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If you were to rate the (A) (C) and (E) from A-F, what rating would you give and why?

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(A) B+ great line no real complaints

(C) C it's not bad but it's not good. Some more service on the weekends would be nice

(E) A Can't give it an A+ because those R32's suck alot. I like the R32's but would it kill (MTA) to give Jamaica some newer cars for that line. some R42's or R160's anything but not R32's. Even with the Broken A/C's and loud brakes, the E has one of the best express runs.

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(A) = C+ Sometimes service is really slow on the line, and also the G.O.s are brutal on this line.


(C) = D Its just a slow line, but it doesn't have that great of ridership so I don't blame it.


(E) = B+ Has great service. Probably the most consistent line on the 8th Avenue line and Queens Blvd line. But cleanliness drags it down abit.

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(A) = C+ Sometimes service is really slow on the line, and also the G.O.s are brutal on this line.


(C) = D Its just a slow line, but it doesn't have that great of ridership so I don't blame it.


(E) = B+ Has great service. Probably the most consistent line on the 8th Avenue line and Queens Blvd line. But cleanliness drags it down abit.


I have noticed a great deal of left-behind refuse on the (E), maybe it's because it stops at the WTC, which connects to PATH, which has real strict rules for trash & food/bev, also the WTC path station is generally lacking in trash receptacles as they begin to demolish it in prep for the permanent structure. I've seen this in action as PATH riders finish their reading, place their cups and papers on the seats before exiting. Annoying. Though it is my most used train, i wish it was a lil more reliable and clean.


(A) gets a b-

(C) gets a d-

(E) gets a c

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(A) B. I've only ridden it for a large stretch once and it was pretty good. No complaints here.

(C) C although I've never used this train at all before.

(E) A-. This is my home line and I must say it does get the job done. Needs newer cars though but that's not why I gave it an A-.

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I have noticed a great deal of left-behind refuse on the (E), maybe it's because it stops at the WTC, which connects to PATH, which has real strict rules for trash & food/bev, also the WTC path station is generally lacking in trash receptacles as they begin to demolish it in prep for the permanent structure. I've seen this in action as PATH riders finish their reading, place their cups and papers on the seats before exiting. Annoying. Though it is my most used train, i wish it was a lil more reliable and clean.


I don't think I have ever seen a garbage can on PATH.


As for my rating

(A) B

(C) D

(E) A

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(A) C-

(C) B

(E) Can't tell cuz I don't ride it frequently


I gave the (A)pple a C because of all the timers on the route. Never rely on it during G.Os because of the stupid skip-stop service on CPW. Its supposed to be all local, but all of a sudden it skips-stops. I hate it when that happens.


I gave the ©harlie a B because of the graffiti on the train. An excessive amount of graffiti on that line. Service is also good as they remain on their schedule....most of the time.

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I don't think I have ever seen a garbage can on PATH.


As for my rating

(A) B

(C) D

(E) A


There were a few at WTC, but they moved them weeks ago, the only place to throw stuff out now is that small news stand, if they let you.


- Andy

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(A) B- Too slow at night, too crowded during rush, but overall okay

(C) D Trains seem to be dirty a lot, and you hardly hear the conductors. Just sounds like "stand clear close"

(E) B i guess it's okay, but I haven't been on it enough for my opinion to really count

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  • 1 year later...
I don't think I have ever seen a garbage can on PATH.


As for my rating

(A) B

(C) D

(E) A


PATH stations have this oily smell; I don't know from what. I can tell when I am walking past a PATH station entrance solely from the smell.




(A): C-. (My home train, and a more inconvenient one cannot be imagined)


The need to change trains from Lefferts Blvd-bound to Far Rockaway-bound often costs me 15-20 minutes, and is especially excruciating when a Far Rockaway-bound train leaves the station just as I enter the platform (meaning a 10-12 minutes wait for a Lefferts train, and a similar wait for the next Rockaway.


Also, the section through Jamaica Bay is a pain. Frequently, they open the bridge to let boats through, but find they cannot close it. On a Manhattan bound trip this means a long wait at whatever station the train is in, and on the Rockaway-bound service, requires transfer to the Q53 and then Q22 buses, incurring an extra fare. Track fires on the bridges are also not uncommon.


The fact that the A has three terminals means that even at rush hour the interval between trains for those who live south of Rockaway Blvd (either on the Lefferts or Rockaway branch) is about 12 minutes.


Lastly, weekend service often ends at Howard Beach, with a shuttle train running only between the Far Rockaway and Beach 116th St stations. The shuttle bus to Far Rockaway from Howard Beach takes a long-winded route through Nassau County (Five Towns), taking 35 minutes in total, after which one needs to transfer to a Q22 or the shuttle train to complete their journey. Weekend service cuts between Utica Av and Jay St, especially if L is also closed between Myrtle-Wyckoff and Lorimer, makes it imperative that the 12 minute ride between Utica and Jay turns into a 30 minute bus trip. A running local in Manhattan and Brooklyn late nights and most weekends adds about 20 minutes to any trip to the Rockaways from 59th St or below, and more from stations above 59th (e.g. Museum of Natural History).


(C): B. Slow, but valuable service. Usually easy to transfer to A along most of the route (except at Nostrand where the express and local tracks are on different levels). Allows the A to run express, while serving small stations with fewer passengers.


(E): B+. Haven't ever taken the E on its express run, but service in Manhattan is usually very good, especially as it ensures (with the C) that a local train will enter the station every 3 minutes. Best of the 8th Avenue Line trains.

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(A): I have to do this in two parts.


Weekdays: I give it a B. Its efficient enough in my opinion when it needs to be. The express run through brooklyn and uptown manhattan is amazing in my opinion and I love that its there for that. Sometimes the wait times could be a little extensive. But usually when I get one I get to where I need to go pretty quick. When its delayed its usually not as bad as it could be so I don't gripe about it.


Weekends: D- I avoid this line during the weekends because its usually running local and is delayed to hell. It doesn't bother me too much if I'm going uptown because I rarely have to go above 34th St on Weekends and of course my ole buddy the (1) is usually better for the job unless i HAVE to be at 8th or 9th avenue.


(C): B- It runs often enough on weekdays sure enough. In fact I think they run more of these than (A)s sometimes. What gets me is that it NEVER RUNS ON WEEKENDS. Since I always prefer to jump on the (A) I look for this train to be around so that the (A) can do its express run. But since its never there on weekends (or rarely there) I have to add time to my commute. They could also do a better job of keeping the trains clean. Plenty of times I've jumped on a (C) at 168th to find the front car trashed up. But I will say that WHEN i need it, I don't have to wait too long.


(E): B-: Great in Manhattan. Its always there at WTC when I need it. Gets me along 8th avenue sometimes better than the (A). I dislike it through queens though. Seems it always gets delayed on queens blvd. And the homeless are an issue on the trains more and more it seems.

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(A): A- b/c it usually comes in time. On bad cases, it comes too early and ends up getting held up b/c on the train in front of us. But hey, I like the R44s and the R46s do a good job as well!


(C): B. I've only rode it once and it was just average for a local train.


(E): C- turning into a B-. I'm glad it's getting new trains to get rid of those with technical problems, but certain stretches along Queen Blvd can be very slow at times.

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For my rating..


(A); B-. Too long of a line and sometimes stalls at 145 Street. Service overall is okay.

(C); F. Infrequent and dirty/rusty cars.

(E); B+. The most frequent, but most cars have homeless people living on them. Mostly delayed on Queens Boulevard.

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This is how I rate:


(A): I give it an A, The (A) has improoved and Now its 85% 75 footers with 75% R32's, The (A) is a Good Line and It should Be alble to get the R160's and The passengers don't Complain.


(C): I give it an B+ I Like the Fleet on the (C), The (C) is rather a good Back up for (A) riders, And Its 100% R32's but in the Fall the (C) will Improove to R46's while Their R32's cars goes to the (A).


(E) I give it a D, The Reason why, I hate the way the (E) is run and I hate the Passengers, I mean come on, For Years I have told alot of People that The R32's had no choice but to go on the (E), Now that the (E) has only 1 set of R32's the (E) riders still complain, The (E) now has the R160's with now very few R40M's/R42 mixes, But Now I can't stand that Line and Its my Hometown Line, And Its not the Future Failing R160's, Its the Passengers.



I think The (A)/© should have gotten the R160's before the (E), The (E) was going to be R46 mixed with R32's and R42's for a while until the summer of this year but the (E) got the R160's last December.

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(A) I give this a B. I've taken it a lot in Manhattan and riding out to Brooklyn, and on a couple occasions, out to Howard Beach and down in the Rockaways. It's got a nice mixture of old school cars and some awesome scenery once you get down by Aqueduct.


(C) B! I love this train. I have mostly taken it just in Manhattan to get at those stops that the (A) passes by. I love the old R32s on that line and have a few fun stories on that train.


(E) C. This is my home train and I my grade has to do with how well the (E) has preformed over the past few years. The last... ten times I rode this line, it was near perfect. R160s, moderate headways, decent speed, and squeaky-clean car interiors. Now, let's go back to last year. R40/42s, cars generally had some litter, but for the most part everything ran on time and it would still have a B grade.


But then if we go a little further back...


The R32s, which I love, were rolling saunas and I remember both summer days and nights where they would just do a slow roll on the express tracks under Queens blvd. and all you could do was wait. Some of the (E)'s R32s were pretty knocked around on the inside, and in reading this thread, I guess the PATH connection might be responsible for that.


I've never been on the PATH train, I didn't realize it was any different than the subway, as far as cleanliness and such. Has some ugly-a$$ cars IMO.


So the (E) = great improvement. R160s on that line make it seem totally different. We're gonna not sweat now this summer.

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Guest Charles

(A)-I'd give it a B

(C)-I'd give it a B-. 155th and 163rd Streets, and some Brooklyn stations are just plain nasty.

(E)-I take it often, and it's pretty quick. It's a solid A, once the Grand Av construction finishes it might be bumped up to A+.

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