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Ironically enough, in Nigahiga's parody video of Justin Bieber that exact quote was said!


A lot of people I know are Bieber or One direction fanatics or Twilight fangirls. Let me tell you right now, the concept of foaming is not exclusive to Transit!!!

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So I finally ended up choosing which classes i'm going to try and take at the high school....


English 9H

World History AP

Geometry 1

Earth Science

Spanish 2 Honors

Introduction To Energy And Robotics (Alternate Days)

Transportation Systems (Alternate Days)

Design And Drawing For Production (Pre-Engineering)

and of course, gym and lab. That's not bad for the first year right?


Also, I looked into it, and at the rate i'm going at I should have 7 college credits for Math by the time I graduate the high....

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So I finally ended up choosing which classes i'm going to try and take at the high school....


English 9H

World History AP

Geometry 1

Earth Science

Spanish 2 Honors

Introduction To Energy And Robotics (Alternate Days)

Transportation Systems (Alternate Days)

Design And Drawing For Production (Pre-Engineering)

and of course, gym and lab. That's not bad for the first year right?


Also, I looked into it, and at the rate i'm going at I should have 7 college credits for Math by the time I graduate the high....

In my Bloomberg gringo accent... Muy bien chico... Espannnyolll dos...   :lol: 

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Don't think I posted this here, but yesterday I threw a bunch of play money off the top floor of the Queens Center Mall and got it all on video. Got some real good reactions, and hopefully I'll be able to get the video up soon.


I didn't even realize it, but when I threw the money there was a mall cop literally right next to where I was, and he wasn't too happy. But, I outran him out of the mall and into Macy's and he turned around, don't know what he did after though.

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So the new Popeyes restaurant is open on Utica and Fillmore. The burger kings is still there as well. I couldn't see much from outside, but the original kitchen of bk is still in the same place, while the kitchen for Popeyes is in the area the tables used to be. so they have separate kitchens instead of being like a mix or an extended kitchen. Both restaurants uses the same entrance and the Popeyes has, from what I could see, a few more tables. So yeah, bk is still there but it just gets mad smaller and smaller by the years.

Edited by Grand Concourse
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f**king a**hole....


This is the last time i'm doing a favor for ANYBODY. This OCD kid in my class keeps asking me if he can organize my stuff (which i'm not gonna lie, was messy) so since it's the holidays, and I know he's gonna do it anyways when i'm in the bathroom or something (btw, i'm referring to my stuff at school incase you couldn't figure it out) so I say go ahead, but DON'T THROW ANYTHING OUT. And just to make sure he didn't, I specifically got my friend who also wanted to do it, to watch over him. Also, i'm making sure to stand in a corner of the room, so that I can see them, and do other stuff at the same time. (It's the last day of school before break, so the teacher didn't assign us anything, and everybody bought in food and what not.) So anyways, they're done, and I see this pile of papers in the sink, and i'm like "Guys, WTF?", and they're like "Oh, that's just stiff we couldn't figure out where it went. Don't worry we were gonna put it back." Then later that day, I can't find the extra credit I wanted to hand in, and I realize, it's THEM. So I start yelling at him, and he's like "We only threw out a few blank papers", and this got me even more enraged, because he's admitting he they threw stuff out. Oh, and the other one (my friend) is saying she didn't throw out anything, even tough my other friend, who was sitting there says she saw them throw stuff out. Now, let's jump to a few days ago. I find more stuff that's missing, and now he starts saying he didn't throw out anything, even tough he already admitted it. But in both of those situations, I finished the work in less than 15 minutes, so I didn't rage or anything. Now today....

I'm making up reeally old assignments, and I realize, "Wait a minute. They aren't here." That's when I realize. Yeah, you could say it's just one assingment, and I could always get it from the teacher again, but they were all over half done, are old assignments, and one teacher probably won't give me that assignment, because I slipped a little bit in her class last quarter, and she'll say i'm a horrible student and all that jazz, while the other won't because it's a reading log, and that I wouldn't remember what I read, or i'd be making it up. Oh, and of course, these assignments could single handedly decide if I get into AP/Honors next year. So you know what, even tough I'm normally a nice person, I am going to mentally degrade him until he cries. And the other one.... I don't even know what i'm going to do with her yet....

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