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Train Operator Exam # 8098


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Seems to me that some folks on here are the ones you should avoid in the break room. Yeah you hear some good things and info as well. But you also hear, what I call intimidation talk. I was told by my Uncle.... a 30 year man. Don't listen to the guys on those threads. Don't be intimidated, when you get called pay attention in training. And when you go out just do your job. We are all grown here, when the stories start flying, I have learned take it with a grain of salt. Hopefully everyone else here does too. When I hear talk like this I just understand it is mostly folks that wanna get you worried and second guessing yourself. It's a real job... If you don't know what to expect from a real job then do yourself a favor and get your training and do your job. That is it.....Stories are stories, I have been in the workforce long enough to know what to feed into and what not to. I hope the ones that haven't don't buy into it. PS I haven't worked for the MTA but I have been around long enough to smell bs and I smell nothing but intimidation bs. Good luck guys, just learn and do your jobs!



No its not intimation only if sensitive folks like you think it is. ;)


If you been paying attention here you would know that this can be a great job i have said it lots of times. The real part is you have thousands of folks who rely on you to do it right..


I was told this in Schoolcar and im from off the street as well so are you saying what TSS tell us and we repeat the same thing here is BS? Thats not BS its reality.


If you arent coming down here why should you care what is talked about?


If you can't see beyond that then i dont know what to tell you.


Tell yer Uncle the MTA he knew is Dead these folks are looking to take folks tools down here and what title is he?

Edited by RTOMan
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No one's trying to initimidate you. Employees are posting this info so that those who are new to transit will not go in expecting it to be easy, and that they will have their hands held. After schoolcar, that's it. Once you are qualified on something, you are expected to be able to do it. You've got to know and do your job correctly down here, and if you can't, a paper trail will start to grow in your file, which is never a good thing.


This is not like those white collar jobs that give you a year to prove yourself and a bunch of positive hippy friendship meetings where you are "constructively criticized" so as not to wound your fragile ego. It's a safety sensitive title, and new people need to be ready for what awaits - hence the posts.


You can't skate through schoolcar, much less the job, based on casual knowledge of the subway as a rider.


If you can hack it, it's not just a job, but a rewarding CAREER with good benefits and a pension that's pretty good. You'll never have to worry about your check bouncing or your employer going out of business, and you can go as far in MTA as you want, make a lot of money, and do quite well for yourself. But if you can't hack it, no amount of group therapy, positivity, and hugs is going to change that. So why sugarcoat it?



THANK YOU This Job isnt for everybody and if you arent up for it dont waste the MTAs time....

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Needless to say, I didn't feel like discussing it. Talk about having the brake handle dangling in front of you, just out of reach, and as you reach for it, it gets pulled away.


Showed up nice and early; I was the 4th guy in line on the left when we lined up upstairs. My physical was fine, EKG fine, B/P, fine, hearing was fine.


I had a tonsilectomy in 2008 due to sleep apnea, which has since resolved. The doctor wouldn't clear me without paperwork stating that I no longer have obstructive sleep apnea. I don't understand why; it's not narcilepsy, and I won't be operating a train while sleeping.


The staff nurse and doctor were very nice. They used to work in ERs, so we got to talk about the job and everything.


The kick in the balls: when I went to the HR counter and gave them my hold paper, the lady stated, and I quote:


"You need to get this quickly resolved. We're short and we need you."


I have my follow-up sleep study tomorrow night. The only time I snore is if the room is dry; I have a humidifier, and my wife says I don't snore when it's on. I was on my back last night, and she said I didn't snore, which is a good thing.


It was a very rough weekend, and needless to say I was anti-social. Now that I've gone through the 5 stages of Grief (mostly Anger), I'll do my test, bring the results down, and see where it goes from there. Hopefully the November class for me.

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I was a Longshoreman for 10 years and within the first year I was taught, the guys that talk the most are the guys you don't want to listen to. Makes me wonder why are they talking here? I am sure it is because the guys in the break room would call them out on the crap coming out and they can't help but be heard. We will all find out our experiences and we will all learn our own stories. What separates us form the folks that nobody wants to hear is the matter of sharing them. Keep it to yourself if you don't have positive notes. I for one like to call out bs when I hear it...... If they had any merit anonymous wouldn't be the way. Give your name and we can call you on merit... But that won't happen, they need to live anonymously!



Actaully no i dont folks know me down here and i back the eff up what i say what i dont like is folks who run their mouths and dont know what they talk about if i say something i do know what im talking about.


Was a Plumber for 7 years been through all kinds of foul smelling horrible places that i never knew existed until then.


I dont talk much either this wasnt the first job i had been working since i was 13 years old (min wage route and everything) been through a lot of chit. This is the easiest Job i had in my life and i love it.


I have always talked to new folks and made them feel comfortable because i was new once myself from off the street. I admit folks did the same thing to me. The Know it alls i try to pull their coats and if its in one ear and out the other then i wash my hands, which i have done!




Needless to say, I didn't feel like discussing it. Talk about having the brake handle dangling in front of you, just out of reach, and as you reach for it, it gets pulled away.


Showed up nice and early; I was the 4th guy in line on the left when we lined up upstairs. My physical was fine, EKG fine, B/P, fine, hearing was fine.


I had a tonsilectomy in 2008 due to sleep apnea, which has since resolved. The doctor wouldn't clear me without paperwork stating that I no longer have obstructive sleep apnea. I don't understand why; it's not narcilepsy, and I won't be operating a train while sleeping.


The staff nurse and doctor were very nice. They used to work in ERs, so we got to talk about the job and everything.


The kick in the balls: when I went to the HR counter and gave them my hold paper, the lady stated, and I quote:


"You need to get this quickly resolved. We're short and we need you."


I have my follow-up sleep study tomorrow night. The only time I snore is if the room is dry; I have a humidifier, and my wife says I don't snore when it's on. I was on my back last night, and she said I didn't snore, which is a good thing.


It was a very rough weekend, and needless to say I was anti-social. Now that I've gone through the 5 stages of Grief (mostly Anger), I'll do my test, bring the results down, and see where it goes from there. Hopefully the November class for me.



DAMN!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Im so sorry man please let us know how it works out...

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Needless to say, I didn't feel like discussing it. Talk about having the brake handle dangling in front of you, just out of reach, and as you reach for it, it gets pulled away.


Showed up nice and early; I was the 4th guy in line on the left when we lined up upstairs. My physical was fine, EKG fine, B/P, fine, hearing was fine.


I had a tonsilectomy in 2008 due to sleep apnea, which has since resolved. The doctor wouldn't clear me without paperwork stating that I no longer have obstructive sleep apnea. I don't understand why; it's not narcilepsy, and I won't be operating a train while sleeping.


The staff nurse and doctor were very nice. They used to work in ERs, so we got to talk about the job and everything.


The kick in the balls: when I went to the HR counter and gave them my hold paper, the lady stated, and I quote:


"You need to get this quickly resolved. We're short and we need you."


I have my follow-up sleep study tomorrow night. The only time I snore is if the room is dry; I have a humidifier, and my wife says I don't snore when it's on. I was on my back last night, and she said I didn't snore, which is a good thing.


It was a very rough weekend, and needless to say I was anti-social. Now that I've gone through the 5 stages of Grief (mostly Anger), I'll do my test, bring the results down, and see where it goes from there. Hopefully the November class for me.



They gave me the same bullshit, they love using sleep apnea as an excuse for medical hold. they said they heard me breathing hard and falling asleep. After waiting almost 6 hours there yes I was falling asleep. I was breathing threw my mouth because my nose was stuffy. Made an app with my doctor the very next day, he gave me a note, and the next day went back to 180 and got sworn in.

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They gave me the same bullshit, they love using sleep apnea as an excuse for medical hold. they said they heard me breathing hard and falling asleep. After waiting almost 6 hours there yes I was falling asleep. I was breathing threw my mouth because my nose was stuffy. Made an app with my doctor the very next day, he gave me a note, and the next day went back to 180 and got sworn in.



Dan, what did your note say? If you don't want to display, PM me please.

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Dan, what did your note say? If you don't want to display, PM me please.



I don't remember exactly but he stated after some tese the patient does not show any signs of sleep apnea. I gave it to them and case closed.

BTW they do recheck your damn blood pressure so don't think your out of the woods yet.

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They gave me the same bullshit, they love using sleep apnea as an excuse for medical hold. they said they heard me breathing hard and falling asleep. After waiting almost 6 hours there yes I was falling asleep. I was breathing threw my mouth because my nose was stuffy. Made an app with my doctor the very next day, he gave me a note, and the next day went back to 180 and got sworn in.


wait, we're not allowed to sleep in the waiting area? i have to be there at 7:30am on friday and i work evenings. that's like midnight to me

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Actaully no i dont folks know me down here and i back the eff up what i say what i dont like is folks who run their mouths and dont know what they talk about if i say something i do know what im talking about.


Was a Plumber for 7 years been through all kinds of foul smelling horrible places that i never knew existed until then.


I dont talk much either this wasnt the first job i had been working since i was 13 years old (min wage route and everything) been through a lot of chit. This is the easiest Job i had in my life and i love it.


I have always talked to new folks and made them feel comfortable because i was new once myself from off the street. I admit folks did the same thing to me. The Know it alls i try to pull their coats and if its in one ear and out the other then i wash my hands, which i have done!

Seems to me Real talk folks, real talk sounds a bit ridiculous to me. And I am waiting for my number if you read the post's maybe you would know that bit of info. My Uncle retired 8 months ago, so I am sure it hasn't changed all that much. RTO you act as if and yet you think I care. I know how to follow direction and learn and work too. I read maybe 1% of folks in the MTA come on this site, makes me wonder why? You keep thinking you are worrying folks. Believe me when I say.... you are not DARTH.



DAMN!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Im so sorry man please let us know how it works out...


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wait, we're not allowed to sleep in the waiting area? i have to be there at 7:30am on friday and i work evenings. that's like midnight to me


You'll be just going in for urine and hand in your preemployment booklet. If you get thier early and are first to be seen you should be out not later than 0930. when I was there i was first in line and was back home by 0945.

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How did they know you had sleep apnea? You didn't just TELL them that did you??? Everyone - rule #1 of the medical appointment, don't reveal ANYTHING to the quacks!!!!!


Sleeping is not allowed anywhere on TA property. This includes if you are stranded at a terminal due to weather emergencies. Sleeping at 180 Livingston is NOT a good way to start off on the right foot.


Regarding schoolcar..how much time do u get actually driving the trains and practicing station stops?? And say ur in the B Div do u practice w all the trains or just some?? TIA guys


Yes you will learn ALL of the equipment in your div (the only exception is that B-Div T/O's don't learn CBTC until they are off probation and have a job that operates with it, which right now is just the L). You will do plenty of operating in the yard and a couple times a week will take a train on the road, and all students take turns for a couple of stops.

Edited by Snowblock
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How did they know you had sleep apnea? You didn't just TELL them that did you??? Everyone - rule #1 of the medical appointment, don't reveal ANYTHING to the quacks!!!!!




The big gaping hole in the back of my airway, where my uvula was (the dangly thingy) is a dead giveaway, so there was no getting around it.

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What about someone that has borderline high blood pressure? Would that automatically disqualify me? I haven't had my blood pressure checked in awhile. I gained a few pounds so I think it went up. My blood pressure was okay before like 2 years ago.

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The big gaping hole in the back of my airway, where my uvula was (the dangly thingy) is a dead giveaway, so there was no getting around it.



Wait, what if you have a past of cancer but been in remission for 5 years. I shouldn't make it known? Help on this topic would be greatly appreciated cause I have been back and forth about this and not sure what I should do.

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Damn sleep apnea. I told them I snore at night during a Conductor medical a couple years ago and the quack doc put me on hold to get an overnight sleep apnea study. I went to the place my insurance was willing to cover, they would not answer the door or the phone. Come to find out 3 things, 1: Nobody was there 2: when i contacted them the following monday, I was told they no longer accepted my insurance 3: My insurance would not cover any place else and i had to muster up $2,500 minimum to pay for a study.


I never got the money, the list expired, i'm NOT a Subway Conductor...back to the (G)(D)(A)(M)(N) drawing board.


Starting to think the universe does not want me at MTA. Well the universe can ---- my 3rd rail, because I WANT IN!

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Regarding schoolcar..how much time do u get actually driving the trains and practicing station stops?? And say ur in the B Div do u practice w all the trains or just some?? TIA guys


Thats a good question! I honestly cant answer each TSS runs their classes different.. im sure you will get plenty of cab time though! Edited by RTOMan
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I got the letter today to go down this week. I have yet to tell my employer though. I will request a personal day off, then when I know I am invited to come to be sworn in I will give them notice. Ideally Id like to give them two weeks if thats possible, but I know it doesnt always work that way when the MTA calls you have to jump at the chance.

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I got the letter today to go down this week. I have yet to tell my employer though. I will request a personal day off, then when I know I am invited to come to be sworn in I will give them notice. Ideally Id like to give them two weeks if thats possible, but I know it doesnt always work that way when the MTA calls you have to jump at the chance.



COME ON DOWN Brother!!!! :)

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