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Train Operator Exam # 8098


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Thanks erik,2nd signal.should be a breeze ..I'm preparing for my first one this week and then my 2nd pratical following week..

You will do fine. The practicals seem to be where the anxiety hits the all time high. The good thing about the signal test is that it's the signals you should know, and no curve ball being throw at you.


Which day are you taking yours?

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First signal exam is Thursday coming and the following Monday is the 2nd practical


Getting a train ready for service

That's exactly how my class was scheduled, back to back.


Just don't forget handbrakes, a lot of people do!!!


Good luck, you got it!

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If you lost 4 classmates to the signals exam, respectfully this job wasn't meant for them. The test isn't that hard but you need to study and comprehend them to proceed in the training. Good luck moving fwd and continue your studies during Yard Posting and YX. You don't wanna get that far and possibly fail your second signal exam.

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Guys ,study those signals, just lost 4 of my classmates. ..really sucks

Happy for you that you passed????????????, but I am also sorry that you lost 4 of your peers, I got nailed by the signals test too, so I KNOW how you feel AND how they feel. From my experience, they will probably have to report to 130 for about a week(paid) before they talk with someone and it becomes "official".

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Definitely, for those in yx on your own ..how is it ?


YX was great, today was my final day. Tomorrow I go in for my second signal exam.


Sad to see they failed, but ask yourself how did you pass, and they didn't. Congrats!


The test is not hard, I find the practicals harder.

Edited by ErikNYC
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Erik ,what was your hours in yx when your on your own?


Mikeems, 4 in my group ..5 of us left out of 11.

I worked PM's, which I enjoyed because I did not have to deal with rush hour, and RCC during rush hour. I took trains to the wash after rush hour, and returned around midnight... much less headaches than what my classmates had to deal with during the day.


You can be scheduled to work AM, PM, or midnight's. You won't know until the first day you have to call the crew office to get your schedule and then call for your schedule every day there after while in YX, which won't be until after you return to PS 248 with your posting papers. If your AM's you will normally be AM's through the time your in YX, same goes for PM's etc. You will be yard extra, like XX, but there's no YXX in the yards, so you have to call for your schedule everyday, or check your schedule on the sheets that will be posted up every evening at the locations you'll be working.


You'll do fine. You still have to do posting, and yard enhancement before you start YX,  you will much more confident by then.


Enjoy it... cause after all that we will will be pounding the road! (yard jobs are senior jobs, for people who worked like 25+ years. You will see...)

Edited by ErikNYC
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Why deal with RCC if your yard posting?

Because not all yards have car washes, and the trains must get washed... so guess who takes them. lol


While going to the wash you will talk with RCC etc. You might even have to transfer a train from one yard to another, for whatever reason. You will be doing cuts and adds from track to track like crazy! As well as putting-in and laying-up trains to and from the terminals.


Don't worry, they won't have you doing washes the first few weeks, and it will ALL makes sense, and much more sense over the next few weeks. Trust me, this is when it start to feel like your going to work to do your job, and apply what your instructors drilled into your head. You will be smiling.

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You'll do fine. You still have to do posting, and yard enhancement before you start YX, you will much more confident by then.

@ErikNYC, I never got to the yard posting, but I don't recall anything of yard enhancement, is that new along with the second signals test?

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So basically car washes ?


Yard and Station Switching is much more than just car washes. There are lots of things that fall under the umbrella of what a Train Operator does in the yard.

-Cuts and adds

-Bringing "inspections" into the barn

-Bringing "OKs" out of the barn, and building them into trains

-Car washes

-Transfers and equipment swaps

-Drilling out "hold" cars that the barn wants to keep in the yard

-Building trains for AM and PM service

-Put ins for AM and PM service


-Relaying trains at turnback locations


And of course, any one of these can involve moving bad equipment, or equipment with damaged or inoperative components, and knowing how to do so safely.


Odds are that during YX, you will only see a fraction of that (depending on location, the supervision present, and who the senior people are in that location). Which is why it's so important to learn as much as you can since when you come out on your own you can be asked to do any of these things if assigned a yard job on your own. During YX, you can expect some measure of babysitting, but that's not a bad thing. Just come to work every day prepared to ask questions and learn.


As for "dealing with RCC" in the yards, it can happen. Just because a yard job says yard doesn't mean you don't have to go down the mainline. You may have to take a train to a different location (via the mainline) to wash it. Put ins, layups, and transfers definitely have to go via the mainline and therefore must deal with RCC upon encountering any situation where RCC must be notified. Being "YARD EXTRA" doesn't mean you are not qualified to go down the road. It means only that you are not qualified to take passengers.

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@ErikNYC, I never got to the yard posting, but I don't recall anything of yard enhancement, is that new along with the second signals test?

It's built into the yard posting schedule, during those first week. you had to call RCC to get your time and location.

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