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Train Operator Exam # 8098


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Question for anyone who might have knowledge, I failed my final yard practical and the retest with a superintendent. Now I have to hand in all of my uniforms and tools. I am beyond crushed, is there any chance that I could be put back on the list for t/o 8098 or do basically have to take the next t/o exam in june. I can't believe I screwed this up after waiting for so long. Any help would be appreciated.

You can get put back on the list. My fellow class mate did it, and is now in YX, as well as another person in my induction class. Hurry up and get the ball rolling.

This is why I didn't leave my old job,the way they do things there is so wrong. .the superintendants are a**holes as well..you will now have to wait for the next exam ..Gluck man it sucks ..especially when they give you the dam uniform and all your family are proud of you now to take back everything to downtown Brooklyn back and having all your family and friends asking all sort of questions smh

Honestly the Superintendants aren't a**holes, they are your boss like any other company. However, my encounters with them has been positive. Like any boss you know not to cross certain lines. There's always a few bad apples in every bunch.


When your in schoolcar it's a whole different ball game/attitude...

Edited by ErikNYC
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That's exactly it,my family and friends were all patting me in the back congratulating me and people have seen me proudly walking in my uniform and now my career is in a big bag ready to be recycled. I def appreciate the words of encouragement, honestly the superintendent wasn't an a*****e, I just let my nerves get the best of me.

I rather not say what class I was in

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i passed both of my practicals and my first signal exam,i resigned due to family issues and honestly i was not spending time with my daughter, this training would be easier if you have no small children and single or married without kids..but the reason i mention the situation regarding the superintendent was not due to a personal problem it was regarding my classmates..i wont mention the the superintendent   but he failed 6 of my classmates one shot during the signal exam..we knew he had a personal problem with our TSS and he took it out on the class..he is known to give 2nd chances but that day he didnt give 6 of my classmates a chance to redeem there selves (after him and our TSS had it out before the exam even began)

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my advise, is to start out as a conductor and then go into T/O,hell you might like conductor and remain as one..while training i spoke to numerous T/O's and conductors asking questions..seems like the conductors loved there job and the T.O's always mentioning to me they should of just stayed as a conductor..yea you get start off with a low pay but with a few hours O/T here and there and 6 years vested you will be ok

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Keep your head up TrainOp2016. In going through schoolcar right now and it's as tough as it gets. If you really want to be a train operator than file for the next exam in June. The first time I went through the 10 day training for bus operator I failed the 10 day training. 7 years later I tried again and passed the 10 day training. Never give up.

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Okay so...when you mean train operators are on like a probationary period until they retire you mean like the job is that hard? I've worked long hours. I used to drive limo for 10 to 12 hrs a day. Or perhaps there's so many things that can get you terminated? I understand all that. Safety is the only option. Is there alot of train operators leaving because the job is so unstable? Missing stops maybe or an over run?

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Question for anyone who might have knowledge, I failed my final yard practical and the retest with a superintendent. Now I have to hand in all of my uniforms and tools. I am beyond crushed, is there any chance that I could be put back on the list for t/o 8098 or do basically have to take the next t/o exam in june. I can't believe I screwed this up after waiting for so long. Any help would be appreciated.

You didn't fail nothing brother. You took a break. And you're going back. I didn't even apply yet and I know I can do it. Nobody has failed as much as me. So trust me you didn't fail man. You will take the test again and beat it like a red headed step sister. Not everyone body has the same anatomy especially the mind.

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well I hope I don't sound like a loser but after hearing all these honor stories , I feel bad for the guys that have take the test again or go back to your old jobs if you can , I was to report Friday 4/8 to start training 4/11 for list 8098 but since I took test in 09 I have moved 45 min. north  of the city , started driving a school bus got into NYS tier 4 , Yes the money is the at the MTA but I have  a job again  with befits again and all the perks, I took this exam when I was laid off from a Chrysler dealership service department after 22 years , I have a good idea how this works since I was ready to be sworn in on list 5025 Bus operator but turned it down to drive school bus  in the nysut union , I was able to get back on that list and ride it out ,I  am hoping I can do the same with this list its good to 9/16  which is not far away but you never know what can happen nys schools its all about the budget, bob the bus driver 

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So exam 8098 was conducted what year?


Omg 2011 the test was given out ? Dayum. Thats along time to wait for 30 bucks an hour. It's still good BUT I'm not keeping my hopes up. That's a long time.

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This test was given in 2009

Soo some people in the school car thread posted they took a train operator test in 2009. Eventually they get called in late 2012....


So this 2009 test is definitely burning anyone elses chance if they're still calling people from 2009 to now. Now its not their fault. But my god. That's definitely patience needed to get in. That's insane 2009 and still calling from that list.


So if I can apply and take the test this year im looking at 7 years to get called lol...okayyyy.

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I received the notice as well. I scored a 90 and my list number is 3k and change. Just to fill you all in.ohmy.png

Sorry Dude but you are toast . Your number is too high to receive a call up . I suggest taking other exams .

Yup it's still active.



On a side note; I'm finally finished with school car, as of today. I start pounding the road next week. It feels great. Hang in there and don't give up!!!

That's amazing lol. Look at the dates. Amazing patience.


Btw is it possible that they can call you from a newer list? Or extend one list from 2009 and have another later list and someone from the later list get called?

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The higher you score the lower your list # will be & the faster you will get called. If you were in the military 2 yrs or longer with a honorable discharge. You will get vets credit 5% extra added on your score. Make sure you have your military papers & let them when you apply. Good luck!!!

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11,059 people are on the 8098 list. I don't know how many people were called. But I highly doubt many people would follow through with the next phase of employment for a few reasons.


The number one reason was because many people signed up due to the 2008 crash and needed work.


Alot of people moved out of new york. Alot of people already have jobs now. There must be only a couple hundred people left who would actually sign up. No more than 500.


I'll be ready for the next one. I think the mta and the second ave tunnel will bring in opportunity.

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They called up to list #7200

Which gives us some 3,859 people. But those are low scoring people. Most of those people in civil service exams give up. Or changed address or moved. Or committ crimes.


That gives us 1,500 people that actually might answer. And with low scorers you will get alot of drops.


I'm staying in the game.


Plus you say it expires 2016 in sept? That's a factor.


I gotta shot then. But not 7 years. Im thinking less than 2.

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Which gives us some 3,859 people. But those are low scoring people. Most of those people in civil service exams give up. Or changed address or moved. Or committ crimes.


That gives us 1,500 people that actually might answer. And with low scorers you will get alot of drops.


I'm staying in the game.


Plus you say it expires 2016 in sept? That's a factor.


I gotta shot then. But not 7 years. Im thinking less than 2.

I didnt have hope after i got my scores years ago and realized they would never get to my list number but after hearing last called was 7207 thats really close to my number and after patiently waiting for a new exam to do better on maybe i can dig up my hopes i buried on making this exam lol figures crossed 

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The higher you score the lower your list # will be & the faster you will get called. If you were in the military 2 yrs or longer with a honorable discharge. You will get vets credit 5% extra added on your score. Make sure you have your military papers & let them when you apply. Good luck!!!


Just be careful. You can only use vets credit once. So if you apply for multiple exams, when you are hired, you will use your vets credit, and it will be removed from any other exams you took.


So if you take the C/R exam, then the T/O exam, and are a vet, you can only get the 5 points once. If you apply it to C/R, and are hired as a C/R, you will have to "give up" 5 points off your T/O score when that comes out and your list number will be adjusted higher accordingly.

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