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The Mobile/Smartphone Thread

What is your favorite mobile operating system?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite mobile operating system?

    • Android (Google)
    • Blackberry OS (RIM)
    • iOS (Apple Inc.)
    • Symbian OS (Symbian Foundation)
    • webOS (Palm)
    • Windows Mobile (Microsoft)

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I finally gave Blackberry the boot after nearly five years of great service. The thing is I finally got bored with the Blackberry OS and their lack of a good full featured browser and moved on to the Android operating system and I don't miss Blackberry at all.


Three weeks ago I jumped ship on Verizon Wireless and joined Sprint for their Everything Data Plan with the HTC EVO 4G. So far I have zero regrets leaving Verizon Wireless as Sprints network seems to be the same. I have not had one dropped call since moving to Sprint even though I know it'll happen soon. As for the HTC EVO 4G, it is a great device and I have never had this much fun using a smartphone in my life. As for 4G, it hasn't been officially rolled out in New York but it is available you just got to be in the right places.


Blackberry, what Blackberry?


Let's have a discussion on what you guys are using and what you prefer. Let us know what your future plans are with smartphones.

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Currently don't have a smartphone...I'm using a Nokia piece of junk flip-phone from T-Mobile. I hate that company and I can't wait for either 1: my mom's contract to expire and she transfers over to AT&T, or 2: I land a spot somewhere to work at to save up for an iPhone 4. I'm somewhat skeptical with the antenna issue the phone's currently having, but I have faith in Apple to rectify the problem, whenever that will be. In addition, AT&T offers the tethering feature for the iPhone 4 so if I'm somewhere with no Wi-Fi, I can turn on tethering on the phone and...voilà! Internets for your laptop!!!

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I have a Blackberry, and I'm starting to get annoyed with it because of the browser. I'm trying to wait for the new touch screen slider to come out. If it's half of what they say it is I will stick with BB. But if not, I will be getting an Evo as well! All my friends switched from BB to either the Evo or iPhone. That being said, unless this touch screen is damn good, my Blackberry days are numbered as well!

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I've got one of these:




And it's the best phone I've had.


AT&T: "Smartphone customers – including iPhone customers – who choose the DataPro plan have the option to add tethering for an additional $20 per month."


And now you know why there's no way in hell I'll buy an iPhone.

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Android phones all day. I had a windows mobile phone and it was awesome flashing different versions of Windows Mobile into a phone. 6.5 was quite customizable but I really disliked how they were pretty much changing the style into the Zune style, I got to try out the Android OS and I really loved the capabilities and the flexibilities the OS has to offer, its great.



In short, Android all day. To hell with the iPhail 4 and the already announced iPhail 5!

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I got the Samsung Gravity Touch which came out a few weeks ago, bought it last week, its a nice affordable mini Android with touchscreen and a keyboard.








Phone seen here does not have an Android OS on it. It's just regular Samsung Touchwiz Interface.

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Currently i have a T-Mobile Sidekick LX with a Danger 4.6 OS

Used to use a Sidekick 2

Used to have a Boost Mobile i450 white

And Old Nokia 6310

Had my current phone for 1 year now and will upgrade someday when i have money for a new 1 with prepaid or untill the service dies.

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


I upgraded from a sidekick (called Penelope) to a G1 (no name for right now), and I love it :tup:


U didn't upgrade you got both damn-it!

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


U didn't upgrade you got both damn-it!


Lol I did upgrade...I use the G1 for mostly everything now and only have the sidekick for aim and photobucket

Has anyone here tried 4G yet? What an amazing thing it is.


I wanted to but I didn't wanna go back to Sprint

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Sorry if they are out of order.








- A


^^^This, I love everything about it (minus AT&T). T-Mobile > AT&T imo, when it comes to T-Mobile I'll be there for the iPhone 5 or 6.


I had an Android prior to this and it was way way too laggy and clunky for me, could barely type, no updates, most Android phones were on 2.X while I was stuck on 1.6. There's like no games too. I got it in December 2009. I admit I loved that phone though, we developed a special bond lol.


Blackberry is too basic for me, there's like no features. I got the new Curve (I think?) in like September 2009, it didn't even have 3G. It got lost though (found it recently).


Before the Blackberry I had a Sidekick Slide (ugh). I just gave up on it and went without a phone for 5-6 months (that's when I got the BB).

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


Has anyone here tried 4G yet? What an amazing thing it is.

No 4G is only Sprints Evo phone and on TMobile its called HSPA+

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It's funny because three co-workers, one family member and two friends of mine played with my EVO/Android and switched to an Android phone the past week. And there's two more switching over soon.


Two of the seven are swithing carriers and the rest are just moving to the Android OS. One person is leaving the iPhone.

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