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Woman Hijacks MTA Bus After Being Told Not to Smoke

MTA Orion Bus

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Link: http://nypost.com/2016/02/23/woman-arrested-after-trying-to-take-the-wheel-of-mta-bus/

A passenger commandeered an MTA bus Tuesday morning after the driver tried to boot her off for smoking a cigarette, police sources said.

The 34-year-old Bronx woman was busted after wresting control of the wheel at around 7:10 a.m., driving the M-101 bus up three blocks up Third Avenue from East 97th Street to East 100th Street, sources said.

The incident unfolded when the unruly passenger began acting erratically after she boarded the bus somewhere on the Upper East Side and lit up a cigarette.

“They’re coming after me,” Headley ranted to the other passengers as she puffed on the cigarette. “They’re going to shoot me.”

The driver told the Bronx resident several times to put out her butt and demanded she leave the bus, but she refused.

The driver then radioed to his supervisor to have a replacement bus meet them at the corner of Third Avenue and East 97th so the other passengers could continue on their way.

But when he exited the vehicle to guide the passengers onto the new bus, the woman hopped in the driver’s seat and began rumbling up Third Avenue.

She drove for about three blocks before another bus cut her off and blocked her path at the corner of Third Avenue and East 100th Street.

That’s when an MTA worker ran up to the vehicle and reached into the driver’s side window of the bus and pushed the hydraulic button, disabling the bus, and the woman was taken into custody, sources said.

“I just saw cops running up to the bus with their guns drawn,” said Jonathan Boothe, a concierge who works at a nearby building.

“I originally thought someone on the bus was armed or trying to rob somebody and then I came to find out that it was just a woman trying to steal the bus” he added. “I thought it was quite hilarious.”

Other articles: https://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=dZZ-ke6ccNwZRfM-YM6eso4p4uuyM

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I'm glad he thought it was cute but that woman could've killed someone.  Not funny at all. Just another example of how many deranged people are walking around in this damn city.  I hate even waiting for the bus anymore in the city because there are some many crazies walking around that your head has to be on a swivel.  That's why I don't see how anyone walks around with their head down texting or listening to music.  Absolutely crazy doing that!

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All this bullshit because she couldn't smoke? F*ck she was on? Weed? Cocaine? Like come on.

Likely just mentally disturbed.  Nowadays, I see some mentally disturbed person in Manhattan on a daily basis.  Saw one a little while ago crossing on Lex near Grand Central totally oblivious to the fact that he was standing right in front of traffic.

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Likely just mentally disturbed. Nowadays, I see some mentally disturbed person in Manhattan on a daily basis. Saw one a little while ago crossing on Lex near Grand Central totally oblivious to the fact that he was standing right in front of traffic.

Well it's still not really an excuse. I feel that if you are mentally disturbed you should be seeing a psychologist or something. Not sure if this woman sees one, but I don't get why make a big deal about smoking on a bus. She should know not to smoke on board anyways and probably didn't care at the time or is just plain stupid and does whatever whenever.
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Well it's still not really an excuse. I feel that if you are mentally disturbed you should be seeing a psychologist or something. Not sure if this woman sees one, but I don't get why make a big deal about smoking on a bus. She should know not to smoke on board anyways and probably didn't care at the time or is just plain stupid and does whatever whenever.

Easier said than done.  Many of these mentally disturbed people are homeless or living hand-to-mouth, so they won't have the financial resources for such things.  That's one of the reasons that the city needs to be building more housing for them and offering them supportive services, but those things are quite expensive and their population continues to grow with very little supportive services.  

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Easier said than done. Many of these mentally disturbed people are homeless or living hand-to-mouth, so they won't have the financial resources for such things. That's one of the reasons that the city needs to be building more housing for them and offering them supportive services, but those things are quite expensive and their population continues to grow with very little supportive services.

Yeah well that's New York, the place where anything can happen, and of course I mean ANYTHING. You would never know what to expect and when exactly to expect it. Especially with all the crime happening lately, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. And the city will never be the way I saw it as a child.
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This highlights a security flaw, but the solution can't be more than $20 per bus---place a key lock over the Engine Start. and when the driver must leave the bus other than during a driver change en route, have him or her shut the engine and close the cover. (The key would be to open the cover.) Then have tight security over the keys. requiring their seizure upon termination, resignation, or retirement from the MTA. This is a problem with a very low-tech solution.

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This highlights a security flaw, but the solution can't be more than $20 per bus---place a key lock over the Engine Start. and when the driver must leave the bus other than during a driver change en route, have him or her shut the engine and close the cover. (The key would be to open the cover.) Then have tight security over the keys. requiring their seizure upon termination, resignation, or retirement from the MTA. This is a problem with a very low-tech solution.

Technically, a BO is suppose to turn the wheel chair power switch (key'd switch) when ever leaving the the bus when not on MTA property. I don't think this switch is on any of the low floor buses though. (haven't really looked for it)
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Stop with the excuses.


B/O should have turned the bus off and made sure all passengers were OFF the bus before getting off him/herself.  Make it look like a breakdown, tell everyone there's a problem and another bus would be coming after talking to dispatch.


Dispatch should have had NYPD at the next stop, ready to deal with the situation.  And if I were the B/O, I'd call 911 just for good measure.  At least that way, I'd have a bit more cover, not only for myself but also for any customer claims (especially since MTA is too cheap to have cameras/DVR recordings on all the buses, in this day and age).


At NO TIME should the B/O offer the "opportunity" for anyone outside of themself to commandeer the bus.


Fault lies partly on the B/O.  PLUS did he/she ring the silent-alarm, activating the "Call 911" system?  Yeah, another CYA, but even if this wackjob jumped off, I'd rather have that as part of the whole write-up than nothing.


Thank God even Detroit bus operators have gotten their backbone back.  The DDOT drivers I've been with recently are 180 degrees different than before -- they don't take shit from nobody.  This chick would've been bounced before making it to the next stop.



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Yeah well that's New York, the place where anything can happen, and of course I mean ANYTHING. You would never know what to expect and when exactly to expect it. Especially with all the crime happening lately, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. And the city will never be the way I saw it as a child.

Pay attention to this.  Quite insightful.

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Technically, a BO is suppose to turn the wheel chair power switch (key'd switch) when ever leaving the the bus when not on MTA property. I don't think this switch is on any of the low floor buses though. (haven't really looked for it)

Everything after the NGs (not including them) doesn't use the WC master key

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Especially with all the crime happening lately, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. And the city will never be the way I saw it as a child.


Compared to what? Crime is lower than ever. Do you mean it doesn't feel like it did when the murder rate was dozens of times higher? Cause you're right, it is far safer than ever before.



Pay attention to this.  Quite insightful.


Right, noticing how much safer the city has become is very insightful.

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Compared to what? Crime is lower than ever. Do you mean it doesn't feel like it did when the murder rate was dozens of times higher? Cause you're right, it is far safer than ever before.




Right, noticing how much safer the city has become is very insightful.

Yes it isn't as bad as before (1980's for example), but it's still not completely safe. This year was not a good start with all these subway slashings, which I believe increased about 30% or so when I saw the news today. Home isn't that save either, with a shooting near my home on the (6) a month ago. And today some couple that live two floors above me wanted to start problems with other neighbors while they can barely hold their own relationship, which meant a big argument between the couple and the neighbors.

Just because one time is safer than another doesn't guarantee complete safety in where you are at. There can always be a time that a problem may emerge, and you never know when you may have to defend yourself.

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Yes it isn't as bad as before (1980's for example), but it's still not completely safe. This year was not a good start with all these subway slashings, which I believe increased about 30% or so when I saw the news today. Home isn't that save either, with a shooting near my home on the (6) a month ago. And today some couple that live two floors above me wanted to start problems with other neighbors while they can barely hold their own relationship, which meant a big argument between the couple and the neighbors.

Just because one time is safer than another doesn't guarantee complete safety in where you are at. There can always be a time that a problem may emerge, and you never know when you may have to defend yourself.


I'm pretty sure that the subway slashings are being blown out of proportion by the media the way they do this with every other "crime wave" (does anyone remember the knockout game BS they were trying to push?). Controversy sells papers.

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I'm pretty sure that the subway slashings are being blown out of proportion by the media the way they do this with every other "crime wave" (does anyone remember the knockout game BS they were trying to push?). Controversy sells papers.

That could be true but there is no doubt that there has been several slashing occurring lately. I remember watching the news the other day and they had this report about how danger NYC is and how safe we really are being around thousands of strangers. I think it was a little too dramatic but hey that's the news for you.
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I'm pretty sure that the subway slashings are being blown out of proportion by the media the way they do this with every other "crime wave" (does anyone remember the knockout game BS they were trying to push?). Controversy sells papers.

It likely was exaggeration, but the point I am trying to make is that this city is not 100% safe. It is dangerous enough to make it nearly mandatory for you to take each day with caution and make sure that you are able to live another day or else you could get screwed over.
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I'm glad he thought it was cute but that woman could've killed someone.  Not funny at all. Just another example of how many deranged people are walking around in this damn city.  I hate even waiting for the bus anymore in the city because there are some many crazies walking around that your head has to be on a swivel.  That's why I don't see how anyone walks around with their head down texting or listening to music.  Absolutely crazy doing that!

This I found was unbelievable when I read it.  Had to be very scary and not funny at all.


All this bullshit because she couldn't smoke? F*ck she was on? Weed? Cocaine? Like come on.

Which makes it all the more ridiculous. Can't people wait more than a few minutes to smoke?

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It likely was exaggeration, but the point I am trying to make is that this city is not 100% safe. It is dangerous enough to make it nearly mandatory for you to take each day with caution and make sure that you are able to live another day or else you could get screwed over.

You're making it sound like you're automatically gonna get slashed or get chin checked the moment you step out your house. Sure, we aren't living in a perfect utopia where nothing happens, but on the other hand we aren't living in a place where everybody and everyone gets robbed. The odds of something happening to you is low, but not non-existent.

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You're making it sound like you're automatically gonna get slashed or get chin checked the moment you step out your house. Sure, we aren't living in a perfect utopia where nothing happens, but on the other hand we aren't living in a place where everybody and everyone gets robbed. The odds of something happening to you is low, but not non-existent.

Correct. But crime has gone up a little bit this year. Likely not a big deal to most of us but I'd still have to pay attention to the dangers in my area. Of course depending on where you live, you might not need to worry about crime much. This is something I have to deal with since I live in the south bronx, one of the most dangerous areas in nyc.
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