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So I was at Tottenville High School today (or Trashville) to check out the school trippers. I saw a lot of Orion 5s, some Orion Next Gens, and a Nova. The Nova was an S78; the other buses were S55/56/59/74/78s (surprised they have S74s there still). The thing is, that school has SO MANY BUSES at 2:50 dismissal time, like 3-5 buses every route. I think that place is overserved with school trippers, especially since most of those kids don't have their cards.


Some of those runs should be cut.

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So I was at Tottenville High School today (or Trashville) to check out the school trippers. I saw a lot of Orion 5s, some Orion Next Gens, and a Nova. The Nova was an S78; the other buses were S55/56/59/74/78s (surprised they have S74s there still). The thing is, that school has SO MANY BUSES at 2:50 dismissal time, like 3-5 buses every route. I think that place is overserved with school trippers, especially since most of those kids don't have their cards.


Some of those runs should be cut.


lol... Don't let a certain someone hear that... You know transportation should be free. :)



LMAO! It's so true.


But really though I've just about had it...I'm sure you went through that stage in your life when you've decided to drop people like a bad habit. If they're weighing you down and preventing you from making progress then what's the point of keeping them around? In the hope that things work?


I turned my Facebook page off at the moment until further notice because I don't feel like hearing stories about who has issues with who. I could really give a rats ass less. I'm starting to have trust issues all over again with certain people and I'm not putting up with it anymore so time to cut people loose.


Oh yeah I've been there. You'll figure out who your true friends are. I would say I probably have about 5 or so and the rest... To hell with em... lol Nah, but to be honest, I have friends that I haven't seen in years even my really good ones. Finally hung out with one of them twice last year for the first time in like almost 8 years (kid you not). :o Did some drinking and caught up on old times. :cool: Time goes by so fast that there isn't any time for the BS though, so yeah you've gotta cut 'em loose. :cool: :tup:

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Yup yup, and if they don't like it then maybe they shouldn't have been counterproductive in the beginning.


Speaking of old friendships, I remember back in 2008 this girl and I stopped talking to each other. I forgot why, but in 2010 when I visited my old high school for a day I saw her and we greeted each other. I asked what happened two years before and she said I was siding with other people and I ended up turning on her and called her every bad name in the book. I felt bad because of that and I take responsibility for what I did, but we buried the hatchet on that and now we keep in touch on a regular basis.


It's crazy that friendships can be revived after two years of dormancy.

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Yup yup, and if they don't like it then maybe they shouldn't have been counterproductive in the beginning.


Speaking of old friendships, I remember back in 2008 this girl and I stopped talking to each other. I forgot why, but in 2010 when I visited my old high school for a day I saw her and we greeted each other. I asked what happened two years before and she said I was siding with other people and I ended up turning on her and called her every bad name in the book. I felt bad because of that and I take responsibility for what I did, but we buried the hatchet on that and now we keep in touch on a regular basis.


It's crazy that friendships can be revived after two years of dormancy.


lol... Well I tell ya, as you get older, you'll realize that friends are friends no matter how many years its been. My friend Dave and I after 8 years, met in one my sports bars by Herald Sq, starting drinking a few cold ones, and within no time we were laughing it up like back in the old days when were in high school. I still remember when we were all about to go to college and him getting all soft & ish about us all going away and not being a big clan of sorts if you may. I think there was a good 10 - 15 of us that would all get together for Friday afternoons (drinking day after school usually while listening to metal :)) and then we had our core group that would hang out. In a way he's right. We've all gotten older and it's been harder to keep in touch with work, girlfriends, stress and all of the other BS that comes along.

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Since we're on the topic of cfriends and friendships, do you have any stories of a strange way you ever met someone?


Here's one, from back in 2009 when I registered for my first semester in college. It was mid-July, 17 at the time, and after I left CSI, I skateboarded to the mall to hang out in the Apple Store. I stood right next to these two girls who were taking pics with the computers and I was just saying to myself "what in the hell are they doing?" They were laughing and whatnot and then they noticed me giving them looks. One of them asked if I was bothering them but I politely said no and I continued doing what I was doing on the computer (I was actualy on the NYCTF website!). Then one of them decided to turn the computer right at him and take a picture of me, and it came out really bad. I was like "wtf are you doing?" but I tried not to be mean to them. Ended up making my first Staten Island friends lol.


Next story: I was with my friend at CSI and I was editing a video while he lounged around, in December, two weeks before my birthday. Afterwards we skateboarded from CSI to the transit center along the S61 route down Travis Avenue because I needed to buy a MetroCard for the bus. Got on the S79 at the Transit Center (an Orion 7) and we both sit in the back. The stop after the S79 turns on to Hylan Boulevard these two girls got on the bus and they sit not too far from us and were talking to each other. Then my friend somehow joined in on their conversation and then they got me into the conversation. We all talked about skateboarding, working at the mall, school and other stuff. Both of the girls took our boards and were rolling it under their feet, which was no biggie cuz the back of the bus was empty. Even got their numbers before they got off.


I don't know if its just me or that ever since I've "invaded" Staten Island on the regular starting in 2009 I've been making more friends out there than the other boroughs. Some of them have real snobby attitudes, not to mention the girls tend to be the biggest flirts and they have that Staten Island "accent" where they put an 'a' at the end of every sentence (I'm witness to the flirting part because a lot of girls at my job will comment about me in one way or the other, usually about my eye color becuase it's unusual to see a light-skinned kid like me with hazel eyes, and they'll try to make me give them a discount). But weed out the rotten apples and you have some really chill people out here, and almost everyone knows each other because it's not as big of an area population-wise like the outer boroughs.

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LMAO! It's so true.


But really though I've just about had it...I'm sure you went through that stage in your life when you've decided to drop people like a bad habit. If they're weighing you down and preventing you from making progress then what's the point of keeping them around? In the hope that things work?


I turned my Facebook page off at the moment until further notice because I don't feel like hearing stories about who has issues with who. I could really give a rats ass less. I'm starting to have trust issues all over again with certain people and I'm not putting up with it anymore so time to cut people loose.


I don't bother with FB much either. I just skip most comments and my stuff has been ignored for the most part as well. I just have FB for the sake of having it and to maybe keep tabs on people I know/knew. No big deal to me. FB means nothing to me.


Places like this are where I prefer to post, and get a diverse feedback on opinions.



Been spending most of my free time lately playing on my Xbox. Loving Forza 4. So many awesome cars...

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I haggled with it and after two and a half years of watching people brag about how much greater their lives are than mine, I decided to close mine. I tried it last December but had to ask a friend something.


I wanted to get FM4 Wednesday, but I couldn't find it at BB and I wanted the CE. I have the money but with a rough semester ahead, maybe I'll get it after Easter or something.

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lol... Well I tell ya, as you get older, you'll realize that friends are friends no matter how many years its been. My friend Dave and I after 8 years, met in one my sports bars by Herald Sq, starting drinking a few cold ones, and within no time we were laughing it up like back in the old days when were in high school. I still remember when we were all about to go to college and him getting all soft & ish about us all going away and not being a big clan of sorts if you may. I think there was a good 10 - 15 of us that would all get together for Friday afternoons (drinking day after school usually while listening to metal ;)) and then we had our core group that would hang out. In a way he's right. We've all gotten older and it's been harder to keep in touch with work, girlfriends, stress and all of the other BS that comes along.


Yeah, most of the guys I knew from HS I haven't kept touch with at all. First few years after we graduated, we met up a few times, but now hardly even an e-mail. In a way it sucks that 4 years being with each other and we all went our separate ways.


Online friends some I knew from the very start I hardly hear much from them as well. Each new board I am a member of I just 'start over'. In a way it does make me feel a bit jaded about estabilishing long term ties to anyone.


Oh well at least I still have my dog. They were right about pets being the longest 'relationships'. lol!



I haggled with it and after two and a half years of watching people brag about how much greater their lives are than mine, I decided to close mine. I tried it last December but had to ask a friend something.


I wanted to get FM4 Wednesday, but I couldn't find it at BB and I wanted the CE. I have the money but with a rough semester ahead, maybe I'll get it after Easter or something.


If you are talking about the game I mentioned, then hopefully in a few more months the price will go down. I love the game, but $60 was too much. That's why I bought that on black Friday and got it for $34. I probably didn't need to buy it so early, but can't beat almost 50% off.

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Ah, ok. Yeah a mini? If they really wanted to entice ppl it should've like a Viper or Corvette.


I'm a dinosaur about online stuff, but I redeemed a code for an expansion pack - how do I play it? I clicked on the icon, but it says "you already downloaded this". I just want to play the damn thing. It's my main issue with the game. Everything else - love it! Veyron, Konningseg, etc, I just wished over lvl 50 you could choose more cars. I can't afford some $5 mil antique car for one of the events races.

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A good haul this January, got some headphones, new Turtle Beaches, a few games, controllers... but I didn't get any money back ('rents borrowed $300 from me the day after Christmas) from my parents until Wednesday, when I wanted to go out three weeks ago.


Well, my semester's looking up, at least; my Accounting 102 professor, who is one of my favorite instructors, is teaching my last level of the class I need to take, and the instructor who was supposed to teach the class... had a really bad reputation, just for being a godawful teacher.

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For some reason my wi-fi keeps going down only to come back up from anywhere between thirty seconds and thirty minutes. This has been going on since last weekend, when the rain subsided only to give way to 35-40 MPH wind gusts and it's pissing me off, especially when I'm on my XBox and talking with family. I'm just glad I haven't played any multiplayer games while this has been going on.

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lol... Don't let a certain someone hear that... You know transportation should be free. B)


I happened to stumble across this and you know I've complained about schools having excess trippers, including my own.


And what does this have to do with free transportation anyway? Like I said plenty of times, if you have a whole bus full of people who aren't paying (even if they dipped in a Student MetroCard) then why should they be given all that space?

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I happened to stumble across this and you know I've complained about schools having excess trippers, including my own.


And what does this have to do with free transportation anyway? Like I said plenty of times, if you have a whole bus full of people who aren't paying (even if they dipped in a Student MetroCard) then why should they be given all that space?


LMAO... But I thought you said it didn't matter because the (MTA) pays for it anyway??? :confused: You know you don't make much sense at all. You support farebeating which takes away from the (MTA), but you're frugal with everything else transit related. Cut any thing that looks like "excess service", but let people farebeat and steal from the system. LOL Tell me exactly what farebeaters contribute to making the system cheaper??


Yep,I live by the ferry though,so that means I don't have relied on any express or local buses,even though I live right by the 42/52 route.


LOL... Well I'm no longer a Staten Island resident, enjoy.

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LMAO... But I thought you said it didn't matter because the (MTA) pays for it anyway??? :confused: You know you don't make much sense at all. You support farebeating which takes away from the (MTA), but you're frugal with everything else transit related. Cut any thing that looks like "excess service", but let people farebeat and steal from the system. LOL Tell me exactly what farebeaters contribute to making the system cheaper??



What are you talking about "they pay for it anyway"? The MTA doesn't have to run all of those buses to accomodate all of those students. They can accomodate them using fewer buses, as LRG said.


So let me get this straight: You support running excess service for farebeaters, right? Because I guarantee you half of the students don't dip it in, and the other half are getting a free ride anyway "on the backs of the taxpayers".

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What are you talking about "they pay for it anyway"? The MTA doesn't have to run all of those buses to accomodate all of those students. They can accomodate them using fewer buses, as LRG said.


So let me get this straight: You support running excess service for farebeaters, right? Because I guarantee you half of the students don't dip it in, and the other half are getting a free ride anyway "on the backs of the taxpayers".


I didn't say anything about supporting excess service for farebeaters because as far as I'm concerned they shouldn't get any service, period. You know exactly what I'm referring to and it isn't excess service for farebeaters either. I was referring to you advocating slashing service while supporting farebeating.


As for the they pay for it anyway, you said that not me remember?? B)

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I didn't say anything about supporting excess service for farebeaters because as far as I'm concerned they shouldn't get any service, period. You know exactly what I'm referring to and it isn't excess service for farebeaters either. I was referring to you advocating slashing service while supporting farebeating.


As for the they pay for it anyway, you said that not me remember?? B)


So either way they should run fewer buses (in this particular instance where everybody's farebeating).


I don't see what you're trying to prove with that statement. You say "Oh he thinks transportation should be free" and somehow that means I support having all of those excess trippers around.


And yes, I know I said that but I honestly don't see how it applies to this discussion. :confused: The MTA is running a bunch of extra service for those students, so they're not "paying for it anyway". Its not like it costs the same whether you have fewer or more buses: More buses = higher costs.

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The MTA should create an airlines division and name it MTA New York City Airlines...the tail of the plane would have a huge MTA logo on it and the plane would be wrapped with vinyl decals and such. Fares will vary based on distance traveled. Lollllllllllllllllllll

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So either way they should run fewer buses (in this particular instance where everybody's farebeating).


I don't see what you're trying to prove with that statement. You say "Oh he thinks transportation should be free" and somehow that means I support having all of those excess trippers around.


And yes, I know I said that but I honestly don't see how it applies to this discussion. :confused: The MTA is running a bunch of extra service for those students, so they're not "paying for it anyway". Its not like it costs the same whether you have fewer or more buses: More buses = higher costs.


Well that's funny. You're oh so concerned about the cost of running more buses because it costs more, but you have no concern about the lost monies from farebeating. Makes absolutely NO sense at all. None. :tdown:

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