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I just killed a house centipede. I actually don't mind them in my house at all since they eat other small annoying insects (Ants sometimes make their way in here since my backyard isn't too far). Thou the one I just killed was long and creepy looking. Sorry brotha, you gotta go. Here's a good close up of these little helpers:




I don't kill them. I'll just release them to the wild. However, my mom kinda freaks out when she sees one, so I have to tell her that they're not like roaches.

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Big Ups to you. I couldn't touch the long one's. Therefore a stove, pot, and water comes in handy . B)


Well, I once killed a big roach in my math class when everyone else was to scared to even look at it. :cool: Although when I went to 34th Street to take pictures of the (E), and wanted to take a frontal shot of the (E) at the south end of the southbound platform, I saw a lone dead roach and two other, big ones there. They spooked me, because I'd never seen that specific species of roach before, and I didn't want one crawling up on me. :eek:

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While waiting for the S46 (which showed up early or not at all. Surprisingly, the next bus wasn't too crowded), I saw a guy drive by and start taking pictures of the abandoned house across the street from my school (and some of the other houses on the block).


You gotta admit, it looks different from other abandoned houses. Maybe it's because of the wood frame and the fact that the plywood used almost looks like it's part of the structure. I can't really describe it, so here's a Google Map image: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=40+Innis+Street,+New+York,+NY&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

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I didn't feel like posting a thread about it, but I'm sure someone might:

And note I'm not a radical Peta supporter, but g-d damn, that's a terrible sight over in Ohio now with all those wild animals being shot dead like that. I know the owner was insane in hoarding all of them and then letting them out before killing himself, but why kill the animals? THose animals could've been tranqed and taken to zoos or something. SO friggin terrible.


Ftr, I would feel more sad over the loss of the animal than the person because the animal doesn't know any better and is driven by just instinct.

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Guest lance25

They did try to save as many as possible, but as nighttime set in, they couldn't effectively use the tranquilizer guns, so the shoot to kill order was given. According to the report on CNN.com, the authorities only four tranquilizers and those were brought in by Jack Hanna's team. Four guys with tranqs against over 50 large and potentially dangerous animals, including over 20 lions, 18 tigers and nine bears; the odds were definitely against keeping them alive unfortunately.


As sad as it is that these innocent animals had to die because of the actions of one man due to his mental instability, the people's lives are a higher priority.

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I didn't feel like posting a thread about it, but I'm sure someone might:

And note I'm not a radical Peta supporter, but g-d damn, that's a terrible sight over in Ohio now with all those wild animals being shot dead like that. I know the owner was insane in hoarding all of them and then letting them out before killing himself, but why kill the animals? THose animals could've been tranqed and taken to zoos or something. SO friggin terrible.


Ftr, I would feel more sad over the loss of the animal than the person because the animal doesn't know any better and is driven by just instinct.


LOL... I don't know why, but your post reminds me of the time I was walking up Madison Avenue in the 60s and there were these folks protesting outside of this luxury store because they sold fur coats and such. I chuckled to myself because these few folks (maybe 5 at the most) were behind a "police barricade" as if they were a huge crowd yelling and such and 5 measley people drove away any business that the store hoped to have; at least that day anyway. ;):P

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On sunday nights, of you time it right, you can get into 2 movies for the price of one :(


...Not that I would know anything about that :(


That's almost any theater in the city, and you can see more if you don't mind missing the first few minutes of each movie.

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I can't remember what year Halloween was a Sunday, but I'm glad it was, because all of seven kids came by. From that day until my birthday (November 15) I just kept eating candy from the stuff we couldn't give out.


Hopefully not as many kids go out because Monday is my only day of classes where I get home early enough to get rest.

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