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LIRR locomotive Engineer Trainee job


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On 6/20/2018 at 4:38 PM, republic said:

They had two open houses just a week apart?  How many engineers do they need??

They also had one 6/18 in which Me and only 6 others passed the test. 

Im guessing I’m going to be waiting for my s&d email a long time from today. 

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Hello all...I've been wanting to contribute to this forum for a while.

I work here and hear things and from what I heard, they will be hiring locomotive engineers every year for years because there are some engineers that can retire now with the rest rolling year over year. If you think about it, it takes about two years from open house, becoming a trainee, and then qualify as an engineer but one day for an engineer to retire and leave. 

For those in fear of what training is like, all the studying and the possibility of failing out, your success is really a test of your determination. If you want something, you have to work at it. It is as simple as that. And you have to be a little fearless...a big risk for a big reward. It's a mental game...like showing up in jeans and a shirt vs. feeling overdressed by wearing a suit to each step. One is better than the other. 

From what I understand, it is an up and down process. You have your good days and bad days like any occupation. 

If you want to be an locomotive engineer, just set your bar high and meet your own lofty expectations. Don't let yourself fail.

Someone told me it's like learning a foreign language. You could be fluent in 2 years if you immerse yourself. Learn the basics vocabulary, phrases, verbs. Speak strictly in the language...don't fall back to your mother tongue. Struggle through it. Eventually, you'll start to speak more easily until you gain a strong foundation from which gaining mastery is a natural by product of being fluent. 

It's not easy at first...but it gets easier with practice. 

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2 hours ago, TO legacy said:

Was your was your testing and interview on 6/18?

No, my s&d test was on 6/16... Anyone else here pass? I had my interview as well a few days later. Its my understanding there is a phase 1 starting June 27th (tomorrow). Hoping I get the call for the next one soon!

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On 6/29/2018 at 1:53 AM, drenyce311 said:

There’s a class graduating in August-September and the next class to graduate after that is January 2019. 

Damn well its all part of the game, Il be ready when they call.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys how was that overview today? Overwhelming

dont worry that’s nothing like phase l

my best advice is that you guys put everything into index cards and make sure you check you wrote the signals indications and definitions exactly word for word. I had a case where for example: Stop Board - Stop then be governed by timetable special instruction. I wrote it exactly like that and left out the last part so half way into studying I had everything down, I go to double check that everything was word for word and found that I was missing “or general notice.“  Stop Board - Stop then be governed by timetable special instruction or general notice. so just study those index cards everyday. I got all the signals first with indications with some definitions and once I got the signals and indications 100%, I moved on to the long definitions. If you say it enough everyday it just starts sticking, so study and good luck, Phase l is a lot more studying  and learn a lot of rules verbatim as well and you’ll get quizzed on signals and definitions every so often if not every class. 

@MistaFISH how’s Phase ll going?

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On 7/6/2018 at 12:04 PM, kev2112 said:

Went to the 6/1 open house, passed everything and no call for S&D. Time to give up hope?

As long as you don’t get a letter in the mail you should be fine just keep waiting you just started I did my open house January in babaylon, went to S&D overview st Patrick’s Day then 5 weeks later April 21 took the S&D Test they infromed me April 25 that I passed and wanted to schedule an interview. Did the interview the next week and then I waited a while I thought I messed up the interview but then I got a call from HR to schedule a pre medical and based on me passing that medical I would start phase l June 27 and here I am in Phase l. We have a great instructor for Phase l so I can’t complain. Our final is Aug 18. They’ll let us know that same day wether we passed or failed. Hopefully I have good news and can start phase ll in September. 🙌🏼 🙏🏼 Hope this information helps you guys. Just how it helped me when I read all 36 pages to know what to expect. If you guys really want the job and know what to expect read the whole 42 pages of this forum very insightful information. In one page there is actually a lot of questions that they ask in the interview, to bad for me I read that after my interview so I couldn’t prepare myself for it lol but you guys can. So here’s my input for the forum hope it helps you guys. Good luck ✊🏼

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