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47 schools considered for Closure


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Education officials announced today that there are 47 schools they believe are failing and may need to be closed.

It's a much longer list than in years past, in part because it includes all the schools the city tried to close last year.


And ironicly , on of those schools is the my lower middle school Kappa VII(Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy 7). It just started in late 2007 , and now it just might get the boot by the D.O.E! Personally I knew this would happen and the D.O.E is doing the right thing. Kappa VII had poor scores overall and a weak discipline code. Unless Kappa VII steps up it's game soon. It's doomed!


This is Ftrainfan's first news post!:)

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Education officials announced today that there are 47 schools they believe are failing and may need to be closed.

It's a much longer list than in years past, in part because it includes all the schools the city tried to close last year.


And ironicly , on of those schools is the my lower middle school Kappa VII(Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy 7). It just started in late 2007 , and now it just might get the boot by the D.O.E! Personally I knew this what happen and the D.O.E is doing the right thing. Kappa VII had poor scores overall and a weak discipline code. Unless Kappa VII steps up it's game soon. It doomed!


This is Ftrainfan's first news post!:)


I am sure the NYC Teacher's Union and probably local political officals will file a lawsuit before this proceeeds further.

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I know people who attended IS 231 and August Martin. I agree that 231 sucks. That's where all the thugs in Springfield Gardens attend school. August Martin is bad, but it's not bad enough to close. Quite a few August Martin kids go to York College. I thought Grover Cleveland was one of the better non-specialized schools.

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August Martin High School Yeah

Beach Channel High School Yeah

Business, Computer Applications & Entrepreneurship High School

Grover Cleveland High School

I.S. 231 Magnetech 2000 Idk, never seemed that bad to me

Jamaica High School Thought they closed this last year

John Adams High School

Newtown High School I guess

P.S. 030 Queens Should've closed 10 years ago, when this b*tch was really off the hook

P.S. 040 Samuel Huntington Same thing as PS 30

P.S./M.S. 147 Ronald McNair

Richmond Hill High School Yeah


My replies in bold.


Sucks that 3 are in South Jamaica which doesn't have that much schools to begin with, that's like half of them right there.



I know people who attended IS 231 and August Martin. I agree that 231 sucks. That's where all the thugs in Springfield Gardens attend school. August Martin is bad, but it's not bad enough to close. Quite a few August Martin kids go to York College. I thought Grover Cleveland was one of the better non-specialized schools.


Lmfao that's such an oxymoron, and plus these are 10-14 year olds.


231 isn't that bad, not great either. Now 72, I'd agree there.

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Oh NOW they wanna close Paul Robeson. They should've closed that one before they closed Boys & Girls (my old stomping grounds). Robe (that's what I used to cal it) is like 4 times smaller than BGHS and like 4 times more bad


I'm surprised BGHS isn't on there...something's always happening in that school day in and day out.

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Why do they close schools instead of try to fix them? What are the kids who go to these schools supposed to do? Make the nearest school twice as crowded?


Or they could just relocate them into different neighborhoods.


Also beef up the security will ya schools! They're a lot fighting in some of them listed such as Andrew Jackson those get into a lot of fights.

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I don't see my old schools there (CS66 and Rafael Hernandez Academy), but my cousin graduated from Jane Addams in 1983 and she hated it there. I remember my mom never wanted me to attend Monroe Academy because it was too violent and she felt I couldn't learn well in a terrible school environment.

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Well you are correct that closing Schools aren't a good option. They just send the kids to some other High School and if the High School is good and they bring in the bad kids with poor grades it effects the other school as well. Then that school might have to close down as well. I mean it doesn't happen right away they let the kids graduate the High School first but then the bad kids who would have had been sent to that High School now goes to the good High School which would effect all the kids grades, and behavior. What they really should be doing is modeling our schools after the strict European ideas. Then the kids and the schools would really do well. Not just that if kids find it too hard then don't go to school just stay home and become someones problem not everyone else who is trying to be smart and get a job.

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Ahh I find it weird how so many schools are on this list.

How 2 of the KAPPAs are on this list, I wouldn't know.

I personally went to K3 back in middle school but there was nothing wrong there. Most other schools around there should be on that list. -.-

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Well you are correct that closing Schools aren't a good option. They just send the kids to some other High School and if the High School is good and they bring in the bad kids with poor grades it effects the other school as well. Then that school might have to close down as well. I mean it doesn't happen right away they let the kids graduate the High School first but then the bad kids who would have had been sent to that High School now goes to the good High School which would effect all the kids grades, and behavior. What they really should be doing is modeling our schools after the strict European ideas. Then the kids and the schools would really do well. Not just that if kids find it too hard then don't go to school just stay home and become someones problem not everyone else who is trying to be smart and get a job.


That's true. Here's my crazy thought(s)

(1) Try Rebuliding the better school for students to fit in. A big example would be Francis Lewis HS. That school is twice it's capacity. But then again that would take months to do so definitely do not take this seriously:p

(2) Relocate the school to a different spot (don't ask me how that's gonna work out)

(3) Get more stricter teachers at that failing school & get more help for them.

Overall as far as I'm concerned I too feel sorry for the schools that are closing but I don't know what's gonna happen for the future though. I do wish NY state government & Bloomberg find a different way to solve things on this.

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Stricter teachers aren't necessarily going to do the trick. It's teachers that can interest their kids enough so that they actually care about learning. You always hear kids complaining about having to do work about school, like really, why else do you think you go there?

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.7; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


I'm surprised BGHS isn't on there...something's always happening in that school day in and day out.


That's the thing, they closed BGHS and repoened it into 4 of those lame ass "acadimies" at the end of '09. That school was one of the last "big" high schools that wasn't broken up (I forgot the others, I think one of the others was Midwood)

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.7; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)



That's the thing, they closed BGHS and repoened it into 4 of those lame ass "acadimies" at the end of '09. That school was one of the last "big" high schools that wasn't broken up (I forgot the others, I think one of the others was Midwood)

What about Midwood High School? I went there.

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I know people who attended IS 231 and August Martin. I agree that 231 sucks. That's where all the thugs in Springfield Gardens attend school. August Martin is bad, but it's not bad enough to close. Quite a few August Martin kids go to York College. I thought Grover Cleveland was one of the better non-specialized schools.


IS 231 was a horrible school, im glad im out, Only three people from there went to a Specialized HS. The smart class was hated by staff and students. Lucky I got into BK Tech. There was almost a fight everyday, you would see a bunch of school kids running to see a fight @ Mc Donalds and the police following.


I would say the only good thing was the buses coming right in front of it :D. Especially that Q111 artic.

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