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Presenting the Charleston Depot Logo...

The Real

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I know why they chose the SI-NJ bridge shape, 2 stars 2 bridges & the setting sun...


They are not long to live, the PA has plans to build a replacement for both. I believe the record setting landmark bayonne bridge, which is holding up much better will get jacked up vs removed.


Why you ask?






So there you have it.


- A

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Um, Mods, You are welcome for the use of my photo(s) for your avatars......


Does it really matter seeing that they're being used as recreational purposes?


Yes we appreciate the fact you uploaded the photo for us in addition to your website but the sticker is the MTA's and not yours.


I'm not coming off like a smart ass so I apologize in advance if I am in your eyes but we're only using the image for a harmless avatar....

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Does it really matter seeing that they're being used as recreational purposes?


Yes we appreciate the fact you uploaded the photo for us in addition to your website but the sticker is the MTA's and not yours.


I'm not coming off like a smart ass so I apologize in advance if I am in your eyes but we're only using the image for a harmless avatar....


Let me not come off like a smart ass Leroy, but the generation behind me sucks in terms of respect of intellectual property. I have to get permission from my contacts before posting certain photos or information, right? Ok, it encompass the same rules when it comes to work i've done.


To put it in reality, yes someone else could've easily gone out there and shot the logo and just posted it up and that would've been cool, However, that was not the case here, After getting wind from my contacts that the logos would start showing up on the buses, I went out there, froze my nuggets off waiting for a bus to show up with the logo, shot the photo THEN made my trek home (living in Westchester County, not a easy one from Lower Manhattan), uploaded the photo, put the photo in photoshop to omit the fact that it was taken off the side of an MCI and for it to be clean so you guys can see it clearly, THEN uploaded and posted the photo. I would think that in terms of the work put in to present this logo to you guys could be a little more respected.


Yes the Logo is MTA property, HOWEVER the photo was my property, get it? Its just like if I took the vector graphics here (thanks to Lilbluefoxie for the work he did on those) and made them avatars on another forum without permission, I'd be DEAD wrong. It's like any graphic presented on my own website from another property, I have to cover my assets and get permission to twek or post certain logos.


Its the respect of ones work, thats all I ever ask for from this community. So is it clear now why I made my comment? I should not have had to delve that deep to make my comment transparent.


It's a simple, "Hey, Trevor can I use that to make it an avatar?" Thats all, and 9 times out of 10, I'd be like sure, go for it. Let me be clear, I'm not a hard-ass, just want the respect, I work far too hard to not deserve it, thats all.


And to the mods, don't go locking this thread, because honestly this is a subject matter that actually needs an intelligent debate/conversation on.

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Let me not come off like a smart ass Leroy, but the generation behind me sucks in terms of respect of intellectual property. I have to get permission from my contacts before posting certain photos or information, right? Ok, it encompass the same rules when it comes to work i've done.


To put it in reality, yes someone else could've easily gone out there and shot the logo and just posted it up and that would've been cool, However, that was not the case here, After getting wind from my contacts that the logos would start showing up on the buses, I went out there, froze my nuggets off waiting for a bus to show up with the logo, shot the photo THEN made my trek home (living in Westchester County, not a easy one from Lower Manhattan), uploaded the photo, put the photo in photoshop to omit the fact that it was taken off the side of an MCI and for it to be clean so you guys can see it clearly, THEN uploaded and posted the photo. I would think that in terms of the work put in to present this logo to you guys could be a little more respected.


Yes the Logo is MTA property, HOWEVER the photo was my property, get it? Its just like if I took the vector graphics here (thanks to Lilbluefoxie for the work he did on those) and made them avatars on another forum without permission, I'd be DEAD wrong. It's like any graphic presented on my own website from another property, I have to cover my assets and get permission to twek or post certain logos.


Its the respect of ones work, thats all I ever ask for from this community. So is it clear now why I made my comment? I should not have had to delve that deep to make my comment transparent.


It's a simple, "Hey, Trevor can I use that to make it an avatar?" Thats all, and 9 times out of 10, I'd be like sure, go for it. Let me be clear, I'm not a hard-ass, just want the respect, I work far too hard to not deserve it, thats all.


And to the mods, don't go locking this thread, because honestly this is a subject matter that actually needs an intelligent debate/conversation on.


You're 100% on the ball and I respect the fact that you went out there to get a photo of the sticker for us. Yes I think the mods should have asked you if it was alright to use your image upload. If I were in your shoes though my reaction would have probably been different simply because the images weren't being used by the mods to make money which wouldn't be fair to you. Yes I remember that incident with the MTA in which you said they photoshopped your Metro-North Genesis shot and yeah I would be livid if that was my photo as well.


A little courtesy does go a long way so I hope the situation between you and the mods is cleared up over the depot stickers as well as between you and me. :cool:

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Just do me the favor Mr. Logan and don't ever PM me again telling me "to avoid problems" because problems with you is the last thing I'm worried about. Next time I'll tell you to take your damn image and stick it you know where.


P.S. From now on keep your damn depot logos to yourself.

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Just do me the favor Mr. Logan and don't ever PM me again telling me "to avoid problems" because problems with you is the last thing I'm worried about. Next time I'll tell you to take your damn image and stick it you know where.


P.S. From now on keep your damn depot logos to yourself.



You got it! You won't have have to worry about that at all. As a matter of fact, do us both a favor, close out my account here and Have a nice day, Harry! and to LRG, I'll see you on the train sunday hopefully, we can enjoy the last two weekends!

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