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The Best Relationship You've Had Thread


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Hello everybody. Since there's a break-up thread why not talk about some of the BEST relationships you've had/having with a boyfriend/girlfriend. List some of the happy times and best moments. Do you see this person now?


Reason why I'm asking is to understand relationships a lil more for my book so I don't have to keep recollecting from mine.


So my beast relationship is still on going for almost 2 years now. Her name is Christine, nicknamed Ducky. She love collecting rubber duckies and sounds like a chipmunk when we talk. We played Mini-Golf together as sucked at it, we railfan together, and we even rode the train sometimes for the hell of it. I love ducky! I hope for another 2 more years.

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O man this is A doozy but I'll give it A try

I've been with wifee since 96 and now well it's A Test when your with someone that long cuz there will be bumps in the road , (J)Ust like any other relationship but I can't lie the best relationship I've ever had was with A Dominican chick OMG I swear I'm feeling funny in the pants just thinking about her lol let's just say she knew how to move and how to keep A man Happy .

Now let's be frank I wasn't with her long but no joke we did things that I'll neverrr ....neverrr

Evvverr forget :P

To the women that read this , Always give your man what he wants because he can very easily find it somewhere else and you can take that to the bank.

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My longest one is the one I have now. We got together in 2007, but we broke in 2009 but then got back together a few months ago. Sure we had out ups and downs but in the end, its still worth it. They say the first month of any relationship is always the hardest and its actually true.

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The longest relationships I had was with 2 girls. both for about 7 months.

(I'm real strict when it comes to finding the right girl and those two relations were good for the first two months , but thing were not going right @ the end) So I broke up with both of them and all my life I've been playing "Mr hard to get" since I couldn't seem to find that one girl. Until now.



October 30th , 2009-The day I met that one girl. She was AWESOME! Perfect straight non-braided dark hair , nice adorable kitten face , sexy looking glasses , a nice skinny body with feminine curves that are just right , She is the most beautiful girl I've seen in my entire life. so young and beautiful. Her age is 15 minus 3 and she's THAT stunning. I met her during my 2nd year as a volunteer counselor and my 4th and last year overall @ sports n arts. That night the school the the program's under(My lower school) had a halloween dance. And I was asked to help out @ the dance as a... asset of entertainment. Anyway , after setting up with the adult chaperones a bit and enjoying the first 15 mins of the dance , I saw her. that beautiful , rare , sweet , and smoking hot girl came in walked onto the dance floor. the moment I saw her , my heart sank a lot , but in a "I think I getting a crush on this girl" way! And the song "Never gonna Give You up" was playing in my head for 5 minutes. I was determined to meet her , so

without hesitating , I made my move. I walked up to her , tapped her very nervously and when she turned around , I introduced myself.


"Hey , I'm Earl"(Me)

"Hey , I'm(anoymus for privacy reasons)"(Girl)

"I'm a volunteer counselor @ sports and arts and I'll be entertaining you @ this dance"(ME)

"Hi Earl Nice to meet you..."

(I give her a friendly 15 second hug. She taps me in the back to signal it's over)

"So what grade are you in?"(Me)


"Cool. I'm in high school"(Me)


"what do you like to do"(Me)

"I like vampire fiction , a lot."(Girl)

"cool , so do I'(me)


"do you want to dance"(Me)

"Sure. After you , Earl"(She grabs my hips and I grab hers)


From there we just danced the night away. Her hips felt so good. The way she was swaying and moving them as we danced was awesome. dancing with her made me the happiest boy alive. After all that sexy dancing , we just started talking. About school , comedy TV , vampires , cracking jokes.

I even showed her my master center piece to the dance floor I made. It was

this cardboard model of a halloween themed R160 (F) train with one of my good friends with his hand in one of the covered holes to scare whoever touched it. She loved it! eventually it got dark , so I had to leave early to get home before the (F)(G) trains got to the "haunted" night schedule. So I said bye to the girl we hugged and that was the day for me. I went home happier then mankind could ever get.


However , as November progressed , I started to see her less often. And I wanted to tell her how wonderful our friendship was. So that's when I stated

doing the one thing that serverly hurt my relationship with her.




The worst part was , instead of giving them to her myself. I gave it other random people to give to her. people that were in her class. I couldn't give them to her myself since because of MY school schedule. Anyway , after she got the first note , I was told in after school by one of her classmates that she wrote a note for me. So I took the note , read it privately and guess what , the note read....



Sorry Earl , But I don't like you. AT ALL! :mad:


My heart literally sank when I read it. In a totally bad way! and I felt a very disappointing sting through me. It the worst feeling I've ever felt. I was so shocked , sad , mad , and confused all @ once. I just went home that night. and :cry::cry::cry::cry:. I was wondering why she suddenly hates me , what did I do wrong. My desire to win her back caused me to send other pepps to give her more notes. But it just caused her to hate me more.

Eventually , I got in a lot of trouble and I got a small rep as a stalker in that school. and @ the end of the school year , I was told by staff @ sports and arts and the lower school to stay away from her or there will be consequences. Worst time ever!


And now , here I am. with that same crush on that same girl. Even though I'm suppose to stay away from her , my love for her still burns when I see her in the morning before class starts. But it's a new year. So Ihave a chance to start over. this time with no notes and no stalking. And if I become friends with the girl and hold the friendship through out the rest of my high school and college life. When I'm in my mid 20s , We could actually date. From there we just might get married. and my life will be complete. Don't worry. I will win her over.B)

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Sorry Earl , But I don't like you. AT ALL! :mad:[/size][/font]


And now , here I am. with that same crush on that same girl. Even though I'm suppose to stay away from her , my love for her still burns when I see her in the morning before class starts. But it's a new year. So Ihave a chance to start over. this time with no notes and no stalking. And if I become friends with the girl and hold the friendship through out the rest of my high school and college life. When I'm in my mid 20s , We could actually date. From there we just might get married. and my life will be complete. Don't worry. I will win her over.B)


Not to discourage you and rain on your parade, but if she said that she doesn't like you the first time, just take it as a sign to just stay friends ... nothing more, nothing less.

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Not to discourage you and rain on your parade, but if she said that she doesn't like you the first time, just take it as a sign to just stay friends ... nothing more, nothing less.


Dude she meant she did not like me AT ALL! Not even as a friend. I don't why 1 little note would cause someone to instantly hate me.

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And if I become friends with the girl and hold the friendship through out the rest of my high school and college life. When I'm in my mid 20s , We could actually date. From there we just might get married. and my life will be complete. Don't worry. I will win her over.B)


Sorry. There is no escaping the "friends" zone. Once you're in it, there is no leaving it.

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Well, don't take it to the heart. Just keep it moving and you'll find the right one eventually.


No dude. you don't understand. SHE IS PERFECT!! SHE IS BEAUTIFUUUUUL!!!!! , she's young , she likes the same things I like( maybe except trains) , she's not ghettolicous like most of the girls in my school/the lower school. She has that nice sexy/sophisticated/ cute adorable Kitten look that you just can't get over. I've had a crush on this girl for almost 2 years now and I know she THE girl since I'm still burning for her . Usually if it's just a phase , I can get over a girl in two months. But she's totally different. She's so Awesome! Dude she's the one! I think I love her!B)

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No dude. you don't understand. SHE IS PERFECT!! SHE IS BEAUTIFUUUUUL!!!!! , she's young , she likes the same things I like( maybe except trains) , she's not ghettolicous like most of the girls in my school/the lower school. She has that nice sexy/sophisticated/ cute adorable Kitten look that you just can't get over. I've had a crush on this girl for almost 2 years now and I know she THE girl since I'm still burning for her . Usually if it's just a phase , I can get over a girl in two months. But she's totally different. She's so Awesome! Dude she's the one! I think I love her!B)


Your 15, you don't know what love is.

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No dude. you don't understand. SHE IS PERFECT!! SHE IS BEAUTIFUUUUUL!!!!! , she's young , she likes the same things I like( maybe except trains) , she's not ghettolicous like most of the girls in my school/the lower school. She has that nice sexy/sophisticated/ cute adorable Kitten look that you just can't get over. I've had a crush on this girl for almost 2 years now and I know she THE girl since I'm still burning for her . Usually if it's just a phase , I can get over a girl in two months. But she's totally different. She's so Awesome! Dude she's the one! I think I love her!B)


I'mma tell lil sommin' sommin' boy. When I read this the name 'Casey' shot through my head. I was 14 when I feel I in love with her. She was hot, cute, sweet, and everything I dreamed of. She liked alot of thing I like cept of course...TRAINS... and sad part was I liked her so much I created a cartoon character out of her...




Cartoon Character



The sadist part was at first she didn't like that idea of me liking her. And that lil cartoon character with a eerie similar name didn't fool her. She has cops in my house okay. After all that I STILL LIKE AND LOVEEEED her or so I thought. Talk about a slap in the face, she went out with my best friend. :mad: Of course I got over her and we managed to even become friends. Now I don't know anything about her. I don't talk to her, I don't see her, it just make me sad sometimes. I don't like her now obivously but she'll always have a place in my heart for the 3 years I spent chasing her.


Earl, do me a favor. You're young, don't get strained to one girl. Because it will end up the same way, you'll end up hating her and she'll go away. Sure you'll miss her but there's ALWAYS somebody else kid. I found my she ducky and I'm so happy. I feel like I wasted my life chasing that girl.

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I'mma tell lil sommin' sommin' boy. When I read this the name 'Casey' shot through my head. I was 14 when I feel I in love with her. She was hot, cute, sweet, and everything I dreamed of. She liked alot of thing I like cept of course...TRAINS... and sad part was I liked her so much I created a cartoon character out of her...




Cartoon Character



The sadist part was at first she didn't like that idea of me liking her. And that lil cartoon character with a eerie similar name didn't fool her. She has cops in my house okay. After all that I STILL LIKE AND LOVEEEED her or so I thought. Talk about a slap in the face, she went out with my best friend. :mad: Of course I got over her and we managed to even become friends. Now I don't know anything about her. I don't talk to her, I don't see her, it just make me sad sometimes. I don't like her now obivously but she'll always have a place in my heart for the 3 years I spent chasing her.


Earl, do me a favor. You're young, don't get strained to one girl. Because it will end up the same way, you'll end up hating her and she'll go away. Sure you'll miss her but there's ALWAYS somebody else kid. I found my she ducky and I'm so happy. I feel like I wasted my life chasing that girl.


Don't worry , I won't waste my life chasing... Kalila! There I said her name!

I'll just try and become friends with her this school year and see where that goes.


If we DO date and marry and spend the rest of our lives together , then that's AWESOME! but if we remain friends until she graduates middle school and I graduate high school(Which both happen in 2012) , that's cool too.

either way , I get to be with her until we go our sepreate ways.


And you made a cartoon of your crush , dude I made a video game character of MY crush! She's in Tekken 3 , Tekken Tag Tournament , Tekken 5 , Tekken Dark Ressurection , and Tekken 6. But I'm not uploading pics of her until I get her ok!

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Sorry. There is no escaping the "friends" zone. Once you're in it, there is no leaving it.


Ah, the infamous "friend" zone...also known as being the biggest cockblock of all time B)


Don't worry , I won't waste my life chasing... Kalila! There I said her name!

I'll just try and become friends with her this school year and see where that goes.


If we DO date and marry and spend the rest of our lives together , then that's AWESOME! but if we remain friends until she graduates middle school and I graduate high school(Which both happen in 2012) , that's cool too.

either way , I get to be with her until we go our sepreate ways.


And you made a cartoon of your crush , dude I made a video game character of MY crush! She's in Tekken 3 , Tekken Tag Tournament , Tekken 5 , Tekken Dark Ressurection , and Tekken 6. But I'm not uploading pics of her until I get her ok!


Kid listen, and listen real good: you're 15 years old. You're still young, you're growing up, and you have a lot to learn about women, love and marriage. The fantasizing crap you should have left behind in grade school cuz now that you're in high school you're entering the real world. Girls don't find that little kid mess cute anymore cuz you're not a little kid, you're a teenager. Get with the program already.

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Don't worry , I won't waste my life chasing... Kalila! There I said her name!

I'll just try and become friends with her this school year and see where that goes.


If we DO date and marry and spend the rest of our lives together , then that's AWESOME! but if we remain friends until she graduates middle school and I graduate high school(Which both happen in 2012) , that's cool too.

either way , I get to be with her until we go our sepreate ways.


And you made a cartoon of your crush , dude I made a video game character of MY crush! She's in Tekken 3 , Tekken Tag Tournament , Tekken 5 , Tekken Dark Ressurection , and Tekken 6. But I'm not uploading pics of her until I get her ok!

You are borderline, if not fully, into creeper status bro.

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