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Trouble at NICE

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The Legislature is only crying foul because they are upset that they didn't find out until now and they are upset because they realized that they allowed him to have the power he did. I mean if the Legislature didn't want the County Executive to make renewals on Contracts then they have to write it in the contract or wherever, if they don't then they are basically giving giving him the power to do exactly what he did.


Politicians don't like to be the last to know or find out anything, especially if they are in the party that isn't in power or hold the highest local office.

I wonder if the Democrat Legislators would be complaining if it was a Democrat was County Executive?


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Joel up front is right about Mangano's friends especially D'Amato who never met an MTA project that he did not like either.


Would the Nassau County Democrats be complaining about learning about the contract had the County Executive been a Democrat?


Oh no! Just look at the New York City Council and how quiet it is with all the stories swirling around about his hizzoner? or for that matter the New York State Legislature with all the stories about the governor?


Do they want to take on hizzoner or the MTA? Just look at the posts on the B/36 re-route and you will realize that the politicians are more afraid of their fellow politicians than they are of the voters turning them out of office. 

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Joel up front is right about Mangano's friends especially D'Amato who never met an MTA project that he did not like either.


Would the Nassau County Democrats be complaining about learning about the contract had the County Executive been a Democrat?


Oh no! Just look at the New York City Council and how quiet it is with all the stories swirling around about his hizzoner? or for that matter the New York State Legislature with all the stories about the governor?


Do they want to take on hizzoner or the MTA? Just look at the posts on the B/36 re-route and you will realize that the politicians are more afraid of their fellow politicians than they are of the voters turning them out of office. 

Not picking on IR's post, just using it for a minute:


The politicians, either side, would be crying foul, when their opposition did things.  What's different here is that it was in "secret".  Could that have been averted?  Yes.  HOWEVER, that would mean that all of those so "concerned" about NICE ridership/service have been informed and been standing on the side of the riders.  It's one thing to do it in reality and a totally different thing because of political posturing.  This is very obviously the latter.


Everyone KNOWS that Eddie is not the model citizen of "transparency."  To then assume that it would be so is to fall into the true 'interpretation' of assuming things.  So why not question every move -- even if "just because"?


WHERE were all these pols when it come to the NIFA-approved $15 million payoff, or when NIFA kicked back the Nassau budget to begin with?  (Look here, I covered that.)  If you're going to start complaining, where was the outcry over this from the same politicians?  Google News search it and look for some -- THEN confront them with your findings.


Nassau, overall, would like to see NICE as nothing but a commuter service to/from NYC subway stations. Eddie has made it pretty plain hi sentiment of NICE -- it's a "necessary evil", and that's all.  NOTHING done to encourage Nassau residents to use it, and lip-service to everyone else.  Not too hard to discern in the funding which the county wants to put towards it.


Wonder why this was done "secretly"?  Not really too hard to see, since all of the evidence is right before your eyes.  Benefit a few, incovenience the most, say you're doing what's "possible" with what you've got.  Pretty much explains it.

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If I learned one thing during my time in government service and in having to go and speak at public hearings, it is the same legislators that are doing the complaining now will do the exact same thing once they are elected to that office. The same voters that elected Cuomo and complained about him, elected Pataki (who did the same thing only on a bigger level) and complained about him, then they elected Spitzer - Patterson who gave way to  Cuomo who is doing the same thing that Pataki and Cuomo Senior did and the voters are complaining about him.If there is a change in 2018, they will be complaining about the new person within a year.


You can apply it to all levels of government and even when government gives hints as to what it will be doing to benefit one group over another, people ignore the message to their peril. Politicians know that voters have short attention spans as that is how they get away with what they are doing. Say it and do it at the beginning of the term and get re-elected anyway as by the time  another election comes around, if the voters did not forget then obfuscate, confuse and double talk and the politician will win again. The person that brings up the past comments of the politician will be demeaned, pilloried and destroyed by the politician and his surrogates in the media.  

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Oh no! Just look at the New York City Council and how quiet it is with all the stories swirling around about his hizzoner? or for that matter the New York State Legislature with all the stories about the governor?



From my understanding though there is no actual connection between the Mayor and the story. The same with the Governor. (By actual I mean there is no proof as of yet that the Mayor or the Governor personally knew what was going on.) I highly doubt Politicians care about accusations made against someone within their party.  


If a Democratic County Executive doing what Mangano did may get a different response because it wouldn't be accusations it would be hard facts since I would assume the County Executive's John Hancock would be on the contract renewal. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Legislature is only crying foul because they are upset that they didn't find out until now and they are upset because they realized that they allowed him to have the power he did. I mean if the Legislature didn't want the County Executive to make renewals on Contracts then they have to write it in the contract or wherever, if they don't then they are basically giving giving him the power to do exactly what he did.


Politicians don't like to be the last to know or find out anything, especially if they are in the party that isn't in power or hold the highest local office.


I wonder if the Democrat Legislators would be complaining if it was a Democrat was County Executive?




I agree, it may have been a slick or shady move depending on what side you're on.  IMO the taxpayers should be mad at the politicians who don't read or apparently even skim through through every y page.  This really comes down to being too lazy to read or even take their precious day to skim every document making sure something wasn't added.  Pure laziness!





But less than three years into the five-year deal, Mangano sent a two-page letter to Transdev notifying the company of the county’s intention to re-up under mostly the same terms as the original contract.

“Upon receipt by you of this notice, the Contract shall be deemed to have been extended to December 31, 2021,” Mangano wrote.

The letter was not provided to the legislature until last September — “tucked away” in a 466-page budget amendment document, Curran complained.


The legislator acknowledged Thursday that nothing can be done now about the renewal, calling it a “lesson for the future.”


A lesson indeed!

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