule Book, Flagging Rules as well as other literature and forms on my Android.


Hopefully you TSS's Ponds and Williams. You'll learn what you need to know regarding your job title from them as well as how things go "in the real world." with regards to the Transit Authority.

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Also, someone mentioned a Butcher book.

Keep a daily record of what line your on, your conductor, maybe the dispatcher and your hours. Dont trust anyone to do your Time keeping for you.

Also note anything unusual like long delays, police activity, the station, employee drop offs, etc.

They may come to you a month or two or three later asking about a specific day or incident. I've been asked to produce sick line with the Dr's portion filled out by the Dr (called Dr's lines) for time I took 2 years past or be docked. Keep your copies!

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Snowblock your absolutely right. Especially for those on probation.

RTO is a much stricter department then MOW (Maintenance of Way) and the hard copies issued are always better to have.

The PDF's are good for when a thought pops in your head and you want to look it up and may not have the hard copies or lose/forget them. Always good to have a weightless back up.

The sick form is a must on the phone. In case you forget one or can't get a blank copy- while at your Dr's office ask for the Dr's email address, send theme an email with the form attached and ask them to print it out for you. Most do it without problem knowing how the Transit Authority is a stickler for thier own forms.

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DP142 - Thanks. I'll ask for pdf versions so i can put keep them on my smartphone too.


I don't know about color helmet's restrictions regarding electronic devices but I and everyone in RTO knows that electronic devices are strictly prohibited while on duty for T/O's & C/R's. As we were told by many TSS' "not even in sight". Having it in sight while on duty are grounds for immediate termination.


My class "Nov 12" inquired about having the rule book on our devices in order to have less weight to carry around and we were shot down immediately. TSS Leonard told us like this. "If I board your train and come in your cab and ask you for your rule book and you pull out your phone to show it to me can I take you out of service?" Needless to say it wasn't brought up again. 


Personally I wish it were allowed this way we would have less to carry around. If You observe closely, out of 10 operators 9 have huge backpacks.

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I see some things are the same regardless of department.

Those in charge make thier own rules as they go along.


When I took a refresher course back in Febuary of this year TSS Pond (who is ready to retire soon) was the one who suggested it stating if you get it from the Transit Authority then it's valid. You only need to know the rule and rule number, some say you need to memorize what applies to your dr specific job title, etc.

I agree it is best to keep what youv'e been issued in class but be for sure they will pull thier phone out on you to quote what rule you may have violated.

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I passed the road practical, all the hard work paid off, thanks to my instructors, train operators that posted with me and all my classmates that were always there to lend their support.  good luck to all you  still in school car hope to see you all on the road.

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I passed the road practical, all the hard work paid off, thanks to my instructors, train operators that posted with me and all my classmates that were always there to lend their support. good luck to all you still in school car hope to see you all on the road.

Congratulations Etrain!
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I passed the road practical, all the hard work paid off, thanks to my instructors, train operators that posted with me and all my classmates that were always there to lend their support. good luck to all you still in school car hope to see you all on the road.

Congratulations Etrain!
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