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Fleet Swap Discussion Thread


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As much as I am disapointed that the (A)(C) car swap won't again, I gotten over it fast after realizing how the R32s' A/C (and the SMS in general) have been doing so well. Their A/C is just like R42s IMO.

Edited by RollOverMyHead
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No he shouldn't calmdown, the man is doing his job and some foamer asks him a question about the swap and he's said its not happening and the foamer can't handle the answer of course he's gonna be irritated, alot of times foamers can be very annoying

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You know I use to (and still think) trespassing onto private property to take photos or videos of trains was crazy enough, but for someone to come up and ask a person doing their job when a fleet of trains is running just takes the cake here. What's even worse is that the person refused to accept the fact the R32s are not running on the (A) this year. You can't write this stuff anywhere guys. 

Edited by DJ MC
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No he shouldn't calmdown, the man is doing his job and some foamer asks him a question about the swap and he's said its not happening and the foamer can't handle the answer of course he's gonna be irritated, alot of times foamers can be very annoying

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Alright, so which one of you was the guy who came up to me at Jay St last night and asked when the R32's were gonna start running on the (A) again..... and then wouldn't accept my answer when I told you THEY AREN'T.


I think it's about time you plan for a vacation and get away from the hardships of the job for a minute, take a breather. I'm doing that now, a month with pay because I seriously got burnt out from the hectic world of the IT field. I'm serious, no sarcasm in that.


Edit: (Second comment to highlighted post removed) Not going to tolerate being accused of instigating a flame war between transit workers and enthusiasts, not appropriate, and not in my character to do so.

Edited by realizm
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It went something like this.


Me: This is Jay St-Metrotech, transfer to the (F) and cross over for (A) & (C) towards Manhattan

Foamer: Hey when is this equipment gonna start running on the (A) again?

Me: It isn't. This is a (C) local train to Euclid Ave

Foamer: But they did it last summer!

Me: Well they aren't this year. Next stop will be Hoyt-Schemememrmerhorn

Foamer: But they do it every summer! When are they gonna do it?

Me: *ignores him cuz I already answered him twice* Stand clear of the closing doors please!


And realizm, I just took a long vacation (both from work and the message boards) last month. I'm out of vacation days for the year....but yeah, I could use another one already.....

Edited by Snowblock
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It went something like this.


Me: This is Jay St-Metrotech, transfer to the (F) and cross over for (A) & (C) towards Manhattan

Foamer: Hey when is this equipment gonna start running on the (A) again?

Me: It isn't. This is a (C) local train to Euclid Ave

Foamer: But they did it last summer!

Me: Well they aren't this year. Next stop will be Hoyt-Schemememrmerhorn

Foamer: But they do it every summer! When are they gonna do it?

Me: *ignores him cuz I already answered him twice* Stand clear of the closing doors please!


And realizm, I just took a long vacation (both from work and the message boards) last month. I'm out of vacation days for the year....but yeah, I could use another one already.....


Understood. That's why I had to take a month's long break with the forums, and now a vacation from my IT firm because my girlfriend is pregnant. Stress......


Let's all get back on topic guys.

Edited by realizm
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No he shouldn't calmdown, the man is doing his job and some foamer asks him a question about the swap and he's said its not happening and the foamer can't handle the answer of course he's gonna be irritated, alot of times foamers can be very annoying

This post is brought to you by the #realtalk hashtag. ^_^


Y'all foamers/haterz need to recognize.....

Edited by Metro CSW
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It went something like this.


Me: This is Jay St-Metrotech, transfer to the (F) and cross over for (A) & (C) towards Manhattan

Foamer: Hey when is this equipment gonna start running on the (A) again?

Me: It isn't. This is a (C) local train to Euclid Ave

Foamer: But they did it last summer!

Me: Well they aren't this year. Next stop will be Hoyt-Schemememrmerhorn

Foamer: But they do it every summer! When are they gonna do it?

Me: *ignores him cuz I already answered him twice* Stand clear of the closing doors please!


And realizm, I just took a long vacation (both from work and the message boards) last month. I'm out of vacation days for the year....but yeah, I could use another one already.....


We're going to have one disappointed due up in this fandom! LMAO.

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For one thing I'm sort of suprised that the MTA did'nt jump on the swap as quickly as they did like last year. Anyone knows what may be the reasons for the MTA slowing down on the swap this year? Before I left town, I did not see any indication of the start of the R32 swap and that was during that killer heat wave we've had recently (in May). Perhaps this could be having to do with the MTA's focus on overseeing the now official restoration of service to the Rockaways at the end of May?

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It went something like this.


Me: This is Jay St-Metrotech, transfer to the (F) and cross over for (A) & (C) towards Manhattan

Foamer: Hey when is this equipment gonna start running on the (A) again?

Me: It isn't. This is a (C) local train to Euclid Ave

Foamer: But they did it last summer!

Me: Well they aren't this year. Next stop will be Hoyt-Schemememrmerhorn

Foamer: But they do it every summer! When are they gonna do it?

Me: *ignores him cuz I already answered him twice* Stand clear of the closing doors please!


And realizm, I just took a long vacation (both from work and the message boards) last month. I'm out of vacation days for the year....but yeah, I could use another one already.....

You sure that conversation didn't happen with yourself between stops?

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Snowblock and R32 3838 are right. The R32s are normally assigned to the (C) and the (A)(C) car switch only happen twice in the two previous years. They don't "always" do it which is what the said foamer didn't get. The reason being was because the R32s' A/C malfunctioned all the time underground. But now they had already underwent their final rehab, their performances are improving. I guess the said foamer wasn't aware that those remaining 222 R32 passenger cars had just finished their final round of SMS.

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I guess the said foamer wasn't aware that those remaining 222 R32 passenger cars had just finished their final round of SMS.


Does nobody see the irony in sh!tting on a supposed 'foamer' for not knowing enough about the inner workings of the subway system and the car rehab schedules? C'mon....

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Chill with this sh!t people, foamers are annoying but most of the time they're just kids, and that's not worth getting tight over. Grown-ass men it's a different story...


I think the big issue here is not that the guy asked Snowblock but rather than accepting the answer he received he instead proceeded to tell him, a transit employee, how he was "wrong" about the inner workings of HIS OWN transit system. Regardless of your age, it's incredibly immature to do.

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It went something like this.


Me: This is Jay St-Metrotech, transfer to the (F) and cross over for (A) & (C) towards Manhattan

Foamer: Hey when is this equipment gonna start running on the (A) again?

Me: It isn't. This is a (C) local train to Euclid Ave

Foamer: But they did it last summer!

Me: Well they aren't this year. Next stop will be Hoyt-Schemememrmerhorn

Foamer: But they do it every summer! When are they gonna do it?

Me: *ignores him cuz I already answered him twice* Stand clear of the closing doors please!


And realizm, I just took a long vacation (both from work and the message boards) last month. I'm out of vacation days for the year....but yeah, I could use another one already.....

He probably just wanted an RFW out to the Rockaways.


Off topic: Do you pronounce "Schermerhorn" as "Scer-mer-horn"?

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