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09/21/08 Love the LoV's going to Yankee Stadium

Fred G

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Yay, finally the Lo-V's came out to play. Thanks to BeeFlexible Gary, I made it over to Whitlock and met him and others to fan the Lo-V's coming down the Pelham line on their way to Grand Central. Some pics:









Here comes the babysitter! They ran a set of R62a's as a protect train for the Lo-V's.





The faces on the platforms are priceless!








The rest of the photos are here in my albumThanks for looking!

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Aw gotdammit, this is what I get for not being around the boards and whatnot for a few days, not much online time either, and the Low Vs go out to play. And I was around Yankee Stadium earlier in the day for farewell photos of the Stadium.....


Excellent work Fred!

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Outstanding Man!


Thanks, Zach!:D


Holy crap man. I would frame the 2 of those w/ stadium in it. :eek:


- A


Thanks, Andy; the stadium was about the best background we could hope for, except it was tough to get the light right. Meter for the train and you wash the stadium out and vice versa made the train too dark.


Nice photos!! LOL @ you calling the R62A the low V's babysitter!


Thanks -_-


Aw gotdammit, this is what I get for not being around the boards and whatnot for a few days, not much online time either, and the Low Vs go out to play. And I was around Yankee Stadium earlier in the day for farewell photos of the Stadium.....


Excellent work Fred!


Thanks, amigo. We were surprised not to see you or SBK for that matter.

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Great shots, I really like that last one.


Thanks! I like the second stadium background one best of these.


Great images as always! -_-


Thank you very much!


wait the R62As were coupled with the Low Vs? That can work =\ ?


And are those 62s off the (3)?


Those 62's were signed as 7's on the sides and had Corona's stickers on them.


As for the coupling, somebody here with more knowledge than me can answer that one.

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Well well well excellent shots there sir


Why thank you sir! :D


hey those came out nice Jack...I mean Fred :)


Good hanging with you yesterday...sorry for the abrupt departure, but we wanted to get out of the knee deep foam to get some photos from the S/B plat


LOL, yes, my alias is catching up with me -_-


Likewise, nice to hang with you, and don't sweat the rapid movement stuff. These things are like a wedding where you talk with everyone for 5 min each and then suddenly it's over and everybody's gone :D

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Love the photos Fred, love the Low V's and loved operating one too. :)


No kidding; imagine operating them up the Lex express :)


Those pics are beautiful Fred! I love reliving that day!


Thanks, Princelex, and I do too :)



The seventh picture is unbelievable. It looks as if the stadium and background are a painting. Fantastic.




Thank you very much, Paul :)

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