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lmao @ Via's use of caps.... wasn't expecting that.....

he's clearly annoyed.....



Nah, he knows I wear glasses so he wanted to make sure I could see what he's writing. :P


In any case, that's not my problem that he's annoyed. He was the one who got himself involved in the conversation in the first place. A simple "Congratulations" would've sufficed...

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You're not always gonna get what you THINK you deserve to get..... Which is the crux of Checkmate's point here.

I learned that s*** QUICK when I got to college..... professors aint tryna hear it when it comes down to grades....


if you're a male anyway !



Oh I see what you did there. ;) Very true though bro. Simple reason why females have advantage: The so-call "Female Advantage" If you know what I mean.

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Oh I see what you did there. ;) Very true though bro. Simple reason why females have advantage: The so-call "Female Advantage" If you know what I mean.


You mean that women are always right and have the right to b*tch about boyfriends "not loving" them when all they did was be asleep like a normal person at 3 AM when she's texting ;)?

Edited by VWM
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Well now that I have slept 18 hours to catch up on rest after Bronycon, I can finally post my thoughts on it,

1. John De Lancie is definitely coming back. He is the only person who got the crowd chanting his name, besides Lauren Faust.

2. I wish I had stayed till 2AM, seeing how there was a 3AM bus, (which apparently nopony knew) but my mom was reluctant to let me go as it is, so I had to go with somepony, and they couldn't last till 2. But maybe next time!

3. My favorite moment was actually before the convention started. When we were all waiting outside and they were playing brony music, and they were playing Pony Swag, and after Ponies, Ponies, Ponies, 1000 bronies at once shouted SWAG! Just shows you the power of the bronies. Altough, if I had to pick something actually inside the convention, it would be when we gave Lauren Faust the giant CREATE print. (Or when I brohoofed John De Lancie)


4. My favorite song played at Bronycon had to have been this:


(I brohoofed this guy afterwards.)

5. The Meadowlands SUCKED. The microphone's never worked, and they only sent a Tech guy 2 hours before the convention ended, and the light MELTED. Seriously, how often does a light literally MELT? The bathrooms and Muffins were good, but I think there's a reason why the muffins tasted good. (Hint: tumblr_m5iusnsE2H1rtl3qno1_1280.gif)

6. The convention was the perfect length, because everypony at the end was tired enought, to be glad it wasn't another two days, but not tired enough to be like UGH I HATED THE LAST DAY, IT JUST NEVER ENDED) (@ PreRegistration Ponies)

7. Only 6 more months, Yet again, the perfect length for in between conventions.

8. I'm amazed at the amount of exclusives there.

9. Everything was $20 cheaper at the convention V.S. Online, which was very, very good.

10. I have been exposed to Dr. Adorable. And I am so happy because of that.


And that's all for now.

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You mean that women are always right and have the right to b*tch about boyfriends "not loving" them when all they did was be asleep like a normal person at 3 AM when she's texting ;)?


Actually no, but that too. ;) The female advantage I mean is that they can show off a bit of skin then the fool who she flashed does what she asks. Usually females do this to get what they want. Trust me I know. I had a few females that tried that on me....

Edited by NYCtrainfan01
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That pony post stretched the page a good 1100 pixels longer than it should have been.


The point is, pushing "tolerance and love" on others will only make them hate you. If someone doesn't like what you do, take the hint and back the hell off.

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You know, I was reading a book a friend of mines borrowed from the library. One of the characters in it would sleep with guys just to make a couple hundred bucks to make certain ends meet. Thing is, she knew she could control men with her goodies and it kind of gave her some satisfaction, when readers come across this character's rough past, it gives some pretty good insight as to why she is the way she is.


But anyway, carry on

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I've been watching the EJ Whitten Aussie Rules Legends game.

Brendan Fevolva's career was cut way too short. You don't kick 9 goals from various parts and distances from the foward 50 if your rubbish.


It's nice to watch a game of football that isn't it serious for a change.

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I'm back from BronyCon Summer 2012, and I must say that it was by far two of the BEST days of my entire life! There is a great reason why the Brony fandom is so passionate about the show and why they're so great. The characters are great. The stories are great. The writing is great. And the worldbuilding is great.


All of us did plenty of activities. Some bought stuff from the vendors. Others attended conferences. Others attended autograph sessions. I got two autographs on a "Brony-Thank-You-Fund" tabloid poster, one from Cathy Weseluck (Mayor Mare's and Spike's VA) and the other from Tara Strong (Twilight Sparkle's VA). I'd love to get an autograph from John De Lancie (who played Q from Star Trek and Discord from MLP) and Lauren Faust (the creator of this generation's show), but a couple of problems stood in my way:


1. There was an electrical fire in one of the lights in the Mane Hall, which stopped production.


2. The lines got hideously long, and I wanted to see the other events.


However, two is more than enough for me to frame on my wall, especially with the Brony Queen and Brony Assistant. :D And I was able to refund my two unused vouchers, so I'm all good.


During the expo, De Lancie's documentary, BronyCon: The Documentary, was being produced, and I got featured at one point. I was on the front of the line for Lauren Faust's conference, and the film crew asked if I could be in the film, which I did. They showed me a waiver, which I declined, but after a little bit of fun egging, agreed to sign it. After thinking about it now, I'm glad I did it. Although I wasn't featured again, I was on line for vouchers, and the documentary crew filmed the line as the bronies sung "The Smile Song." I have some of this on video, which I'll present here and the MLP Forums.


Needless to say, it was such a great event! It was my very first fandom convention of any kind, and it really impressed me. From the artistic talent from the fandom to the voice actors' courtesy and appreciation for the fandom to De Lancie's dedication to promote the brony fandom. The variety of talent's massive and great, and I love how they were able to showcase it today to not only promote themselves, but gain revenue as a reward, too. "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" became literal.


My four most favorite events during Bronycon are as follows:


1. Lauren Faust obtaining her "CREATE" motivational poster. The crowd buzzed loudly with loud cheers and a collective "LAUREN" chant, and Faust literally choked up from the universal love the fandom has for her.


2. The closing ceremony. The people in the stands were so passionate and loud. At one point, we all chanted "Bronies! Bronies! Bronies!" after some motivation. The videos from Everfree Radio don't give it justice. The audience was just absolutely loud and happy there, and I couldn't help but join.


3. Getting two autographs, more specifically one from Cathy Weseluck. I talked with her at one point the day before because she wasn't getting any autographs, and I felt bad. So, I decided to buy an autograph voucher for her. I had a brief chat with her the following day and got a picture taken of both me and her thanks to someone next to her (presumably her daughter, I'm unsure).


4. Not many people got to see it, and I didn't take a shot of it, but it was a HNNNNNG moment. On Saturday, while we all took pictures of Doctor Whooves/Time Turner and Derpy Hooves (each in fursuits), a little girl — three or four years old — passed by and wanted to say "hi" to them both. Both came over, and Doctor Whooves embraced the little kid. It was so sweet, and we all "Awwwww"'d from this. There weren't many pre-adolescents at the event (I counted only to six; most are anywhere from their teens to early-thirties; one person there was in his sixties and proudly dubs himself "The World's Oldest Brony"), but one is enough when you want your heart tugged from the sweetness of the moment. I really hope her mom puts it somewhere on the Internet and/or her album.


Honorable mentions:


1. Talking with Nicole Oliver, who voiced Princess Celestia and Cheerilee. She was interviewed by the press, and at one point, I got the courage to shake her hand and say "Hi!" to her. I also showed her my BronyCon logo concept and ponified Carmen Sandiego, which she loved. :D


2. The hilarious "Behind the Voices" panel from Saturday. The VAs got off-track at times and said some funny lines while being their characters, yet using the Canadian accent. Tara Strong, who's a Canadian transplant, commented about Canada being "20% cooler." :lol: Punny, punny, punny, Tara! :lol: Peter New's (Big Macintosh's) "Eeeeyup!" was also hilarious. XD


Needless to say, it was a fantastic event, and I can't wait to return to the next one. :D

Edited by RTS CNG Command
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The fact that all of two people on here even like that show and that posting about how great it is (when it really isn't) and whatever isn't going to make anyone like it.



He didn't say he wanted you to freaking watch it! Is your vision just being clouded because of the single fact that it's ponies?

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I have one city border proposal:


Make Riverdale part of Westchester so it can be it's own city.


The Bx7 would become the R1, the Bx10 would become the R2, and the Bx20 would become the R3. All express buses would be RM.


Broadway would be in NYC. Anything west would be Riverdale. This is sure to make many people, especially a certain someone very happy.

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I always thought we should give SI to NJ in exchange for the rest of Ellis Island.



And technically, the statue of liberty...





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