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I usually don't post issues on here but this time I'm going to. I've been spending the last 2 weeks or so being alone and not attending events or nothing. Why? Because I'm not in photography school like I was supposed to because I couldn't afford it and I couldn't even get loans because the loans company rejected it. I've been posting more subway photos thread lately because of it thinking railfanning will ease the stress but it really hasn't. I've been lacking sleep because I'm stressed and embarrassed to even hang out and attend events because I'm not in anything right now and feels completely stupid. At this point, I didn't market myself out there even though I was going to because I'm not in anything. Dreams been crushed and is trying to find photography stuff to do but I've been lacking and nervous about it. And no I'm not going to community college because they're not for me and its not for everyone which is true


I had to let this out.

As a college dropout, I'll tell you one thing: college won't make or break you.


Nearly all of the stuff I know after high school, I learned from self-study, practice, and experience of trial and error. Photography is one of those skills where this applies. Do what you've always been doing and add something different from time-to-time. Post great pictures. Post total crap. Get positive and negative feedback. Then evolve.


Your portfolio is going to speak for you more than any degree. And aren't pictures worth a thousand words?

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I usually don't post issues on here but this time I'm going to. I've been spending the last 2 weeks or so being alone and not attending events or nothing. Why? Because I'm not in photography school like I was supposed to because I couldn't afford it and I couldn't even get loans because the loans company rejected it. I've been posting more subway photos thread lately because of it thinking railfanning will ease the stress but it really hasn't. I've been lacking sleep because I'm stressed and embarrassed to even hang out and attend events because I'm not in anything right now and feels completely stupid. At this point, I didn't market myself out there even though I was going to because I'm not in anything. Dreams been crushed and is trying to find photography stuff to do but I've been lacking and nervous about it. And no I'm not going to community college because they're not for me and its not for everyone which is true


I had to let this out.


You can go through college and major in the multimedia arts. Usually in a college program they can even offer a paid internship. On top of that you have the option of Federal Student Aid to pay for tuition and other added living expenses for the entire duration of your curriculum. Also loans are extended to you. When you are done you will have the edge in the multimedia field in your case professional photography. I think you should look into college either in this city or abroad.


I dont see this as the end of the world. You still can reach your goals because you do indeed have opitions.

Edited by realizm
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Graphic Design in CUNY's are available to you as well, which is somewhat the same field I presume. I know for a fact a lot of CUNY's actually offer Digital Photography classes as well. John Jay for example has Digital Photography I & II. As realizm pointed out as well, with CUNY's tuition, FASFA should be no problem for you.

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I usually don't post issues on here but this time I'm going to. I've been spending the last 2 weeks or so being alone and not attending events or nothing. Why? Because I'm not in photography school like I was supposed to because I couldn't afford it and I couldn't even get loans because the loans company rejected it. I've been posting more subway photos thread lately because of it thinking railfanning will ease the stress but it really hasn't. I've been lacking sleep because I'm stressed and embarrassed to even hang out and attend events because I'm not in anything right now and feels completely stupid. At this point, I didn't market myself out there even though I was going to because I'm not in anything. Dreams been crushed and is trying to find photography stuff to do but I've been lacking and nervous about it. And no I'm not going to community college because they're not for me and its not for everyone which is true


I had to let this out.


When it comes to art related things (film, photography, drawing, etc). I'd never suggest a college degree (unless it was graphic design), simply because one isn't required for the field. Work on building a portfolio, and improve your skills to the best of your ability, seek out internships and make connections.


Honestly, I'm in college because my field (medical) requires college education (I want at least to be an M.D.), and because I am getting internships and experiences along the way (and my undergrad is paid for by grants, too). 

Edited by Astoria Line
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I usually don't post issues on here but this time I'm going to. I've been spending the last 2 weeks or so being alone and not attending events or nothing. Why? Because I'm not in photography school like I was supposed to because I couldn't afford it and I couldn't even get loans because the loans company rejected it. I've been posting more subway photos thread lately because of it thinking railfanning will ease the stress but it really hasn't. I've been lacking sleep because I'm stressed and embarrassed to even hang out and attend events because I'm not in anything right now and feels completely stupid. At this point, I didn't market myself out there even though I was going to because I'm not in anything. Dreams been crushed and is trying to find photography stuff to do but I've been lacking and nervous about it. And no I'm not going to community college because they're not for me and its not for everyone which is true


I had to let this out.


LMAO... Community College not for you?  Listen if you want to achieve what you want, well then you have to swallow your pride and go to a school that you can afford, and I say you because at your age you're responsible for your own education, not your parents.  They got you through high school, and if you want to attend college, you have to find a way to do that.  You can't turn back the clock now but quite frankly I would've been working when I was high school if I was you, looking for paid or unpaid internships so that you could make connections.  If you want to get your foot in the door, that's what I would do.  I would look into photography places and ask them if I could intern there (unpaid) because I want the experience and then you talk about how eager you are to learn... Blah blah blah... In short, sell yourself to get in the door.  Then you go out and start looking for a paid job.  You need money if you're going to do anything, so sitting at home won't accomplish anything.  Just wasting time and energy and getting nothing done.  Time waits for no one and no one hands anyone anything, so the ball is in your court to produce.  Sorry if I sound harsh but that's New York for you.  You have to have a go get it attitude.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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In short, sell yourself to get in the door.  Then you go out and start looking for a paid job.  You need money if you're going to do anything, so sitting at home won't accomplish anything.  Just wasting time and energy and getting nothing done.  Time waits for no one and no one hands anyone anything, so the ball is in your court to produce.  Sorry if I sound harsh but that's New York for you.  You have to have a go get it attitude


Graphic Design in CUNY's are available to you as well, which is somewhat the same field I presume. I know for a fact a lot of CUNY's actually offer Digital Photography classes as well. John Jay for example has Digital Photography I & II. As realizm pointed out as well, with CUNY's tuition, FASFA should be no problem for you.


Daniel dude this is important information, Listen to peacemak3er and VG8... I see this exactly the same way you have to sell yourself and like anything it takes practice. Its good to get all the resume workshops online, the see about some articles on proper speech dictation. If you can get that down as well as other guided research (Finding about your employer) You will succed.


Seems Peace is with me too on his ppoint, so we both think that you should put those fears of community college to the side and just get enrolled. Yes FASLA and TAp will cover tuition costs also books transportation and even rent!


This is not HS where people will cross the line with you, in college you are dealing with a bunch of hard working, matureminded dilligent students with understanding (They are not kids but mature adults)


Dont be afraid, take that plunge Daniel go for yours dont feel discourages... This obstacle you can certaintly shatter for your own benefit...

Edited by realizm
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Unfortunately CUNY's still do have their share of immature people, but it is still far less of high school kids, etc.


Yeah there are lot of immature kids in BMCC its a party zone which is nice but so many disrespectful student arrogent and too busy being a superstar on Facebook. Yeah good lucjk failing courses cause I aint going that rant.. Man I just keep it moving. Look I am here to get my CIS degree, leave with my diploma (Im transfering not sitting here wasting my time at the ceremonies no time for that)


...and go 4 year stay the hell out of myy way. Study hard. Because I actually have a rapt interest in controling my sestiny in terms of making it making dollars, bottom line. Not here to play games...

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How in the hell did he manage to do 150 through Bairnsdale. To do that during the day is just crazy. Bairnsdale is a very busy country town and is a major stopping point for a lot of traffic on the M1/A1.
Hell flying through Morwell, Traralgon, Sale, Rosedale & Stratford is crazy.


I guess that explains why I heard sirens today.

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I'd assume Bairnsdale could compare to a busy day in Brooklyn? 150kph/95mph is pretty significant on a city street, let a lone a busy day.


During Christmas time and Easter I would reckon it could give it a run for it's money. The main drag is busy place by country town. For everyone who heads that way they use Bairnsdale as thier lunch stop.

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I spent a whole day scrambling to install 18TB of hard drives because my cloud storage provider decided to get rid of us. Most of the time was spent looking for spare cables for my power supply. Now I'm waiting for mdadm to initialize a RAID-5 array. At a rate of 120 MB/s and decreasing fast, it's going to take a lot of time to initialize all 18TB. This will be a long night. <_<

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I went to BMCC before. It wasn't too bad, but the cafeteria area was somewhere to avoid because they tend to do god knows chaos there. If i had long breaks between classes, i spent them in the library/study room and just did my homework. If i had been more outgoing (and more interested in the area), I probably would've spent more time walking around Lower Manhattan and take some pics. 

How do you not like Lucky Charms? That used to be my favorite cereal when I was a kid. Of course, I haven't eaten cereal in years, so they might have changed the flavor, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.


Speaking of lucky charms, I liked the marshmellows, but the rest of it was just awful and bland. Been years since i ate cereal from a bowl. I ate the ones packaged in bars and they were ok. But now i just have some pop tarts in the morning if I'm in a hurry.

I am the terror that flaps in the night....

I am the cat somebody let out of the bag....

I am...(crash)... all right, who put the banana peel there?

lol, god it's been years since i saw darkwing duck. That was a great show, and pity no channel airs it now.

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I've said it once, and it will be a core tenet of my life philosphy until I leave this Earth: I hate "urban explorers," the douchebags warn people that it is illegal to even trespass on the grounds that they "explore..." then they break right the f*** in and wander around everywhere and take photographs.  I know they do it a lot with Creedmoor and they have the balls to try and "protect" the location by faking the name.  I've already seen two major "explorers" from New York get in but then try to mask it.  Hypocritical.

Edited by Joel Up Front
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I usually don't post issues on here but this time I'm going to. I've been spending the last 2 weeks or so being alone and not attending events or nothing. Why? Because I'm not in photography school like I was supposed to because I couldn't afford it and I couldn't even get loans because the loans company rejected it. I've been posting more subway photos thread lately because of it thinking railfanning will ease the stress but it really hasn't. I've been lacking sleep because I'm stressed and embarrassed to even hang out and attend events because I'm not in anything right now and feels completely stupid. At this point, I didn't market myself out there even though I was going to because I'm not in anything. Dreams been crushed and is trying to find photography stuff to do but I've been lacking and nervous about it. And no I'm not going to community college because they're not for me and its not for everyone which is true


I had to let this out.

Congratulations... You're on your way to becoming a hipster....


Yeah, college aint for everyone, but what sticks out in this whole thing is this "I was supposed to" attitude..... Shouldn't have put all your eggs in one basket like that, so to speak..... Sets you up for the very thing you're going through right now.....


You better learn REAL quick that no one will Ever give more of a shit about you, than you Yourself...

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I honestly think that I would have picked up a trade/gone to trade school if I was any dextrous, good with tools, or could build anything.  Quite a few people from my high school did so and they found relatively good jobs (my friend from HS became a mechanic for a Harley dealership, one found a job with Nassau County) not too long after we graduated.

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