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School gonna make my hair fall out...

soo muchh shit! Im so stressed, i been writing this essay for 2hrs already. And im still on word 943. Started at 7...still on word 943.

Essays, and analytical paragraphs, speeches, class discussions, getting called on the spot, shakespeare.

I need a break. Not even a break, I need the summer. Holy shyt...


High School? Or college?


Because I have four papers due tomorrow afternoon and that's only for one damn class. (Minimum 2 pages each)


**Edit, I just saw realizm's comment. Once you hit college papers, it becomes somewhat easier if you ask me. I only have one paper to go also..I started at 4pm.

Edited by peacemak3r
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High School? Or college?


Because I have four papers due tomorrow afternoon and that's only for one damn class.


Like we were saying, college isnt no walk in the park.

One has to know what his career goal is and have determination to reach that goal or else one can get lost in the waves. Study hard.

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Like we were saying, college isnt no walk in the park.


One has to know what his career goal is and have determination to reach that goal or else one can get lost in the waves. Study hard.

Im finished. 1304 words. Essay about Othello-William Shakespeare. My strongest subjects are math, chemistry, health, speech etc. History and english is a blow. Two stressful classes. Teachers act like your only taking their class. I be like "im taking 8 classes" hello...and this is only High School. Edited by XcelsiorBoii4888
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I finished. 1304 words. Essay about Othello-William Shakespeare. My strongest subjects are math, chemistry, health, speech etc. History and english is a blow. Two stressful classes. Teachers act like your only taking their class. I be like "im taking 8 classes" hello...and this is only High School.


Trust me same nonsense in college but the coursework is even harder, so bite that bullet don't be discouraged and keep it moving. Many of us have done it or are doing it, and for many, forget it, making 80K and even higher upon graduation in the right field. So keep at it.


It does sound like you are burning out. So as you can find time for yourself if at all possible, easier said than done to get away from the books for a second to recuperate. Speaking of which I need to take my own advice....

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Something fun we could do.




Here is my results.


Paranoid || 10% 50%
Schizoid |||||| 26% 40%
Schizotypal |||||||||| 34% 56%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% 46%
Borderline || 10% 45%
Histrionic || 10% 35%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34% 40%
Avoidant || 10% 48%
Dependent |||||| 26% 44%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34% 45%

Edited by DJ MC
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Paranoid |||||||||||| 46% 50%

Schizoid |||| 14% 40%

Schizotypal |||||||||||| 50% 56%

Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 46%

Borderline |||||||||| 34% 45%

Histrionic |||||| 30% 35%

Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42% 40%

Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 48%

Dependent |||||| 30% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 45%




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Why the hell not?


Paranoid |||| 18% 50%

Schizoid |||||| 22% 40%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 56%

Antisocial |||||||||| 26% 46%

Borderline |||| 14% 45%

Histrionic |||||| 22% 35%

Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 54% 40%

Avoidant |||||||||||| 30% 48%

Dependent |||| 14% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54% 45%

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Link: http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/cfn/2014/2/10/michael_dunn_trial.html


Prosecution rests in trial for Michael Dunn in Fla. killing over loud music




The state has rested its case in the trial of Michael Dunn, the Brevard County man charged with killing 17-year-old Jordan Davis in 2012 after an argument over loud music outside a Jacksonville convenience store.


Prosecutors called an associate medical examiner as their last witness in direct testimony Monday, a week after jury selection began in Dunn's first-degree murder trial.


Dunn claims he acted in self-defense when he fatally shot Davis, because he thought someone in the SUV with the teen was reaching for a gun.


According to authorities, an argument began after the 47-year-old Dunn told Davis and his friends to turn the music down they were listening to in an SUV outside the store. One of Davis' friends lowered the volume, but Davis then told him to turn it back up.


Officials say Dunn became enraged and he and Davis began arguing. Dunn, who had a concealed weapons permit, pulled a 9 mm handgun from the glove compartment of his car, according to an affidavit, and fired shots into the SUV. Nine bullet holes were found in the car.


Associate medical examiner Stacey Simons testified Monday that the first bullet that hit Davis in the abdomen likely killed him. The bullet went from his lower right abdomen, into his diaphragm, through his liver and hit his aorta, she said.


"I believe it would have been fatal within a matter of minutes," Simons said.


Under cross-examination, Simons said it was unlikely Davis was standing up when he was shot. Dunn's defense attorney, Cory Strolla, had argued in opening statements that Davis had threatened Dunn with a 4-inch knife. Simons said the bullet appeared to have struck something hard, like a car door, before hitting Davis.




Feel free to leave opinions on this ongoing case in the Sunshine state.


This man claims self defense. What a joke of a defense, the jury will certainty find him guilty as charged. Open and shut case, deadly force over 'loud music' doesn't solve neighborly disputes in life, my two cents.


Obviously one should execsise judgement in the 2nd admendment right given to them. This is obviously not a case of self defense. We dont need a repeat of that ridiculous Zimmerman case.

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Well there was justified hell raising with the Zimmerman trial. Personally I think FL's residents have had enough.

They love their Second Amendment rights that we don't have up here thank you very much... but as far as this one goes I'm gonna stay neutral and let the jury sort out this one, I wasn't there and I don't know what happened.
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Well there was justified hell raising with the Zimmerman trial. Personally I think FL's residents have had enough.


I'm just glad no rioted in Florida after the Zimmerman trial, can't say the same for other areas sadly. As for the case, it's guilty. There is just no justification for shooting someone over loud music.

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I'm just glad no rioted in Florida after the Zimmerman trial, can't say the same for other areas sadly. As for the case, it's guilty. There is just no justification for shooting someone over loud music.

Exactly. Incidents like these are contributing factors for the increased regulation on firearms nationwide.

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Well there was justified hell raising with the Zimmerman trial. Personally I think FL's residents have had enough.

They love their Second Amendment rights that we don't have up here thank you very much... but as far as this one goes I'm gonna stay neutral and let the jury sort out this one, I wasn't there and I don't know what happened.


And so I support the second amendment we can agree to our stance on that, but thats not the point , let me get specific: Turbo must have meant in the sense that mant FLA residents were clearly fed up with the continued attack on Afro-Americans being assaulted and shot by undercover bigots (Possibly on the down low KKK or Knights of Columbus members for all I know) for no justifiable reason with justice in a backwards Florida court system not served..


Example: Zimmerman should have not been aquited. Personal opinion: he should have been charged guilty to the highest extent possible by Florida law. The jury was not even representative enough for a fair verdict. We know this.


If you choose to stay neutral on this then fine i will go no further on this on your end, respecting your neutral stance. I just wanted top get my POV across. Thanks for sharing.


Because if they don't, we will have civil war on our hands.


Well thats what happens in cases like this with a troubled society also a flawed goverment. Again tensions are high and will explode like a nuclear holocaust when injustices happen. Look at whats happening in Thailand right now ---- violent opposition to a recent election. Thats what happens all over the world so riots are nothing new and America is not the only country experiencing revolts from opressive goverments or injustices. Something to think about when looking at the big picture.


If you recall the protests over the Vietnam War with people shot dead by police, another historic moment. Tiananmen Square revolts and riots in China in 1989, anyone? Yet another example. It is what it is. America isnt as democratic and as a so called free republic as some may think, like many countries around the world, we are no different as a oppresive country under almost plutocratic rule in reality...


Point is where there are injustices expect a reaction by the citizens in a given country. Cause and effect.


That being said I doubt we will see a violent protest if this case heads the wrong way. Peaceful protests very likely, which is legal according to law apparently.

Edited by realizm
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Discussion in world religions class about other possible life forms out there --> becomes about ancient alien conspiracies

Mind --> Boggled


At least we didn't start talking about the illuminati. :rolleyes:


Excuse me?


I guess not everyone can comprehend American politics.


I had no idea you was into conspiracy theories. Well I'm not....

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Eh? Well, for starters, I'm Canadian. Conspiracies generally don't tend to prevail here, except amongst pot heads.


I am not into conspiracy theories. The original discussion was about the possibility that there may be life on other planets, which is still within the realms of intellectual discussion - the cosmos are huge, after all. Then someone went and said that the only way structures like the pyramids and the Collosseum could have been built is if aliens did it.


I half expected someone to start talking about the Illuminati, to complete the conspiracy package, but it didn't happen. I am certainly not into conspiracies, I am the biggest skeptic you could ever find.

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Speaking of that, what is everyone's opinion on UFOs or USOs? That's something that has never really been discussed around here.


It doesnt exist as far as alien sightings here on our planet IMHO. The Roswell Scandal was a hoax, so was alien experiements on Area 51. Lies due to falsefied American propaganda. The real reason this conspiracy came about was because of the cold war, many weapons were secretly being developed by the CIA including the U2 Spyplane and the F117 Stealth fighter to fight the so called Soviet threat.


On other planets? I dont know, NASA doesnt know, no direct scientific proof, but there is evidence of planets capable of sustaining life. But actual animal or plant life? No evidence as of yet. But who knows? Itys anyonmes guess TBH. As our scientific understanding of the universe is limited as best. We have yet to make it to Mars to further knowledge of our universe.



Eh? Well, for starters, I'm Canadian.

I realize that.



Then someone went and said that the only way structures like the pyramids and the Collosseum could have been built is if aliens did it.

Well whoever said that is wrong. It was built by Africans, dead ringer of obvious. Dont underestimate the artitectual skill of the anchient Egyptians. Its been scientifically explained a long time ago.



I half expected someone to start talking about the Illuminati, to complete the conspiracy package, but it didn't happen. I am certainly not into conspiracies, I am the biggest skeptic you could ever find.

I'm even much more so a skeptic by a long shot by leaps and bounds.

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I realize that.


I got confused by your post saying "American politics".




Well whoever said that is wrong. It was built by Africans, dead ringer of obvious. Dont underestimate the artitectual skill of the anchient Egyptians. Its been scientifically explained a long time ago.


Luckily, most people are not stupid enough to question that truth.


But there is an exception to everything,.


I'm even much more so a skeptic by a long shot by leaps and bounds.


That's good. In a world which tries to pass around untruths, skepticism is becoming an increasingly desirable and rare commodity.

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Speaking of that, what is everyone's opinion on UFOs or USOs? That's something that has never really been discussed around here. 


My opinion is that not a lot of people realize that not all UFO's are "alien crafts" and that UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object...so basically an unnamed plane can be called a UFO. But that's just me.

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